

Friday December 1st, 2017

A big thank you to everybody who helped with family night on Thursday. We had a full house and the activity was super fun. Totally free and kids went home with books in their hands. The best was hearing a mom at the end of the night say that she always looks forward to attending the family events.

We have the candy cane sale and Friday Fun today.

Please help remind students and families about picture retakes next Tuesday. Pictures will also be taken for all of our new students.

Have a great weekend:


Thursday November 30th, 2017

Please help remind students and families about BINGO for Books that is occurring tonight. We'll be in the lunchroom. We are starting the holiday season with this fun family activity.

Please help remind students and families about the candy cane sale on Friday, as well as Friday Fun with ugly Christmas sweaters. If students don't have a sweater, they can wear anything Christmas related.

As we start the holiday season, consider the great opportunity to expose students to different cultures through books. We mainly hear about Christmas, but we also have children who celebrate other holidays. Here are a few book ideas:

Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Christmas Books for Kids

So true:


Wednesday November 29th, 2017

Please help remind students about the candy cane sale on Friday. Student leaders are excited to sell the candy canes, and all of the money goes right back to students. 

We had our November Principal's lunch on Tuesday. I always look forward to the monthly lunch. We talk about our pluses and deltas for the school year so far. We talk about what's going well at our school and what we could do better at our school, great things so far for them personally, and anything else they want to talk about. A big thank you to Chick fil A for always providing the lunches for our students, often the first time they have ever eaten food from that restaurant. The bonus is the educational toy in the kids meal. 

So I'm left with just one student, and of course we have to play the educational game. It's all about social-emotional skills. Chick fil A, focusing on the important things in life. Yes chicken and that yummy sauce, but also those educational games. One question was to share something someone said or did for you that was nice. The young lady said her teacher told her that she liked her shirt. Her face just lit up. You matter. Positive comments are free, and kids really do notice everything you do and say. 

So as we think about that thought, remember this thought for that day:


Tuesday November 28th, 2017

Please help remind students and families about our Leader in Me family night on Thursday, BINGO for Books. Free books for prizes, student leaders calling numbers, free milk and cookies, and a great evening to start the holiday season with friends and families.

It isn't a title or a position that defines you. Be a space filler, not a depleter. Look for ways to build others up:


Monday November 27th, 2017

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   November 27th, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   November 28th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   November 28th, 2017- Tuesday- Principal's lunch with November student leaders

   November 29th, 2017- Wednesday- Legislative tour and visit- AM

   November 30th, 2017- Thursday- BINGO for Books- Leader in Me family night- 5:30-6:30

   December 1st, 2017- Friday- Friday Fun- Wear ugly Christmas sweaters

   December 1st, 2017- Friday- Student leaders selling candy canes for .50 cents each

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Pauley- Habit 6: Synergize

next week: Munson- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

The pictures from this last week include Thanksgiving lunch, engineering, math, writing, and more. Students have been putting first things first as they practice skills, as well as finding their voice as their confidence grows:

Pictures This Week

This post fits very well with our school. We are constantly addressing and providing learning opportunities that relate to understanding different cultures and perspectives. Our students are so lucky to have daily opportunities to interact with diverse people. This includes understanding different cultures and countries, as well as differences in abilities and thinking. We need our students to be globally literate, often referred to as geo-literacy. Interactions, implications, interconnections, empathy, and being a great human:

Rigor, Relevance, and Respect: 3 Reasons Why You Should Think Globally While Teaching Locally

This is a great thought as we start a new week, and this would be great to share with students:


Friday November 17th, 2017

We start today with our new teacher, and teachers new to Harrison, check in breakfast. That first year of a teaching is something you never forget, and we have an awesome group persevering and doing an amazing job.

This post is for new teachers, but it has great tips for anybody who works in education. A great quote is: "The best teachers in our schools are the ones who are always reflecting, collaborating, and looking to improve." A great read:

Advice From an Administrator to a New Teacher

One more:

A Practical Playbook for First Year Teachers

Please help remind students and families that there is no school next week.

Have a great Thanksgiving with your friends and families, and remember to sharpen the saw. Adventures are learning opportunities:


Thursday November 16th, 2017

The big event today is Thanksgiving lunch. Please have patience with the lunch line. Everybody will be fed, every student will have recess, and every teacher will have their lunch. We'll watch the clock and adjust recesses as needed. This is always a great family involvement event.

A big thank you to Mrs. Marona for coordinating volunteers, and the entire kitchen staff for all the time and love that goes into ensuring that our kids have a great Thanksgiving meal. We have community people that will be helping to serve, including staff from Rivercrest Apartments.

Thought for today:


Wednesday November 15th, 2017

The following post about classroom management has several great thoughts, and the language matches similar to the words we use with students. Some quotes:

 Self Care- Sharpen the Saw

“Be consistent but flexible. Love them unconditionally, but hold them accountable. Give them voice but be the leader,” said Rae Rudzinski.

“You make the weather,” said Diana Fliginger

“Find ways to make your hardest kid your favorite kid,” said Karen Yenofsky

“Never forget that every student is someone’s child,” writes Molly Francis

A great resource to print and re-read on the hard days:

5 Thoughts for Classroom Management

We are finishing the Lead-a-Thon this week. Please help encourage students.

Thought for today:


Tuesday November 14th, 2017

We have a Building Leadership/Staff Lighthouse Team meeting after school. Please let a rep know if you have anything to add to the agenda.

Please remind students about tomorrow's wear a college shirt or sweatshirt.

A big focus area this past week has been introducing the Leader in Me to our new kids, and we have more new students over the next few days. The thought of being in control, habit 1, is a powerful shift in mindset. Thought for today:


Monday November 13th, 2017

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   November 13th-November 17th, 2017- Lead-a-Thon Week 3

   November 13th, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   November 13th, 2017- Monday- Student Lighthouse Team- morning recess- room 16

   November 14th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   November 14th, 2017- Tuesday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team- 3:15 pm

   November 15th, 2017- Wednesday- College Shirt/Sweatshirt Day

   November 17th, 2017- Friday- New Teacher breakfast check in- room 16 7:30 am

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Thomason- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

next week: Pauley- Habit 6: Synergize

Like the following article mentions, we used to have that revolving door at the office in regards to discipline. We've come a long way in how we handle behavior. It was a bit rough this week with the influx of students, and add in those who wanted to make sure we were noticing them too, but the shift is in the air and everybody is coming along nicely as they settle in at Harrison. I can feel it. Please remember to step back and recognize both your success, and the students. All the practices we use do require a different way of thinking, and sometimes more time, but the end result is always great. Restorative practices, Leader in Me, Responsive Curriculum, morning meeting, quality circles, positive check ins, empowering students to own their plan for making changes, and more- it's all just as important as academics:

Disruptive Students

The pictures this week include leadership, classroom buddies, family night, and more. The nerd day pictures are awesome. I wish you could have seen the classroom buddies in kindergarten, morning greetings in third grade, and the morning meeting. Students were so kind as they listened and talked with peers, looked with interest at the person they were listening to, and so patient when speaking and discussing items:

Pictures This Week

This is a great reminder. As we start a new week, remember the importance of working as a team, synergy. This could be students, staff, in the classroom, everybody and everything at our school:


Friday November 10th, 2017

A big thank you to everybody who helped with the Title 1 family night. We had a great turn out, and the donuts were quickly sold out.

We have our monthly leadership assembly first thing in the morning. As soon as the bell rings, please bring students to the gym.

We have the caramel sucker sale today, and it's nerd day for Friday fun.

This is a nice positive story about schools assisting students from Puerto Rico. Schools have shown compassion and accepted students with open arms:

A New Reality

Have a great weekend:


Thursday November 9th, 2017

Please help remind students and families about the Title 1 Family night, tonight, 5:30-6:30.

Please help remind students and families about Friday fun nerd day and the caramel suckers sale.

Here is an video about morning meetings. We're seeing positive benefits in our classrooms, because of implementing even just ten minutes to check in sometime during the morning. This is especially beneficial for students who are new:

Morning Meeting

With it being November, but also a great thought for everyday during the year:


Wednesday November 8th, 2017

We have a staff meeting in the library after school today.

We have the Missoula Children's Theater show 1:45-2:30. The goal is to be seated and ready to start by 1:40.

