

Thursday April 1st, 2021

Beautiful warm weather is starting to arrive. With it comes the annual check in about the dress code. Please help remind students about expectations. 

Every student and staff member has something about them that we just love. Thought for today:


Wednesday March 31st, 2021

We have our monthly leadership assembly first thing in the morning via video, 8:05 am.

Please continue diligence with safety practices. We are one year in and we don't want to go back. 

We do have a Friday fun activity this week. Please help remind students. The theme is dress fancy or dress professional with your future career choice. We could definitely use a fun themed day. We will also have air heads for .50 cents each. That supply chain situation that causes disruptions to what can be bought in the store, yes, candy has been affected. You know it is serious now. We found air heads and that is what will be available on Friday. Kids like those and it will be Friday, happiness for both kids and adults. We call that a win win. 

Ending March and getting reading for the last two months of school. Thought for today:


Monday March 29th, 2021

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   March 29th, 2021- Monday- Eval team

   March 31st, 2021- Wednesday- Monthly leadership assembly- 8:05 am- via video

   April 2nd, 2021- Friday- Friday fun- dress fancy/professional for a career

   April 2nd, 2021- Friday- Student leaders selling caramel suckers for .50 cents each

Next week:

   April 7th, 2021- Readers of the month during breakfast

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Castro- Habit 4:Think win win
          Next week: Rodriguez- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

After a long break, it would be good to spend time this week reviewing behavior expectations, procedures, routines, and safety practices like washing hands.


Thought for today:


Wednesday March 17th, 2021

Please help remind students and families that there is no school on Thursday and Friday, as well as all of next week due to spring break. 

We will have individual pizzas ready for our certified staff by 4:30 pm. 

Spring weather is slowly arriving and we are all ready for a much deserved break. Thought for today:


Tuesday March 16th, 2021

Please help remind students and families that Wednesday is a full day of school for students in grades 1st-5th. 

Today is going to be a fun day. We'll be drawing names for fun board games and cards games, from our March family involvement activity. 

Thought for today:


Monday March 15th, 2021

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   March 15th, 2021- Monday- Eval team

   March 15th-18th, 2021- Monday-Thursday- Student led conferences

   March 16th, 2021- Tuesday- Drawing for board games and card games- family involvement

   March 17th, 2021- Wednesday- No school for kindergarten

   March 17th, 2021- Certified dinner during conferences, personal pizzas

   March 17th-18th, 2021- Thursday- No school for all students

   March 22nd-26th, 2021- Spring break

Next week:

   March 31st, 2021- Monthly leadership assembly

   April 2nd, 2021- Friday fun- dress fancy day

   April 2nd, 2021- Student leaders selling caramel suckers for .50 cents each

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Thomason- Habit 3: Put first things first
          Next week: Castro- Habit 4: Think win win

For pictures this week, we have a great picture from fifth grade. They have been learning about different measurement units. This involved synergizing, observations, problem solving, and conversions. 

The big event for our K-2 littles has to be the playground. It has been a hard year with covid. Our littles have waited patiently for the playgound equipment to be open. It felt like a carnival on Friday. The picture shows kindness as students assisted each other with the swings. We're going to spend the next week learning how to pump legs independently. We love happy kids

We have pictures from preschool that included hatching dinosaur eggs. This was their weekly STEAM lesson. Students practiced fine motor skills, developed observation skills, and had priceless faces showing curiosity.

We have pictures of our student lighthouse team meeting virtually, our monthly readers of the month, and a fun Dr. Seuss dress up day:

Thought for today:


Friday March 12th, 2021

Please help remind students and families about Monday being an in person school day and that dismissal is at 12:45. 

We start student led conferences on Monday. Virtual or over the phone, students are excited to share their growth and learning. Please help remind students and families about their scheduled date and time. 

We have an awesome day today, Dr. Seuss and slime. 

We finish fifth grade visits with the middle school counselors today. 

Thought for today:


Thursday March 11th, 2021

We have grade level teaming for kindergarten and fourth grade today. Life happens and we weren't able to meet last week. 

Please help remind students about the student slime sale tomorrow and the Friday fun activity that is all about dressing up as a Dr. Seuss character. Friday is going to be a great day. 

We have staff participating in the weight loss challenge. Even if you aren't, we can all relate. Thought for today:


Wednesday March 10th, 2021

We start the day by recognizing our readers of the month during breakfast.

Resilience, mindfulness, breathing, gratitude, all the good stuff- This is such a great article. There are take aways that would be great to share and practice with students, as well as use personally in our own lives. The video is a little long, but you could read the article to get the highlighted points:

Building Resilience

Thought for today:


Tuesday March 9th, 2021

As we are approaching the one year mark of a crazy year, there isn't one adult or student who hasn't been affect by covid. Everybody has experienced changes, loss, unknowns, moments with tears, highs to celebrate, and lows we'd like to forget. For kids, it has been especially challenging. Often, it's hard to express thoughts and emotions. School is usually the one constant, a place of normally even when the world around seems off kilter. Here are some great brain break and mindfulness strategies to assist students, the best that we can:

10 Strategies

Here are great strategies for assisting our second language learners with reading skills:

3 Tips

Thought for today:


Monday March 8th, 2021

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   March 8th, 2021- Monday- First day back in person for students, dismissal at 12:45 pm

   March 8th, 2021- Monday- Eval team

   March 9th, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   March 9th, 2021- Tuesday- Wear college shirts/sweatshirts

   March 10th, 2021- Wednesday- Readers of the month during breakfast

   March 10th, 2021- Wednesday- RS counselor visits Spencer- middle school registration- 2:00 pm

   March 11th, 2021- Thursday- Kindergarten and 4th grade teaming

   March 11th, 2021- Thursday- RS counselor visits Khatewoda- middle school registration- 2:00 pm

   March 12th, 2021- Friday- Friday fun- Dress like a Dr. Seuss character

   March 12th, 2021- Friday- Student leaders selling slime- .50 cents each

   March 12th, 2021- Friday- RS counselor visits Lancaster- middle school registration- 2:00 pm

   March 12th, 2021- Friday- South Hills counselor visit for middle school registration- 2:00- room #17

Next week:

   March 15th-18th, 2021- Student Led Conferences

   March 16th, 2021- Drawing for board games and card games- family involvement

   March 17th, 2021- No school for kindergarten

   March 17th, 2021- Certified dinner during conferences- Personal pizzas

   March 18th-19th, 2021- No school for all students

   March 22nd-26th, 2021- Spring break

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Johns- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
          Next week: Thomason- Habit 3: Put first things first

We have a few pictures from the last couple of weeks. We have STEAM learning with first grade students, fun Dr. Seuss activities, and a few pictures from sharpen the paw:

Thought for the day:


Friday March 5th, 2021

Please help remind students and families that students are learning in person on Monday. School dismissal is at 12:45. We will have kindergarten lunch starting promptly at 10:30, so students can be in their classroom ready to start at 10:45. 

Enjoy the weekend, a perfect time to put yourself first. Thought for today:


Thursday March 4th, 2021

The big event today is the third quarter sharpen the paw. We start at 1:05 pm. It's going to be a fun afternoon. We love happy kids and happy staff. 

We have a staff lighthouse meeting after school, via video. Please let a rep know if you would like something added to the agenda. Let's plan to start at 3:15, as we'll most likely still have students with us after school due to only having one bus.

Speaking of the bus- thank you for being patient. Running two routes with one bus isn't ideal, but we specialize in flexibility. 

Thought for today:


Wednesday March 3rd, 2021

A big thank you to Cindy and the ERC classroom for a fun Dr. Seuss day on Tuesday. Students loved the activities.

We have grade level teaming for 1st-5th grade today.

Please help remind students and families that dismissal on Friday is at 12:45 pm. 

Mindset is habit 1. This is so true- Thought for today: