

Tuesday October 1st, 2013

Here is a great article about reflecting. There is a reflection sheet for students to fill out that you can click on, and it is very informative for teachers. I know several of you are also doing data notebooks this year. You could use this with your data notebooks. In the lower grades you could pick one or two questions, and discuss as a whole class. Everyday is an opportunity for a new day.

Tuesday is teaming for all grade levels. We will have all certified teachers involved. That includes Title 1, ESL, and Special Ed. It's a day of patience and flexibility for intervention groups.

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Monday September 30th, 2013

Duties for the week:

     AM Bus: Jacobson
     PM Bus:  Garcia
     Lounge: Simmons

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 30th, 2013, Monday- RTI

   October 1st, 2013, Tuesday- Teaming Meetings for All Grade Levels

   October 2nd, 2013, Wednesday- WISE Team 1/2 day AM

   October 3rd-4th- No school

If you are still looking for something on October 3rd and 4th please come see me. I can send you a list of conferences that are occurring on those two days.

Anne made copies for you of the upcoming parenting class that is sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club. Free dinner, free child care, and they can get the class fee back at the end. You can add the flyer to your classroom blogs and emails that you send families. Here is the form in a pdf document:

Parenting Class Flyer

We are into October!



Friday September 27th, 2013

Picture Day! Yes, we even need staff to have their pictures taken.

Here is a great handout with tips for parent teacher conferences. There is a new handout each month, and I've been putting them on the school website under posts. This one for October has helpful tips that are great for any meetings, not just conferences, that parents/guardians have with you during the school year.

Parent-Teacher Conferences in English

Parent-Teacher Conferences in Spanish

Anne took some great pictures of students reading in the library. These are first graders from Mrs. Moulson's classroom. We are growing readers at Harrison! I love the respect and rapport, the positive interactions between the students. We have great kids!


Thursday September 26th, 2013

Please remind students that the library bookmobile will be at Harrison after school. It will be in front of the school. They do need a library card, but they can sign up for one there if they have an adult with them.

Please remind students that picture day is Friday.

We have a ping pong table donated from Canyon Ridge. It is on the stage. Lesa is working on putting together pictures that show how to play and a list rules for ping pong, so students can refer to them when they are playing. Could be used as an incentive, like with Kambra or other small groups.

I was in fourth grade classrooms on Wednesday. It was really impressive seeing fourth graders learning and discussing properties of operations, from the common core math standards. Commutative and associative properties! Great work fourth grade!

Paris in Ms. Hammond’s 5th grade class was a photographer for the Read Like an Eagle assembly on Tuesday! She took pictures with an iPad! Here are the photos, and you can click on them to make them bigger:


Wednesday September 25th, 2013

I have the master schedule filled in. Talk with Lesa if you need help printing to the color printer in the lab. File, download, and then you can print after it opens in Excel. I also added it to the schedules tab, so you can refer to it anytime.

If you are interesting in Curves and what they offer, they will have a meeting in the library after school at 3:45.



Tuesday September 24th, 2013

Tuesday is a busy day. We have hearing and vision screenings. There is a staff potluck at lunch. We also have the Read Like an Eagle assembly at 1pm.

Under links on the blog, you can submit something you would like posted. Way to go Marsha filling out the google form! We all work with fifth graders- not just the fifth grade teachers. We can all help remind the students about recorders. Below is the note from Marsha:

"All fifth grade students should have a recorder by next week. They will need one every week until spring break. Please ask your students to find them, and bring to school this week. If they can't find theirs from last year, or they are new to our building, they can purchase one for $6-or they can write a note, have a parent sign it, and I will loan them one."

We had a great data day meeting integrated with technology, and hopefully you also learned some new digital tools to use in your classroom with students. Enjoy the pictures of staff using their iPads during the meeting:

Data Day September 23rd, 2013

It's going to be a great day for data discussions! We'll be starting at 8am in the library with an opening activity by Anne. Here is the agenda in a padlet page that you can refer to during the meeting, and I'll add it to the documents page so you can refer to it anytime:

Data Day Agenda, with links/resources

Question #1

Question #2

Common Core ELA Instructional Shifts:


Common Core Math Instructional Shifts:


Monday September 23rd, 2013

Duties for the week:

     AM Bus: Goodwin
     PM Bus:  Hammond
     Lounge: Gillette

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 23rd, 2013, Monday- No School for students/Data Day

   September 24th, 2013, Tuesday- Hearing/Vision Screening
                K/1- hearing
                K/1/3/5- vision

   September 24th, 2013, Tuesday- Staff Potluck

   September 24th, 2013, Tuesday- Read Like An Eagle Assembly 1pm

   September 25th, 2013, Wednesday- Eval team

I will post the agenda for Data Day Monday morning. I have it on a padlet page with links and resources. The focus is data, with the links and resources all on one page so you can look through them later. For Data Day on Monday, please bring:

   1. iPad
   2. Harrison staff blog website bookmarked on your iPad, to access the padlet page easily
   3. Pen/pencil and paper to take notes, or take notes on your iPad
   4. Password for Schoolnet. 


Friday September 20th, 2013

We received in the mail today 115 box tops from St. Luke's billing services. They had been collecting them during the summer, and then divided them between 18 local schools. The note said 'thank you for all you do.'  What a nice thing to do!

Kiwi Loco for one dollar, data day on Monday, no staff meeting on the 25th, and it's Friday!



Thursday September 19th, 2013

You probably have already started the reminders. Please remind students that we have no school on Monday. We'll do a phone call out as well.

PTA will have Kiwi Loco cups for sale on Friday for one dollar each. They will collect the money in the morning and then pass them out at the end of the day. Mindi said she ordered several. She will be by the front door after school to sell any that are left over.

Colder Fall weather is starting to arrive. Please let Anne or I know if you notice any students that could use help with coats, gloves, or even warmer clothes and shoes.


Wednesday September 18th, 2013

The WISE team is meeting after school in the library.

I added a PTA google calendar to the calendar tab. Mindy made the calendar just for staff, so you could look at it anytime you have a question about a PTA item. 

The Twin Falls Library started the bookmobile again this week. The Fall session will go until the first part of December. I added all the stops that were in the Harrison boundaries to the school google calendar on the school website.

I love that the bookmobile has a stop after school at Harrison on Thursdays and it will go to the Rivercrest and Fawnbrook apartments on Saturdays. We have several students that live in those apartments. Please talk with your students about the bookmobile.

As we are learning and implementing the Leader in Me this year, even the preschool students are learning to be leaders. Here is a picture of Joe and Devin helping to bring breakfast items back to their classroom. Even three and four year olds can be leaders!

I was in the fifth grade classrooms on Tuesday and saw students completing gallery walks collaboratively with a partner that were a great example of ELA common core standards. The learning targets were ELA-Literacy.L.5.5c, antonyms and synonyms, and ELA-Literacy.W.5.3a, about writing narratives and orienting the reader about the characters. Here are pictures from the gallery walk where fifth graders were discussing antonyms and synonyms for their writing papers about super heros. Way to go fifth grade!


Tuesday September 17th, 2013

Next week on Tuesday the 24th, we will have the Read Like an Eagle assembly with athletes from CSI. I turned the flyer into a book, since the theme is reading. You can share the book with your class between now and the assembly. Have the sound on for cool page turning sounds, click on read, and turn the pages at the bottom.

StoryJumper doesn't work well with iPads due to the flash. You can download something like the Puffin browser app. Other website ideas for making books with your class are storybird or flipsnack.

Read Like an Eagle Book

I put a post on the school website letting parents know that we are always taking donated clothes in the office, particularly pants and socks.  Sometimes milk spills at lunch, a student decides to be the first to go down the slide at recess after it has rained, or other accidents.You can cut and paste the post right into your school newsletter, classroom blog, or group email to your parents.

Mrs. Enders has started a second grade blog for her classroom!

Blog for Mrs. Enders

And lastly some entertainment for your day. I brought home a bag of stuff from helping my dad clean out his garage. My school report cards, school pictures, other items, and this math paper from first grade. Yes, it says to only circle groups of ten. No surprise I was doing my own thing thinking outside of the box. Looks just like math we are teaching kids right now, and my handwriting hasn't changed at all.


Monday September 16th, 2013

Duties for the week:

     AM Bus: Jensen
     PM Bus:  Anderson
     Lounge:   Nail

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 17th, 2013- Constitution Day (Please remember to include in lesson plans)

   September 23rd, 2013- No School/Data Day

I added the special ed referral form to documents, so you can access anytime. Download, and then open right in Word. You can then type right onto the document.

Special Ed referral form

I made a handout to show you where the common core resources are in Discovery Ed. We will also go through this at an upcoming staff meeting. Khrista and I can also help you one on one, just come see one of us.

You need to log into Schoolnet first, and then the directions will walk you through how to access items. We know there are limited resources, like in math, for certain standards. Discovery Ed has several links, videos, resources to print out, and assessment questions. It looks really good! I added screen shots and red arrows to the step by step directions:

Common Core in Discovery Ed 


Friday September 13th, 2013

It's Friday!