Please help remind students and families about Family Night on Thursday. We have fun Math and technology activities planned.

Please help remind students and families about Friday fun and the caramel sucker sale.

Thought for today:


Tuesday November 7th, 2017

Today is Tie Tuesday.

We have grade level teaming for 1st - 5th grade today.

We have 10 new students starting today. It's Harrison. We always have room for one more. With it being a few months into school, and new students, let us know in the office if students need any school supplies. Our kids are very much loved. We have donations to assist.

It can be hard with the constant revolving door of students leaving, and new students enrolling. It's important to remember that kids don't get to choose. Thank you for always smiling and welcoming new students. This article is a bit long, but you could print and read later. We are seed planters, not sure when the harvest is coming. You matter:

6 Traits of Life Changing Teachers/Staff Members

Inclusion is what we do, accepting and welcoming everybody:


Monday November 6th, 2017

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   November 6th-November 10th, 2017- Lead-a-Thon Week 2

   November 6th, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   November 7th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   November 7th, 2017- Tuesday- 1st-5th Grade Teaming with Resource, Title 1, and ESL

   November 7th, 2017- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday

   November 8th, 2017- Wednesday- Missoula Children's Theater in Gym, 1:45-2:30 pm

   November 8th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   November 9th, 2017- Thursday- Kindergarten Teaming with Resource, Title 1, and ESL

   November 9th, 2017- Thursday- Title 1 Family Night 5:30-6:30 pm

   November 10th, 2017- Friday- Monthly Leadership Assembly 8:00 am in Gym

   November 10th, 2017- Friday- Friday Fun- Nerd Day

   November 10th, 2017- Friday- Student leaders selling caramel suckers for .50 cents each

   November 10th, 2017- Friday- Flu/Wellness Clinic for staff- AM in room 5

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Alexander- Habit 4: Think win-win

next week: Thomason- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

As we continue with week 2 of the Lead-a-Thon, please encourage students as they complete activities and seek donations.

A big thank you to the social committee for planning such a fun staff Winter party that occurred Friday! A big thank you to Mrs. Enders for hosting at her house!  Yummy food and fun games:

Our students are super lucky this week. The Magic Valley Arts Council received a grant to cover the costs for the Missoula Children's Theater to visit a few schools in our area. Harrison is one school, and they will be presenting their show on Wednesday. The classrooms participating are Rose from the preschool and K-4th. This is their website:

Missoula Children's Theater

The staff meeting agenda this week:

1. Migrant Liaison
2. Twin Falls Education Foundation
3. Calendar Committee check in- Mrs. Enders and Mrs. Alexander
4. Morning Announcements- ideas to be presented- Mrs. Thomason and Ms. Jolovich
5. Upcoming family events- Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. Anderson

This is a great editorial that I'm sure we can all relate to in some way. We try really hard to blend so many items, from learning to fun, and everything important in between:

Does it Matter Whether Kids Like School?

Pictures this last week included Halloween, putt putt golf, fun with friends, STEM, and writing. I wish you could have been at the preschool playground with the two in the first picture, just laughing and saying silly things to each other in the sound tubes:

Pictures This Week

Our students belong to all of us. I'm not sure who benefits more, the students or the adults:


Friday November 3rd, 2017

We start the day with our Student Lighthouse team giving tours to community members. Students have been practicing and are super excited.

This post shares five best practices that are great for all students:

Inclusive Practices are Best Practices

Thought for today:


Thursday November 2nd, 2017

We have a new bulletin board for staff and classroom mission statements. Feel free to add yours if you are interested. They are great to read.

This article is a great read, and it relates well to Harrison. There is also a video to view. It is so important for kids to know that they matter, and that we notice them. We need all students to have at least one adult who they think is crazy about them. That connecting for students is essential for classrooms in so many ways, from a reduction in behavior incidents, to a feeling of safety amongst peers when challenges are presented. Knowing our students, all of our students, is a key piece of social-emotional learning. Welcome rituals like morning meeting and greetings, interactive teaching like with modeling, and end of the day reflections:

The Power of Being Seen

This fits with the article above:

Interactive Modeling

This pictures fits perfectly with the Halloween theme this week, especially the day after on Wednesday: