

Monday May 3rd, 2021

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   May 3rd-7th, 2021- Monday-Friday- Staff Appreciation week

   May 3rd, 2021- Monday- Eval team- via video

   May 3rd, 2021- Monday- School sale during morning recess: Spencer and Lancaster

   May 4th, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   May 4th, 2021- Tuesday- 3rd/4th/5th Math ISAT for in person students

   May 5th, 2021- Wednesday- 3rd/5th Math ISAT for online students- room #14

   May 5th, 2021- Wednesday- School sale during morning recess: 
                                                                                   Kelly, Khatewoda, & Rodriguez

   May 5th, 2021- Wednesday- School sale during afternoon recess: 
                                                                                   Neilson PM, Thomason, & Yarbrough

   May 5th, 2021- Wednesday- Kindergarten Open House for new kinders- video- 5:00 pm

   May 6th, 2021- Thursday- 3rd/4th/5th Math ISAT for in person students

   May 7th, 2021- Friday- Friday fun- crazy hats and crazy hair

   May 7th, 2021- Friday- 3rd/5th Math ISAT for online students- room #18

   May 7th, 2021- Friday- IRI testing K-3 for in person students

Next week:

   May 11th, 2021- Tuesday- IRI K-3 testing for online students- room #18

   May 11th, 2021- Tuesday- Drawing for kindness recognition starts- family learning games

   May 12th, 2021- Tuesday- Readers of the month during morning recess

   May 14th, 2021- Friday- 5th grade visits and walks to CSI, park, outdoor fun, & lunch- 10:50-2:50 

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Neilson- Habit 1: Be proactive
          Next week: Suto- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

We might only have a few weeks of school left, but the weeks are very full. We have state testing and end of the year fun activities, plus more. It's been a year we'd like to put behind us, however, we are ending on a high note. Thank you for keeping the instruction and learning front and center. The extra fun activities are an added bonus and a great way to end the school year. 

As we start staff appreciation week, there is a yummy food theme planned for each day. We start Monday with sweet treats during morning recess. Look for the table outside of room 5 and please share with others in the building who might not have staff email, like support services staff and guest teachers. We have plenty. 

For the May student sale, we always put out all the extras. We also bring out items from past years that we don't have enough for an entire school sale. Everything is .50 cents each. All money goes right back to students and school activities. Every classroom has a different day to purchase items and notes have been sent home to help remind. 

For the pictures from the last week, I love the kindergarten recess pictures. We have garbage bags filled with an assortment of balls for recess. What did the students love? Of course, the plastic garbage bag. Just priceless. They argue about who gets the bag. It's science in real life, with the wind.

We ended the week with the after school garden activity. We haven't had activities after school due to covid. Students loved the opportunity to be at school after hours, to spread kindness, and help with the garden. My heart was extra large. I loved all the happy kids, big smiles, our classified staff being included, the diverse students working so nicely together, and all the science learning. Such a great turnout and an awesome activity:

We are finished with the science and reading ISAT. We are to math. One more week and we will be finished.

Whether in state, in the city of Twin Falls, or out of the country- travel will change your life. Travel expands your knowledge, presents new ideas, and pushes you to experience new opportunities. Travel changes you. You will be forever changed. Thought for today:

Friday April 30th, 2021

We have our monthly leadership assembly at 8:05, via video.

A big thank you to everybody for assisting in different ways on Thursday. It was a bit rough due to being short staff and guest teachers. We completed ISAT testing and had an awesome garden activity after school with students. All the extra help is greatly appreciated. 

We have ISAT make up assessments this morning, as well as our online students completing their assessment. We'll be in room 14. Thank you for helping to keep that area quiet.

Enjoy the weekend. Thought for today:


Thursday April 29th, 2021

Students in grades 3rd-5th are finishing the second part of their reading ISAT assessment this morning. Thank you for encouraging them with positive words. Thank you also for helping to keep those hallways quiet.

Thought for today:


Wednesday April 28th, 2021

We are completing ISAT make up assessments for in person students in room 14 this morning. We will also have our online students completing their reading test. Thank you for helping to keep that area quiet.

Thought for today:


Tuesday April 27th, 2021

The big event today is the Reading ISAT for 3rd-5th grade students. Please help encourage them to to take their time and do their very best. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet. As we are short staff, it is all hands on deck. Please remind students to be patient and kind, as they may see different faces during activities like breakfast and test proctoring. A big thank you for everybody being so willing to help and to keep life moving forward. 

We have the 5th grade puberty discussion with the nurses at 1:30 pm.

All the good stuff. Thought for today:


Monday April 26th, 2021

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 26th, 2021- Monday- Secretary's Day

   April 26th, 2021- Monday- Eval team- via video

   April 27th, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   April 27th, 2021- Tuesday- 3rd/4th/5th Reading ISAT for in person students

   April 27th, 2021- Tuesday- 5th grade puberty discussion with nurses- 1:30

   April 28th, 2021- Wednesday- 3rd/5th Reading ISAT for online students- room #14

   April 29th, 2021- Thursday- 3rd/4th/5th Reading ISAT for in person students

   April 30th, 2021- Friday- April Leadership Assembly- 8:05 am- via video

   April 30th, 2021- Friday- 3rd/5th Reading ISAT for online students- room #14

Next week:

   May 3rd-7th, 2021- Staff Appreciation week- treats all week/food themed days

   May 4th, 2021- Tuesday- 3rd/4th/5th Math ISAT for in person students

   May 5th, 2021- Wednesday- 3rd/5th Math ISAT for online students- room #14

   May 5th, 2021- Wednesday- Kindergarten Open House- 5:00 pm- Virtual via video

   May 6th, 2021- Thursday- 3rd/4th/5th Math ISAT for in person students

   May 7th, 2021- Friday- Friday fun- crazy hats and crazy hair

   May 7th, 2021- Friday- 3rd/5th- Math ISAT for online students- room #14

   May 7th, 2021- Friday- IRI K-3 testing for in person students

   May 11th, 2021- Tuesday- IRI K-3 testing for online students- room #14

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Yarbrough- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs
          Next week: Neilson- Habit 1: Be proactive

Thought for today:


Friday April 23rd, 2021


Please help remind families that dismissal on Monday is at 12:45.

As we have four weeks of school left, please help remind families about our school pantry. We have great food options that kids can prepare themselves for breakfast and lunch; while adults are at work.

Enjoy the weekend. Thought for today:


Thursday April 22nd, 2021

This article is a great reminder of how rapport with students matters. Every classroom has a few students that struggle with attendance or tardies. It's a small number, but every student matters. We need every student to know that we notice them, that they matter. There might be an idea mentioned that catches your eye:


You get to choose. Thought for today:


Wednesday April 21st, 2021

It wouldn't hurt to check lost and found with students. The weather is a mixed bag. It's freezing in the morning and then coats are off in the afternoon. Lost and found is growing. 

As we have finished certified evaluations, one area that was really challenging this year was collaborative discussions. Covid, social distancing, staying at our learning spot- just a few challenges. As we finish the school year and look at next year, this is a great article to remind about the importance for collaborative conversations. We want our students to ask questions, find their voice, challenge their peers, stir the waters with ideas to consider, provide evidence to support opinion, and more. We have a diverse student group and we recognize strengths that come from different perspectives:

Ask Questions

Thought for today:


Tuesday April 20th, 2021

We've started kindergarten registration. Please help remind families and friends. Registering now is super helpful for planning. 

Thought for today:


Monday April 19th, 2021

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 19th, 2021- Monday- Eval team- via video

   April 20th, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

Next week:

   April 27th, 2021- Tuesday- 3rd/4th/5th Reading ISAT for in person students

   April 28th, 2021- Wednesday- 3rd/5th Reading ISAT for online students- room #14

   April 29th, 2021- Thursday- 3rd/4th/5th Reading ISAT for in person students

   April 30th, 2021- Friday- 3rd/5th- Reading ISAT for online students- room #14

   April 30th, 2021- Friday- April Leadership assembly- via via

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Kelly- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
          Next week: Yarbrough- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

We have pictures of a few of our readers of the month. Students have been working hard to increase their reading skills. 

I really appreciate all the help from staff to keep our preschool classrooms covered with supervision, amongst the other unfilled positions that require extras from staff. We have great pictures from preschool students as they have learned about careers, displayed great examples of synergy and sharpen the saw, and awesome mindfulness with yoga.