PTA meeting is at 11:40. The school lunch is provided for any parents that attend the meeting.

If students brought back permission forms for the Friday food bags, please put them either in my box or bring to the office.

Please remember to bring your students to their block class on time, as well as pick them up on time. The block teachers are amazing in what they can cover in such a small amount of time. When students are brought late or picked up late, it really is an inconvenience and not fair to the next class of students.

An update on schoolnet. You should be able to log into schoolnet. You just might not see all of your student data, or you might be listed under your last Idaho school/district if you are new. The next upload is October 15th, and all the new information should be available after that.



Thursday September 12th, 2013

Please remember to watch the powerpoint about what every employee should know. Linda has the actual certificate for you to sign in the office. I added the powerpoint to the documents tab so you can refer back to it at anytime during the school year.

Let Chris know if your door is not working with the new safety latches, or if you need that clear sticky so we don't ruin the doors. I know some doors are having difficulty because of the swamp coolers blowing air. Knowing which rooms will help to address the concerns.

The volunteer forms are in the office. Some parents/guardians may have already been approved. In your email you can go to public folders, then human relations, and then to the list of approved volunteers. See Anne or I if you need helping finding that.

Remember that insurance changes are due Thursday to the district office.

I'm going to be at an ISEE/Schoolnet training Thursday and Friday at Canyon Ridge. Just email if you need anything.


Wednesday September 11th, 2013

We have a staff meeting after school. We have several new people this year, so we'll be going through a few items so we are all on the same page- like RTI.

For those that might not know, we have a sign out clipboard in the office for staff. If you leave the building, like for lunch, that helps us to know where you are if we need to find you.

Friday is the monthly PTA meeting, at 11:40. We do provide lunch, the school lunch, for parents that attend. If you are doing a newsletter, mass email for your class, or a blog- that would be great to post. We have a great PTA and would love more people to be involved.

Please note that we will have a potluck lunch on the same day as the hearing/vision screening, Tuesday the 24th. It's our thank you to all the volunteers that help with the screenings.



Tuesday September 10th, 2013

We haven't been given our monthly Friday food bag allotment, but I do have the new permission forms. We have about 35 students recommended, so I'll bring permission forms around for you to send home with those students. Even if we can't serve every one of those students, we probably could at least send one bag per family. Here are two hand outs to better explain the program, and to help you identify students who could benefit:

PowerPoint Explaining Food Bag Program

Checklist for Identifying Students

Next week is Constitution Day on Tuesday September 17th. You can find resources on google, but here is one with links from the department of education:

Constitution Day Resources

I saw this letter from a Sandy Hook parent, written to teachers. It was on Twitter free the other day, but I put it in a google doc in case you don't have an account. It could be written to all staff members in a school, especially here at Harrison. Be prepared to shed a few tears:

Letter to Teachers



Monday September 9th, 2013

Duties for the week:
     AM Bus: Sweet
                  Bloxham/Dickinson (PE/Music share)
     PM Bus:  Bloxham/Dickinson (PE/Music share)
     Lounge:   Hall

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

     Wednesday September 11th- Staff Meeting

On Monday Chris and I will be at the Herrett Center/CSI for a training on our WISE tool, school improvement plan. We really want to raise our star rating, so we will take any help and ideas that are offered. Feel free to email us if you need anything. Amy K. will be available for any urgent needs. 

Please let me know if you have any students who you think might need a 504 or care plan.

I've emailed everybody with a student that is migrant, homeless, has a 504, or other significant needs. If you think you should have received an email, please let me know so we can check on that child.

Let me know if you are still not able to log in to Schoolnet and Milepost. That is a great place to start to better know the students in your classroom. Some have asked for ISAT scores that are missing from the new students. Just email me the name and I can do some searching, or even call the previous school.


Friday September 6th, 2013

We have a new phone call out system that works right with Powerschool. I worked with Jim this morning to set up an automated call each morning for any students who are marked unverified. I won't need to set it up with it being automatic now, yay! It is set to go at 9:15 am. Please make sure attendance is entered by that time, and that tardy students have been changed from being absent.

Please also remember not to mark students ETY. It doesn't transfer to the report cards and tardies will not be correct. Use just the regular tardy, and you can add a comment if you would like. You can enter the time they came or why they were late, such as for a dentist visit.

Please talk with students about being charged for milk. This is really common. Even if they are free lunch students, they will be charged for milk if that is all they are taking. This happens when they have a cold lunch, and then want a milk. They need to take the whole meal to avoid being charged.

Enjoy this picture of student art work from the fair: