

Friday March 1st, 2019

March has arrived, Spring is getting closer, and the weather has definitely felt like the saying: In like a lion, out like a lamb.

Today is dress like a super hero and it is also our monthly sale with student leaders.

Thought for today:


Thursday February 28th, 2019

Please help remind students and families about the Friday fun super hero theme and the Dr. Seuss notepad sale with student leaders.

This is a great article to print and read later as a reference. Social Emotional learning and Leader in Me complement each other very well and we strive to integrate both throughout the school day. SEL and Leader in Me, foundational pieces at our school:

3 Tips to Incorporate SEL into Everyday Literacy Instruction

Thought for today:


Wednesday February 27th, 2019

Please consider signing up for an Idaho Day time slot with fourth grade on Monday. They have fun activities planned and would love to have every student participate.

We have a staff meeting after school today.

Thought for today:


Tuesday February 26th, 2019

We have our monthly leadership assembly first thing in the morning.

There might be one idea in this article that catches your eye:

6 Strategies for Finding Your Calm

Thought for today:


Monday February 25th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   February 25th, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   February 25th, 2019- Monday- Spelling Bee at Roper- 6:00 pm

   February 26th, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS
   February 26th, 2019- Tuesday- Leadership assembly- 8:05 am in gym

   February 27th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   February 28th, 2019- Thursday- Principal lunch with February leaders of the month

   February 28th, 2019- Thursday- Monthly Leader in Me parent/family class- 6 pm in library

   March 1st, 2019- Friday- Friday fun is dress like a super hero

   March 1st,2019- Friday- Student leaders selling Dr. Seuss writing notepads for .50 cents each

Next week:

   March 5th, 2019- Tuesday- Leadership Day: 12:15-2:50 pm

   March 7th, 2019- Thursday- Sharpen the Paw: 1:05-2:50 pm

   March 8th, 2019- Friday- Early dismissal at 12:45 pm

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Wilkins- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

Next week: Day- Habit 1: Be proactive

The staff meeting this week is all about the Science standards.

Pictures this week include the awesome boys activity, students leading at the Leader in Me symposium that was at CSI, fourth grade students creating during their weekly steam class, and students learning photography and video production skills. Snow did not get in the way of families attending a fun square dancing evening or student lighthouse team members as they walked to and from CSI:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today:


Friday February 22nd, 2019

The boys activity was super fun. A big thank you to everybody who helped from planning, to preparation, clean up, and everything in between. One activity was a square dance caller and that was a big hit.

We have student lighthouse members giving tours this morning for community members.

We want students, staff, and families to know that they are noticed and welcomed. Thought for today:


Thursday February 21st, 2019

Please send all Box Tops to the office.

The big event today is the boys activity: Buckles and Bows. This starts at 5:45 and the activities are super fun. Please help remind families.

Thought for today:


Monday February 18th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   February 18th, 2019- Monday- No School

   February 19th, 2019- Tuesday- Certified staff training day

   February 20th, 2019- Wednesday- Title 1 para check in- 9:40 am
   February 21st, 2019- Thursday- Box Tops due

   February 21st, 2019- Thursday- Boys Activity: 5:45-6:45 pm

   February 22nd, 2019- Friday- Student lighthouse tours for symposium

Next week:

   February 25th, 2019- Spelling Bee at Roper

   March 1st, 2019- Friday fun: Super hero dress up and Dr. Seuss notepads for .50 cents each

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Spencer- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

Next week: Wilkins- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

One picture from this last week is a kindergarten celebration of their reading growth Fall to Winter. The graph pictured is similar to others found in classrooms around the school and we definitely have impressive gains with both reading and math growth. A big thank you to everybody who teaches, cooks and feeds yummy food, ensures the building is clean and dry from rain leaks, encourages, and gives a few minutes to check in with students. The picture of growth and happy kids is awesome.

There are also pictures from Breakfast with Books, Valentine's parties, and our student lighthouse team that meets during their lunch hour to plan and learn:

Pictures This Week

We're always adding diverse books to our library/media center and adding posters and pictures on walls that reflect the diversity at our school. It's the real world and our kids need to see people that look like them. Here are a few book ideas:

22 Diverse Book Choices

All of our certified staff complete at least two peer observations every year. This is a great way to learn, grow, and form connections with staff. Whether you are a first year teacher, first year at Harrison, classified staff, or have taught for several years- this is an article everybody should relate to. Positive relationships with students and a safe network of support with colleagues:

The Biggest Lesson

We are frequently discussing how to reach the needs of all of our students, including our high students.  This is a great reminder of looking at other areas when assessing:

Using Art in Assessments

As soon as you leave the US, soccer becomes football. Pele is often referenced, especially during the world cup that is held every four years. Thought for the day:


Thursday February 14th, 2019

Valentine parties are after the last recess of the day. Let the office know if any students need cards, if students need help filling out their cards, or if any parties need supplies or treats. We have staff happy to help students fill out their cards.

Thought for today:


Wednesday February 13th, 2019

A big thank you to everybody who has been helping with covering classrooms where we have been without guest teachers. The best experiences are being in someone else's shoes.

We have a staff meeting after school in the library. It is the levy presentation. Everybody is invited to attend, not just certified. We will then have time for Mileposts so everybody can get caught up, so please bring a device if you have items to enter.

This article is from Mrs. Turpin:

What it Really Means to Have High Expectations

Thought for today:


Tuesday February 12th, 2019

We have Spring pictures today.

Please help remind students and families about Breakfast with Books tomorrow.

I've sent this article out to a few people individually over the last few months. The I'm sorry's have picked up lately, so I thought I should share this with everybody. I love this article and refer back to it myself.

It is a powerful mindset change to switch from a negative to a positive. No more I'm sorry's when you need a sick day and want to use your sick leave, when you needed to take care of a student instead of responding to an email, when the to do list and plate is full and you need to prioritize, when you need to stop and breathe and go for a walk outside around the school, when you had a human moment and need a do over:

Two Better Words You Should Start Saying Instead of I'm Sorry

Be kind to yourself and take care of yourself, that's self care. Thought for today:


Monday February 11th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   Monday-Friday: Be a Buddy, Not a Bully week

   February 11th, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   February 11th, 2019- Monday- Leadership check in meeting- 3:10, room #10

   February 12th, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS
   February 12th, 2019- Tuesday- Spring Pictures

   February 13th, 2019- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books and Readers of the month- 7:30 am

   February 13th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff Meeting- Levy Presentation

   February 14th, 2019- Thursday- Valentine's Day parties- PM

Next week:

   February 21st, 2019- Box Tops due

   February 21st, 2019- Boys Activity- Buckles and Bows- 5:45-6:45 pm

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Pauley- Habit 6: Synergize

Next week: Spencer- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Pictures this week include younger students reading with older students during tutoring/after school program, our new security aide, and first grade students learning about fractions. There is also a picture from the very kind donation that 208 Real Estate gave to our school. The tissues and cleaning wipes were perfect timing:

Pictures This Week

This video clip is a great reminder. As a comment in the video states: Validating their presence in the building:

The Power of Relationships in Schools

Thought to start the week:


Friday February 8th, 2019

Fourth grade has their Boise field trip today.

Please help remind students about the theme days for bully awareness week. Monday is the first day.

Thought for today:


Thursday February 7th, 2019

We have Winter IRI testing for first, second, and third grade today. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet in the morning.

This article has great ideas to help build community in classrooms and with small groups. We want all students to feel included and welcomed in a safe space:

10 Powerful Community Building Ideas

We all make mistakes, have rough patches during the day, or just need a new day to start over- including our students. We're all human. Look for the positives, learning opportunities for growth, and successes. Thought for today:


Wednesday February 6th, 2019

We start Winter IRI testing with kindergarten today. They have grown so much and not just with academics. They log on to their chromebooks and use it like a pro.

We have a staff lighthouse/building leadership team meeting after school.

Thought for today:


Tuesday February 5th, 2019

We have grade level teaming today and the thought for today fits very well.

Thought for today:


Monday February 4th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   February 4th, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   Monday February 4th-8th, 2019- National School Counselor/Counseling week

   February 5th, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS
   February 5th, 2019- Tuesday- 1st-5th Grade level teaming with Resource and ESL

   February 6th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff lighthouse/building leadership team- 3:10, room #10

   February 8th, 2019- Friday- Fourth grade Boise field trip- all day

   February 8th, 2019- Friday- Kindergarten teaming with Resource and ESL

Next week:

   February 12th, 2019- Spring picture day

   February 13th, 2019- Breakfast with Books and Readers of the Month

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Jolovich- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Next week: Pauley- Habit 6: Synergize

This article is a great reminder for finding your 'why.' From a kindergarten teacher:

I'm Different, Just Like You

This is a great video that reminds about the importance for every student to have at least one person that they know cares about them, a safe place for learning, and for every student to feel that they are noticed:

Cultivating Trust

Pictures this week include our annual Spelling Bee winners, great examples of students demonstrating leadership, Math learning with Mrs. Birnie, January leaders of the month, fifth grade learning, art and leadership, and the annual fourth grade Wagons Ho event:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today: