

Wednesday November 1st, 2017

A big thank you to everybody for such a great Halloween on Tuesday! Thank you for helping to ensure that students had a great experience, from costumes to parties, and all the positive fun in between.

Please remember that we have American Fidelity this week. If you have not signed up, please sign up in the office.

Thought for today:


Tuesday October 31st, 2017

The Halloween Parade starts at 2:00. Classroom parties will be most of the afternoon, depending on the classroom. Please send any students needing a costume to the office. We can help find or make something.

We have a family note going home this week:

Front Side Page 1- Family Note

Front Side Page 2- Family Note

Back Side- Upcoming Dates

We are celebrating our October Staff Oscars today. The nomination comments are so kind:

Staff Oscars

Thought for today:


Monday October 30th, 2017

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   October 30th-November 3rd, 2017- Lead-a-Thon Week 1

   October 30th, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   October 31st, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   October 31st, 2017-November 2nd, 2017- American Fidelity

   October 31st, 2017- Tuesday- Halloween Parade 2:00 pm

   November 3rd, 2017- Friday- Student lighthouse members and Community Tours 8:30-10:00 am

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Schroeder- Habit 3: Put first things first

next week: Alexander- Habit 4: Think win-win

The pictures from this last week include great examples of leadership from our fifth grade students, October student leaders of the month, student lighthouse team, Math, ELA, Art, and yoga. These pictures would be great to click on, to see in a larger size, and share with students. You can also see a pictures of the new tables in Kindergarten:

Pictures This Week

Thought to start the week:


Friday October 27th, 2017

We start the day with a student lighthouse team meeting at 7:30 am. We just finished interviews, adding new students, and the group of students is awesome.

We have a kick off assembly for the Lead-a-Thon at 8:00 am in the gym. When the bell rings, please bring students straight to the gym. Teachers can complete attendance there on an ipad. This is our one big fundraiser for the school year. Please help encourage students.

Principal's lunch with October student leaders is today.

Thought for today:


Thursday October 26th, 2017

Today's Red Ribbon theme is to wear your favorite sports apparel, to team up against drugs. Tomorrow's theme is to wear red.

We have a building leadership/staff lighthouse team meeting after school. We have an eclectic mix of items on the agenda.

Please remember that we have our Lead-a-Thon kick off assembly Friday morning at 8 am.

Kindness can change a person's day, or an entire situation:


Wednesday October 25th, 2017

Today's Red Ribbon theme is to wear crazy socks or tights, to sock out drugs. Tomorrow's item is to wear favorite team apparel, to team up against drugs. We had several fun hats worn on Tuesday.

We have a staff meeting after school in the library.

The great parade is coming. With Halloween quickly approaching, so does the all school annual parade. We have accumulated costume and drama items as we have strived to include more of the arts. As students have been commenting about not having something to wear for the parade, please help reassure by letting students know that we have items they can borrow. Every student gets to be in the parade.

We often hear, including our students, negative and divisive comments in the news. That makes our role as educators even more important. We model to kids everyday:


Tuesday October 24th, 2017

Today's Red Ribbon theme is to wear a hat or scarf, to put a cap on drugs. Tomorrow's item is fun socks or tights, to sock out drugs.

We have a new staff shout out board in the staff room. I highly encourage you to stop and read the post it notes. It will start your day on a positive note. Feel free to add your own staff shout outs. A big thank you to Mrs. Schroeder and the culture action team for updating the staff room.

First grade will be going to the pumpkin patch this afternoon.

This thought for the day is a great reminder of how changing your mindset can change your day. Challenges or learning opportunity, it all depends on how you look at the situation:


Monday October 23rd, 2017

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   October 23rd-27th, 2017- Red Ribbon Week- Led by Fun Committee

   October 23rd, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   October 23rd, 2017- Monday- Grade Level teaming for 1st-5th

   October 24th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   October 24th, 2017- Tuesday- First grade field trip to pumpkin patch- PM

   October 25th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff meeting 3:10 pm

   October 26th, 2017- Thursday- Kindergarten grade level teaming

   October 27th, 2017- Thursday- Building leadership team/Staff Lighthouse meeting 3:10 pm

   October 27th, 2017- Friday- Student lighthouse meeting 7:30 am

   October 27th, 2017- Friday- Lead a Thon Fundraiser kick off- 8:00 am assembly in gym

   October 27th, 2017- Friday- Principal's lunch with October student leaders of the month

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Kelly- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

next week: Schroeder- Habit 3: Put first things first

For Red Ribbon Week, here is the flier that was sent home:

Themes for each day

Our big school fundraiser for the school year starts on Monday October 30th. We are doing a Lead a Thon this year, and it will run for three weeks. This is such a great concept. Instead of selling items, we will be focusing on leadership. Students will be developing skills, there is family involvement as tasks are completed at home, and the community can be involved. All money raised goes towards the playground and Leader in Me. This website has two short videos for an overview. The foundation is mentioned, and that is who has supported us with our grant. A big thank you to Mrs. Schroeder for helping to lead this:

Lead a Thon

The staff meeting agenda for this week includes:

1. American Fidelity
2. Safety check in
3. Leader in Me check in

The pictures from last week included singing, art, math, science, service, and leadership:

Pictures This Week

Thought to start off the week:


Wednesday October 18th, 2017

There is no school for Kindergarten today.

Please help remind families that there is no school Thursday and Friday.

Fifth grade students will be attending the CSI Arts on Tour this afternoon. They will be walking and the weather is cooperating perfectly. This is such a great opportunity for students, and always a great show.

We will have dinner tonight ready about 4:30. We have yummy pizza, desserts, and snacks.

Thought for today:


Tuesday October 17th, 2017

A big thank you to the three staff members who participated with Scratch for Schools! That's a fun activity, and money goes right to students and their activities.

Please help remind students and families that there is no school on Thursday and Friday.

There is no choir after school today.

Please send all box tops to the office.

We are off to a great start with student led conferences. Students love sharing their learning and growth, and it's a great opportunity to check in with families. As the week as can seem long, remember who it is all about. Thank you for all do. You are loved:


Monday October 16th, 2017

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   October 16th-19th, 2017- Student Led Conferences all week

   October 17th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   October 17th, 2017- Tuesday- Box Tops due- Please send to the office for student leaders

   October 17th-18th, 2017- Tuesday and Wednesday- Student Lighthouse interviews

   October 18th, 2017- Wednesday- No School for Kindergarten

   October 18th, 2017- Wednesday- 5th Grade Arts on Tour at CSI- Walking- PM

   October 18th, 2017- Wednesday- Teacher Dinner of Pizza

   October 19th-20th, 2017- Thursday and Friday- No School for all students

Next Week:

   October 23rd-27th, 2017- Monday-Friday- Red Ribbon Week- Led by Fun Committee

        Office will make copies of flier to send home, and back side will have no school day reminders:

                                                  Themes for each day

       October 23rd, 2017- Monday- Grade Level teaming for 1st-5th

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Parker- Habit 1: Be Proactive

next week: Kelly- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

A big thank you to Middlekauff for dropping off donuts on Friday for teachers. The donuts were gone within five minutes:

Thank You

There is no after school program this week, just the before school program.

We have several pictures from this past week. Students practiced academic skills, learned about self-affirmation, service leaders, robotics, dance, Family of the Month, Staff Oscars, family involvement with fifth grade's Great Cardboard Challenge, mismatch day staff picture, and Sharpen the Paw. So many kind students learning and growing:

Pictures This Week

Here are four tips from a school like ours, that has had success as it has turned its school around. We include all four tips, especially number two. Our students are so lucky to benefit from the assistance that our blocks/specials teachers. Every staff member at our school is involved with students and their learning, both academic learning and social-emotional skills:

Four Tips From a High Poverty School

We are constantly striving to ensure that students are reading, both at grade level and for enjoyment. It can be hard at times to find the hook for the student who is struggling with reading, but once students find text they like, their skills take off:

Five Ways to Intentionally Support Student Independence

When it comes to discipline, we strive to use Restorative Practices. Here is an overview with five steps:

The Five Steps of Restorative Practices

Here is a great thought as we start the week:


Thursday October 12th, 2017

Please help remind students and families that there is no school tomorrow.

Today is a busy day, but super fun for students. Hard to believe, but we are 1/4 of the way through the school year. Here is the agenda for today:

1. Family of the month assembly in the gym. Please walk students to the gym as soon as the bell rings for school to start.

2. Paw pencil sale with student leaders and Thursday fun mismatch day.

3. Sharpen the Paw for the 1st quarter is from 12:50-2:50. A big thank you to everybody for planning fun learning opportunities for students. Students might not remember their coat, backpack, or homework- but they remember when this activity is occurring.

Certified staff- tomorrow is all yours. No meetings or activities. Just a day to plan, organize, prepare, collaborate- anything that you need/want to work on.

Wednesday was International Day of the Girl. Thought for today:


Wednesday October 11th, 2017

We have a staff meeting after school in the library.

Please help remind students and families about the paw pencil sale with student leaders on Thursday, as well as mismatch day. Please also help remind about Friday being a no school day.

We are placing a spirit wear order. Please bring all orders to the office.

This article has several important topics, tips, and reminders. Being a staff member who works in a school, all staff, sometimes involves situations that aren't great. We try really hard to follow trauma informed discipline, really understanding students and what they are trying to communicate when they aren't making the best behavior choices. With that, it is important to also take care of ourselves:

When Students Are Traumatized, Teachers Are Too

Remember the why:


Tuesday October 10th, 2017

We have a building leadership/staff lighthouse team meeting after school today. The goal is to start by 3:15 in room 13.

This is a great overview of STEAM. It is more than the lesson or activity. It is about the skills. What a great opportunity that our kids get to practice everyday:

What is STEAM and Why Does it Matter?

This video is from Ms. Kober from her Project Leadership meeting on Monday. The Why of our work is super important, the purpose, and what a great calling that we get to do everyday. It's always hard for me to come back to Idaho after breaks, but the reminder of why helps:

Know Your Why

Thought for today:


Monday October 9th, 2017

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   October 9th, 2017- Monday- Eval team

   October 10th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   October 10th, 2017- Tuesday- Building leadership team/staff lighthouse- 3:10 room #13

   October 11th, 2017- Wednesday- 5th Grade Great Cardboard Challenge 2:10 room #17

   October 11th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   October 12th, 2017- Thursday- Family of the month assembly

   October 12th, 2017- Thursday- School store with student leaders selling paw pencils

   October 12th, 2017- Thursday- Thursday Fun- Mismatch Day

   October 12th, 2017- Thursday- Sharpen the Paw for the 1st Quarter- PM

   October 12th, 2017- Thursday- Lights on After School 5:30-7:00 pm

   October 13th, 2017- Friday- End of the 1st quarter and no school for students

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Johns- Habit 8: Find your voice, and inspire others to find theirs

On Wednesday, 5th grade students will be presenting their cardboard creations. This has been a great activity to develop several skills, like synergy and perseverance:

Cardboard Challenge

Lights on After School is on Thursday and is led by the after school program:

Lights on After School

The staff meeting this week will have the nurse presenting, American Fidelity, and we will have a Leader in Me check in.

We have the 1st quarter Sharpen the Paw this week. Here is the list of great learning activities:

Sharpen the Paw

It was a short week, but great picture about finding your voice:

Pictures This Week

A great thought to start the week:


Tuesday October 3rd, 2017

Today is Tie Tuesday.

We have grade level teaming for 1st-5th today.

Please help remind students and families that tomorrow, Wednesday, is walk to school day.

Please help remind students and families that there is no school on Thursday and Friday.

Thought for today: