

Monday November 13th, 2017

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   November 13th-November 17th, 2017- Lead-a-Thon Week 3

   November 13th, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   November 13th, 2017- Monday- Student Lighthouse Team- morning recess- room 16

   November 14th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   November 14th, 2017- Tuesday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team- 3:15 pm

   November 15th, 2017- Wednesday- College Shirt/Sweatshirt Day

   November 17th, 2017- Friday- New Teacher breakfast check in- room 16 7:30 am

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Thomason- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

next week: Pauley- Habit 6: Synergize

Like the following article mentions, we used to have that revolving door at the office in regards to discipline. We've come a long way in how we handle behavior. It was a bit rough this week with the influx of students, and add in those who wanted to make sure we were noticing them too, but the shift is in the air and everybody is coming along nicely as they settle in at Harrison. I can feel it. Please remember to step back and recognize both your success, and the students. All the practices we use do require a different way of thinking, and sometimes more time, but the end result is always great. Restorative practices, Leader in Me, Responsive Curriculum, morning meeting, quality circles, positive check ins, empowering students to own their plan for making changes, and more- it's all just as important as academics:

Disruptive Students

The pictures this week include leadership, classroom buddies, family night, and more. The nerd day pictures are awesome. I wish you could have seen the classroom buddies in kindergarten, morning greetings in third grade, and the morning meeting. Students were so kind as they listened and talked with peers, looked with interest at the person they were listening to, and so patient when speaking and discussing items:

Pictures This Week

This is a great reminder. As we start a new week, remember the importance of working as a team, synergy. This could be students, staff, in the classroom, everybody and everything at our school:

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