Meetings/Reminders for the week:
October 16th-19th, 2017- Student Led Conferences all week
October 17th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
October 17th, 2017- Tuesday- Box Tops due- Please send to the office for student leaders
October 17th-18th, 2017- Tuesday and Wednesday- Student Lighthouse interviews
October 18th, 2017- Wednesday- No School for Kindergarten
October 18th, 2017- Wednesday- 5th Grade Arts on Tour at CSI- Walking- PM
October 18th, 2017- Wednesday- Teacher Dinner of Pizza
October 19th-20th, 2017- Thursday and Friday- No School for all students
Next Week:
October 23rd-27th, 2017- Monday-Friday- Red Ribbon Week- Led by Fun Committee
Office will make copies of flier to send home, and back side will have no school day reminders:
Themes for each day
October 23rd, 2017- Monday- Grade Level teaming for 1st-5th
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Parker- Habit 1: Be Proactive
next week: Kelly- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
A big thank you to Middlekauff for dropping off donuts on Friday for teachers. The donuts were gone within five minutes:
Thank You
There is no after school program this week, just the before school program.
We have several pictures from this past week. Students practiced academic skills, learned about self-affirmation, service leaders, robotics, dance, Family of the Month, Staff Oscars, family involvement with fifth grade's Great Cardboard Challenge, mismatch day staff picture, and Sharpen the Paw. So many kind students learning and growing:
Pictures This Week
Here are four tips from a school like ours, that has had success as it has turned its school around. We include all four tips, especially number two. Our students are so lucky to benefit from the assistance that our blocks/specials teachers. Every staff member at our school is involved with students and their learning, both academic learning and social-emotional skills:
Four Tips From a High Poverty School
We are constantly striving to ensure that students are reading, both at grade level and for enjoyment. It can be hard at times to find the hook for the student who is struggling with reading, but once students find text they like, their skills take off:
Five Ways to Intentionally Support Student Independence
When it comes to discipline, we strive to use Restorative Practices. Here is an overview with five steps:
The Five Steps of Restorative Practices
Here is a great thought as we start the week:
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