Pictures This Week


Thought for today:


Friday April 16th, 2021

Please help remind students and families that Monday is early dismissal at 12:45. 

This is a great resource to save:

20 Calming Meditations For Teachers/Staff

Enjoy the weekend. Thought for today:


Thursday April 15th, 2021

These articles are a great reminder about the importance for writing, with multiple opportunities provided throughout the school day. This is one of our focus areas this year. We need all of our students to learn about writing, to love writing, and to see the importance for writing. Writing is a necessary skill for every future career option. While the articles are geared to parents and high school students, they also provide tips for everybody who assists students with writing:

Supporting Writing

Writing and Social Studies

So close to the weekend. Thought for today:


Wednesday April 14th, 2021

We have the 5th grade ISAT for online students today, as well as students who were absent on Tuesday. Students will be room 15, starting at 8:30 am. Thank you for helping to keep that area quiet.

We have a staff meeting after school. 

Thought for the day:


Tuesday April 13th, 2021

We start ISAT testing today. Fifth grade will be completing their Science test. We start at 8:15 am. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway quiet. Thank you for spreading encouragement to students as you greet them in the morning. 

This fits perfectly with habit 1. Mindset affects everything else, your entire day. Thought for today:


Monday April 12th, 2021

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 12th, 2021- Monday- Eval team- via video

   April 13th, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   April 13th, 2021- Tuesday- 5th Grade Science ISAT- in person students- 8:15 am

   April 14th, 2021- Wednesday- 5th Grade Science ISAT- online students- room 14

   April 14th, 2021- Wednesday- Staff meeting- 3:15- via video

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Khatewoda- Habit 6: Synergize
          Next week: Kelly- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

We start ISAT testing this week. We are starting with the fifth grade Science test. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway area quiet while students are testing. 

It's a hard time right now to be different. We see and hear this on the news and our children experience this every day at school. We have children who were not born in our country. We have children and staff who speak languages in their homes in addition to English. We have children with parents who identify as the same gender. We have a large number of students who qualify for special education services. It is really important that all of our students and staff feel welcomed and included at school. I really appreciate how our staff are quick to address unkind comments and use the situations as learning opportunities.

To increase understanding and assist students, here are some recent articles about Asian Americans. There are resources provided:

Thought for today:


Thursday April 8th, 2021

This video fits perfectly with our staff lighthouse meeting on Wednesday. You could use the video, or use the prompts to guide your class without the video:

Calm in the Classroom

Thought for today:


Wednesday April 7th, 2021

We start the day by celebrating our readers of the month for April. 

We end the day with our monthly staff lighthouse meeting. Please let a rep know if you would like something added to the agenda. We will most likely only have one bus and have students in classrooms after school. Let's plan to start around 3:15, via video. 

The weather is starting to warm up again. This article is a great reminder that walking is a great option to consider. We have a great walking path outside:

Thought for today:


Tuesday April 6th, 2021

As we are preparing for end of the year assessments and completing certified evaluations, we have much to celebrate. There are many areas of growth to recognize, with both staff and students. Yes, covid needs to go away and never come back. Until that happens, this article reminds us of items that we have learned this last year. We've had learning opportunities, learned new online tools, and polished strategies that we will continue to use:

Pandemic Lessons

Thought for today:



Monday April 5th, 2021

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 5th, 2021- Monday- Eval team- via video

   April 6th, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   April 7th, 2021- Wednesday- Readers of the month during breakfast

   April 7th, 2021- Wednesday- Staff lighthouse- 3:15 pm- via video

Next week:

   April 13th, 2021- 5th Grade Science ISAT- in person students

   April 14th, 2021- 5th Grade Science ISAT- online students- room 14

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Castro- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
          Next week: Rodriguez- Habit 6: Synergize

Thought for today:


Friday April 2nd, 2021

We have an awesome Friday fun activity today and yummy treats being sold by student leaders.

Please help remind students and families that Monday dismissal is at 12:45 pm.

A great way to end the week is to spread kindness. Here is an article with a few ideas:


I am looking forward to the warm weather this weekend. Thought for today: