

Monday January 8th, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   January 8th, 2018- Monday- Eval team

   January 9th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   January 9th, 2018- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday

   January 10th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   January 12th, 2018- Friday- Friday fun- dress like a snowman

   January 12th, 2018- Friday- Student leaders selling airheads for .50 cents each

   January 12th, 2018- Friday- Report cards sent home by this date

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Hammond- Habit 1: Be proactive

next week: Schroeder- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

The staff meeting will be led by Ms. Blair. The topic is Istation Math and Reading.

We had several fun activities as we ended December. We had the Christmas Concert, leadership breakfast with third grade students, many opportunities to participate in enrichment activities, Christmas parties, opportunities for creativity and giving, Christmas lunch, and many yummy food activities:

Pictures This Week

As we start a new year, we have two thoughts.

We need more compassion and love in the world:
 Every day is a new day:


Friday December 22nd, 2017

A big thank you to everybody for ensuring that our students had a great week of fun activities, yummy foods like the orange snacks from the kitchen, and custodians as they helped keep our school safe with ice free walkways. There was plenty of learning blended in, and even all of the end of the quarter assessments. We had many frosting covered faces and fingers, with more to occur today. All of our students had big smiles this week, and homemade gifts to give special people that they live with.

This week was also the Christmas concert that never ended, mixed with five awesome days of Christmas fun. You know you go to school at Harrison, or work at Harrison, if you get to dress up all year round. We had so many creative costumes, homemade creations, and fun holiday accessories. Reindeer, elves, Santa, and other characters were seen all week. Thank you for encouraging and joining in. Christmas time can be hard for children. We need our kids to laugh and be engaged with fun learning activities. It wouldn't be Harrison unless we are laughing.

In addition, we had community people, even a senior project, donate many gifts for families this week. The counselor's office was a busy place, with really appreciative families that said they wouldn't have been able to give their children gifts if it wasn't for the donations.

As we end the quarter, we have movement. It wouldn't be Harrison without children moving in and out of our school. It wouldn't be Harrison unless we are crying. It's hard to see kids move, but there are schools that are going to be very lucky to receive our kids because of all you have done to help them with their learning and growth. Please remember to remind children as they leave today how much we'll miss them, and we can't wait to see them in January. Yes, we had kids asking today when they get to come back. They couldn't believe they had wait until January 8th.

Have a great Christmas and holiday break with your friends and family:


Thursday December 21st, 2017

A big thank you to everybody for leading and assisting with such fun Sharpen the Paw activities. Students were also very kind as they assisted each other during activities. The big kids were also very kind as they helped little ones find the classrooms for their activities. Almost 500 students speed walking down the halls, and it's always amazing how everybody finds their rooms within five minutes.

A big thank you to our kitchen staff and all the volunteers. Christmas lunch was super yummy, and we had several families join their children for lunch.

Kindergarten and third grade have their Christmas parties today.

This article mentions special education teachers, and we have the best special education staff at Harrison. From the preschool, to the PRC classroom, the resource room, and all the support staff- definitely an awesome group. The tips listed would be helpful for anybody who teaches children:

What I've Learned From Special Education Teachers

This quote for today is so true, for both our staff and our students:


Wednesday December 20th, 2017

We have two fun events today.

The first event is Sharpen the Paw. It's almost almost the end of the second quarter, half way through the school year. Both students and staff have worked really hard. We have several fun activities planned.

The second fun event is Christmas lunch. Please have patience with the lunch line. Everybody will be fed, and we can adjust recesses so both teachers and students have a chance to have a break.

This thought for today reminds me of when kids walk by the Christmas tree, by the front door of the school, and it fits well with today:


Tuesday December 19th, 2017

A big thank you to Mrs. Dickinson for leading the Christmas concert. It was excellent. Thank you also to everybody who attended and supported the students. We had a great turn out.

Please help remind students and families about Christmas lunch on Wednesday.

Everybody teaches Science. This post has some great resources:

Science Websites

We all teach and model kindness. This article mentions preschool students, but is helpful for everybody:

Can Kindness Be Taught?

Thought for today:


Monday December 18th, 2017

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   December 18th, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   December 18th, 2017- Monday- December leadership assembly, 8:05 am

   December 18th. 2017- Monday- Christmas Concert at Roper, 6:30 pm

   December 19th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   December 19th, 2017- Tuesday- December student leader lunch with Principal

   December 20th, 2017- Wednesday- Sharpen the paw- AM

   December 20th, 2017- Wednesday- Christmas Lunch

   December 21st, 2017- Thursday- Santa visit- don't tell the kids- AM

   December 22nd, 2017- Friday- No kinders, end of the 2nd quarter, & early dismissal at 12:45 pm

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Jolovich- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

next week: being planned

Here is the master list of when each grade level is having their Christmas parties. This is really helpful for classified and support staff. Feel free to stop by and join in:

Christmas Parties

The pictures from this last week include fun enrichment activities. There are also pictures of the new legos from a recent grant that was received. The colors are cool, like turquoise and lime green legos. We're striving to close the opportunity gap:

Pictures This Week

We have our second quarter sharpen the paw this week, and the assortment of choices are awesome:

Sharpen the Paw

Here is the list for Christmas Fun this week:

5 Days of Christmas Fun

This is such a great idea. Free matching up with another classroom somewhere in the world.  This fits with school goals and what we strive for every day. Globally literate, learning about different cultures and countries, understanding and listening to different perspectives respectfully, and more. We need our kids to have empathy for other people. We are more alike than we are different. A big part of empathy, or any situation that involves another person, is helping students to see the similarities. See the human in others:

Giving Students' Empathy Muscles a Workout

Thought to start us off for the week:


Friday December 15th, 2017

A big thank you to everybody who has been helping with recesses. One more week, and we can all hibernate inside where it is warm.

We have the bus evacuation drill practice this morning. This is for those who will be arriving on a bus.

This post is a great reminder for everybody who works in schools, not just teachers. Our students are all of our kids. Our kids are very much loved, worried about, and cared for. It's also important to remember to breathe, to take care of ourselves:


Thank you for helping to ensure that students get to experience the holidays, whatever holiday they celebrate. There are so many fun learning activities occurring at our school, and often the holidays are created for students so every student can experience. From Mrs. Moore's room:

The thought for today is so true. There is so much to be grateful for all around us:


Thursday December 14th, 2017

We have several fun activities occurring next week. One activity is something both students and staff have been asking about. It's the 5 days of Christmas fun. We've had 12 days, thought we would try 5 days this year. We have a dress up theme for every day. Please help remind students. The first theme on Monday is to wear Christmas socks, hats, and or scarves.  That could be anything red, green, or sparkly. Students don't need to buy anything, just wear something they have. We've had a few kids wearing Christmas ties and hair bows, and those would work perfectly.

Thought for today:


Wednesday December 13th, 2017

Please help to remind students and families about the Winter Concert on Monday. Every student has a part, and students have been practicing for several weeks. It's always a great event.

You should have seen play try-outs on Tuesday. The bell was about the ring, and there were all the little ones in the third grade hall ready to start. Today we have try-outs for 3rd-5th, and we have several who are super excited. A big thank you to Mrs. Pauley and Mrs. Schroeder for leading this.

We have a staff meeting after school in the library.

This is super cool, and it fits well with school activities and goals. TED talks for kids:


Thought for today:


Tuesday December 12th, 2017

A big thank you to Ms. Jolovich and Sears! We had happy kids as they put on warm coats Monday afternoon. Just like with school supplies, we try to let them go shopping so they can pick out items just as if they were at the store. Let us know in the office if you see anybody who is lacking a warm coat, and we'll call to check with the family. There shouldn't be any kid without a coat, except those older ones who refuse to put one on.

Christmas lunch is next week, on Wednesday December 20th. Similar to Thanksgiving lunch, this is always a great family involvement activity. Please help remind families.

Thought for today:


Monday December 11th, 2017

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   December 11th, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   December 12th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   December 12th, 2017- Tuesday- Spring Play Tryouts for K-2- afterschool

   December 13th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   December 13th, 2017- Wednesday- Spring Play Tryouts for 3-5- afterschool

   December 14th, 2017- Friday- Bus evacuation practice for AM riders as they get off the bus

   December 14th, 2017- Friday- Spring Play Tryouts if needed

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Moore- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

next week: Jolovich- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

The sharing from staff continues at the staff meeting this week. The people presenting are 1st, 3rd, 5th, Preschool, PE, Title 1, Instructional Coach, and Assistant Principal.

The pictures from this last week included learning and giving. December is a fun month. Students get to participate in different service opportunities, and be the receivers of great gifts. Our kids are very much loved, especially by our local community. We've already had gloves and coats, homemade items like knitted hats, and even the After Hours Rotary group donated several great gifts like laundry soap and school supplies. Here are pictures:

Pictures This Week

Play tryouts for the Spring Play will be occurring this week. Please encourage students to try out. We will have a place for everybody that wants to participate. That could include the acting parts, designing and creating the set, assisting with costumes, designing and preparing the media items and playbills, and more. Here is the Spring Play:

Giants in the Sky

Thought to start the week:


Friday December 8th, 2017

This is a fun video that reminds about the importance of student engagement. Teaching isn't bound by four walls:

Cranking Teaching Strategies up to Awesome

We made it to Friday. We had to start prioritizing on Thursday, and we also have two playground para positions open. A big thank you to everybody who jumped in to help where ever they saw a need. If we missed something, please come see us in the office so we can help.

We have the best staff. So true:


Thursday November 7th, 2017

We have Kindergarten teaming today.

A big thank you to Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. Nail for all of their time and work put into preparing for the federal programs audit. Our visitors on Wednesday were very gracious and kind with their comments. I don't know what we would do without federal programs at Harrison, so many benefits for our students.

Thought for today, all staff:


Wednesday December 6th, 2017

We have a staff meeting after school in this library. The December staff meetings are our best ones all year, learning from colleagues as they share great ideas and resources.

The weather has really gotten colder. Please help remind students to dress for the weather. We have resources to assist families, just let the office know.

This week is inclusive schools week. We recognize every day:


Tuesday December 5th, 2017

Here are the items occurring today:

1. Garden meeting- 7:30 am in the counselor's office.

2. Picture retakes- in the gym- an adult will let classrooms know when it is time

3. Intervention meeting

4. Grade level teaming- 1st-5th

Our students get to practice coding throughout the school year during their weekly computer class, the Innovation Lab. Many students have additional opportunities during the before school or after school programs. This week kicks off the annual Hour of Code event. A big thank you to Mrs. Sorensen for leading this! Here is one short video, and it is a great reminder of the importance of STEM skills and STEM careers for our students:

Hour of Code

Thought for today:


Monday December 4th, 2017

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   December 4th, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   December 5th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   December 5th, 2017- Tuesday- Garden meeting 7:30 am

   December 5th, 2017- Tuesday- Picture retakes in the gym

   December 5th, 2017- Tuesday- Grade level teaming for 1st-5th with Resource, ESL, and Title 1

   December 6th, 2017- Wednesday- Federal Programs Audit- AM

   December 6th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   December 7th, 2017- Thursday- Kindergarten teaming with Resource, ESL, and Title 1

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Munson- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

next week: Moore- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

Our annual food drive has started. All donations go right to our students and refilling our school pantry. Please help remind students and families.

The staff meetings in December are all about the Danielson evaluation framework. Teachers will be sharing something from domains 1 and 4. The teachers sharing this week are: K, 2nd, 4th, Special Ed, PRC, Music, and ESL.

Pictures from this last week include the legislative tours, classroom buddies, a donation from the American Legion Auxiliary, November student leaders of the month, family night, and more:

Pictures This Week

When the holiday season starts, behaviors often seem to increase. Holidays can be hard for children. This article is a great review of strategies:

9 Tips for Teaching Emotional Regulation

A great thought for the new week: