

Tuesday December 1st, 2020

As we start December, we also start a new monthly family involvement activity. We have lovely snow people being decorated at home. Look for them around the school as we hang them in hallways, classrooms, and around the front entrance. 

December can be a hard month in a normal year. It is especially hard right now for many families, from employment, paying rent, sick family members, and in other ways. Thank you for ensuring that all of our staff members and kids see and experience joy and happiness this holiday season. 

Thought for today:


Monday November 30th, 2020

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   November 30th, 2020- Monday- Eval team

   November 30th, 2020- Monday- A Group and Early Release at 11:30 am
   November 30th, 2020- Monday- Preschool- Only PM students attend, their regular time

   November 30th, 2020- Monday- Food drive starts, to refill school pantry

   December 1st, 2020- Tuesday- A Group 
   December 1st, 2020- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   December 2nd, 2020- Wednesday- B Group

   December 2nd, 2020- Wednesday- Readers of the Month- B Group

   December 2nd, 2020- Wednesday- Staff meeting- video

   December 3rd, 2020- Thursday- A Group

   December 3rd, 2020- Thursday- Readers of the Month- A Group

   December 3rd, 2020- Thursday- Friday Fun- Wear Ugly Sweaters or Pajamas- A Group

   December 3rd, 2020- Thursday- Candy Cane sale, 50 cents each- A Group

   December 4th, 2020- Friday- B Group

   December 4th, 2020- Friday- Friday Fun- Wear Ugly Sweaters or Pajamas- B Group

   December 4th, 2020- Friday- Candy Cane sale, .50 cents each- B Group

Next week:

   November 23rd-27th, 2020- No School for students- Thanksgiving Break

   December 7th, 2020- Hour of Code starts- virtual week of activities

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Kelly- Habit 6: Synergize

Next week: Yarbrough- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

Block Schedule in Orange- We are in week 3

We start the holiday season when we return after Thanksgiving. Thought for today:


Friday November 20th, 2020

We have B group students today. Their return day is Wednesday December 2nd. It's really important that they have learning materials and assignments sent home today, for the days they will be learning at home. 

Today is Thanksgiving part two. We start the day with our monthly leadership assembly. We then have a yummy Thanksgiving lunch. 

Have a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving break. Please reach out if you need anything. We have staff who would be happy to check in via a phone call, text, or video chat if you need anything over the break. Thought for today:


Thursday November 19th, 2020

We have A group students today.

Today is Thanksgiving part one. We start the day with our monthly leadership assembly. 

I really appreciate our kitchen staff. There was no hesitation when asked to cook Thanksgiving lunch two days in a row. There are some years where school is where I have Thanksgiving, like this year. For many families, both kids and staff, traveling and spending time with family members is not an option this year. A big thank you to our kitchen staff for ensuring that every student and staff member gets to eat a yummy Thanksgiving meal. Please let the kitchen know if you would like a yummy meal so they can plan. 

Thought for today:


Wednesday November 18th, 2020

We have B group students today.

Staying organized, both for staff and students, is a regular task during a normal day. Add in Covid and hybrid learning, and organization plays an even greater significance for everybody. Add in all the supportive people that are trying to assist students, from paras, to child care, grandparents, and other important people. Organization and communication are really important right now. Who knew we would be helping students organize and read their email. There are great tips discussed in this post:

Organized During Hybrid

Thought for today:


Tuesday November 17th, 2020

We have A group students today.

This school year has been hard in many ways. Whether a teacher, support staff, a parent, or a guardian. This article is long, but you could also skim and look at the pictures. We can all relate. Know that you are not alone. Know that we are all growing and learning, even the students. From grandparents assisting, learning in a hotel, technology struggles, rearranging the home for at home learning, trying to assist students during hybrid, and more:

School During Covid

As we moved toward Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays that you may celebrate- remember joy and gratitude. Thought for today:


Monday November 16th, 2020

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   November 16th, 2020- Monday- Eval team

   November 16th, 2020- Monday- B Group and Early Release at 11:30 am
   November 16th, 2020- Monday- Preschool- Only AM students attend, their regular time

   November 17th, 2020- Tuesday- A Group 
   November 17th, 2020- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   November 18th, 2020- Wednesday- B Group

   November 19th, 2020- Thursday- A Group

   November 19th, 2020- Thursday- Staff Preventative Health option- room #17

   November 19th, 2020- Thursday- November leadership assembly- A group

   November 19th, 2020- Thursday- Thanksgiving lunch- A group

   November 19th, 2020- Staff Lighthouse- 3:15 pm- video

   November 20th, 2020- Friday- B Group

   November 20th, 2020- Friday- November leadership assembly- B group

   November 20th, 2020- Friday- Thanksgiving lunch- B group

Next week:

   November 23rd-27th, 2020- No School for students- Thanksgiving Break

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Khatewoda- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Next week: Kelly- Habit 6: Synergize

Block Schedule in Orange- We are in week 2

Pictures this week include activities over a two week period. We have activities spread out over a few days right now. We are on a hybrid schedule. We have sick or isolating students. We have full days trying to get students caught up. When students show up and decide it's their day to dress up for an activity or their day to be recognized for a success, we take it. We have preschool pictures, kindergarten learning how to take their Wonders test online, dressing up as future careers, and more:

Thought for today:


Friday November 13th, 2020

We start the morning with a new certified staff check in. Our first year teachers last year had a spring that made their first year one to never forget. New staff this year have experienced that same craziness. Here's to hoping that we have a better new year in a month or so. We could all appreciate some calm in our lives. 

Have a great weekend. Thought for today:


Thursday November 12th, 2020

We have the A group today. Their return day is next Tuesday. Please make sure they have learning materials for their days at home. 

Thought for today:


Wednesday November 11th, 2020

We have a staff meeting after school, via video. Let's try to start by 3:15. 

Please help remind students to dress for the colder weather. We have community resources for coats. 

Thought for today:


Tuesday November 10th, 2020

This is a quick video that gives ideas for reading facial expressions when wearing a mask. It can be hard with a mask, but with practice, students can learn:

Emotions Behind Masks

Thought for today:


Monday November 9th, 2020

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   November 9th, 2020- Monday- Eval team

   November 9th, 2020- Monday- A Group and Early Release at 11:30 am
   November 9th, 2020- Monday- Preschool- Only PM students attend, their regular time

   November 10th, 2020- Tuesday- A Group 
   November 10th, 2020- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   November 10th, 2020- Tuesday- Wear college shirts/sweatshirts- A group

   November 10th, 2020- Tuesday- Readers of the Month- A group

   November 11th, 2020- Wednesday- B Group

   November 11th, 2020- Wednesday- Wear college shirts/sweatshirts- B group

   November 11th, 2020- Wednesday- Readers of the Month- B group

   November 11th, 2020- Wednesday- Staff Meeting- video

   November 12th, 2020- Thursday- A Group

   November 13th, 2020- Friday- B Group

   November 13th, 2020- Friday- New certified staff check in- 7:35 am- video

Next week:

   November 19th, 2020- Staff Preventative Health option

   November 19th, 2020- November leadership assembly- A group

   November 19th, 2020- Thanksgiving Lunch- A group- no outside adults

   November 20th, 2020- November leadership assembly- B group

   November 20th, 2020- Thanksgiving Lunch- B group- no outside adults

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Rodriguez- Habit 4: Think win win

Next week: Khatewoda- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understodd

Block Schedule in Orange- We are in week 1

We can all relate to this post:

Thought for today:



Friday November 6th, 2020

We have B group students today. They will return next Wednesday. Please make sure they have learning activities, online and or packets, for Monday and Tuesday. This is really important. This could even include stem activities and supplies. If you need any materials or ideas, please let us know in the office. 

We have stem color your own papers for our monthly sale today. We also have Friday fun- dress as your future career. 

Thought for today:


Thursday November 5th, 2020

We have A group students today. 

We have Friday fun today- Dress as your future career.

We have our monthly sale today: STEM color your own papers. These are great for at home learning, exposing students to future careers, and are perfect so students have something to do at home during this crazy time.

As we are home more, and trying not to be in groups, this post might have ideas for activities you could complete at home. Feel free to email your hobbies. You might find a new friend and you could check in with each other via a google meet. That common interest and check in could be a great positive boost to your day:

Screen Free Hobbies

Let's move on to Christmas. You have to have Macy's during the holiday season. Last year I was in New York and was able to experience their main store, antique wooden escalators, and holiday festivities. Fun times. For a city kid, I was at home in Manhattan. Here is a great Macy's activity every year. This is also a great positive activity for our kids:

Believe- Letters to Santa

Lately, I live in pajamas when not at school. I even bought new pajamas. Thought for today:


Wednesday November 4th, 2020

We have B group students today.

We have grade level teaming today, via video. We will also have door prizes throughout the day. Be listening for your name. We need positives right now. 

I love this video. We have always had morning meetings built into our daily schedule. This is from the Responsive Classroom program. This is a great way to build community and rapport, while also developing important social and emotional skills. As we have students learning at home, we have to be creative with how we continue building community. We also want all students to know we are thinking about them, wanting them to stay connected to their classroom. A video message might be a way to check in:

Staying Connected

Thought for today:


November 3rd, 2020

We have A group students today. 

It is Election Day. Please find time today to vote. 


We've started our monthly family involvement activity for November. A big thank you to first grade, Sorensen, and Mr. Anderson for leading this month. Look around classrooms and hallways for turkeys in disguises, to avoid being eaten. 

With Winter approaching, it is hygge season. There is also much to be thankful for during this time. Thought for today: