

Tuesday October 1st, 2019

Please help remind students about dressing warmer for the Fall weather. October has arrived.

The thought for today fits very well with what we encounter everyday with students. It can be exhausting at times, however, you matter and can change a child's entire day. Sometimes it can be hard to see the changes, but remember, you are investing and planting seeds. The thought for today is so true:


Monday September 30th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 30th, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   September 30th, 2019- Monday- Staff Potluck

   September 30th, 2019- Monday- Hearing and vision screening K, 1, 3, 5- rooms A and 1

   October 1st, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   October 1st, 2019- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday/bow/scarf- first Tuesday of every month

   October 1st and 2nd, 2019- Tuesday/Wednesday- New staff Leader in Me training at CR

   October 4th, 2019- Friday- Friday fun is mismatched everything and
                                                      student leaders selling caramel suckers for .50 cents each

Next week:

   October 9th, 2019- Breakfast with books and readers of the month

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Spencer- Habit 6: Synergize

Next week: Wilkins- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

We start the week with a yummy staff potluck. Just as we often tell our students, you can't say we don't feed you at Harrison. The staff potluck is for celebrating September staff birthdays and we purposely planned it on the day of the hearing and vision screening so all of our nurses, district audiologist, and volunteers could also be included. You will be well fed today.

Tuesday and Wednesday are heavy sub days. Those would not be good days to ask for a guest teacher.

Empathy is such an important skill to develop. It is a known red flag for potential future juvenile system concerns. This is a great article that shares one example of developing empathy:

Social-Emotional Learning

We have several awesome picture from this last week. We recognized our September leaders of the month, we had math learning in first grade, engineers in third grade, and we continued working in our school garden.

Picture the visual, classic Harrison: IEP meeting at the office and kindergarten students show up to share their learning. We absolutely recognized that. There is a picture of two young men reading and sharing their writing.

We also have a picture of awesome ladies who applied to be leaders of the leadership display case, Office Depot donations, classroom leadership partners practicing reading skills, after school yoga, and our boys family night activity. I couldn't believe how much Office Depot dropped off for our staff and students, just amazing. For our new staff, these pictures will be helpful to see and learn about our school activities:

Pictures This Week 

So true. We have so much to be thankful for. Gratitude can change your entire day. Thought for today:


Friday September 27th, 2019

We finish our student lighthouse interviews today. We have a great group of students that have applied.

A big thank you to everybody who assisting with planning the boys night event, setting up, and leading during the activity. We had a great turn out and it was a great evening.

Have a great Friday. Thought for today:


Thursday September 26th, 2019

The big event today is our annual boys family night with their favorite gal, from 5:30-6:30 pm. We'll be outside and the weather should be perfect. Please help remind students and families.

Thought for today:


Wednesday September 25th, 2019

We start walk and talk this morning. This is a great opportunity to sharpen the saw, build rapport with kids, and for everybody to start the day on a positive note.

Fourth grade has Impact Teaming training with a coach this afternoon.

We have a staff meeting after school today. Everybody is invited. We will be learning about federal programs that support students.

Thought for today:


Tuesday September 24th, 2019

We start the day with our monthly leadership assembly. Please bring students directly to the gym when the bell rings for school to start.

We have grade level teaming today.

Thought for today:


Monday September 23rd, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 23rd, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   September 24th, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   September 24th, 2019- Tuesday- September leadership assembly 8:05 am in gym

   September 24th, 2019- Tuesday- Grade level teaming K-5

   September 25th, 2019- Wednesday- Walk and Talk starts, every Wed/Fri before school

   September 25th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   September 26th-27th, 2019-  Thursday and Friday- Student Lighthouse interviews

   September 26th, 2019- Thursday- Boys activity- Outside 5:30-6:30 pm

   September 27th, 2019- Friday- Principal lunch with September student leaders of the month

Next week:

   September 30th, 2019- Hearing and Vision Screening with nurses

   September 30th, 2019- Staff potluck for lunch

   October 4th, 2019- Friday fun- mismatched everything

   October 4th, 2019- Student leaders selling caramel suckers for .50 cents each

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Pauley- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Next week: Spencer- Habit 6: Synergize

The staff meeting this week will start with the Twin Falls Education Foundation visiting. We will then hear about federal programs. This includes Title 1 services, migrant services, and services for students who have been identified as homeless. Everybody is welcome to attend, not just certified staff.

Some days are better than other days. When bumps appear, it is important to remember your why. One of my favorite parts about the new office area is definitely the windows and open doors that allow us to see the kids. You look over and there is someone smiling and waving at you. That is my why, the kids. We get to create change everyday with kids, even the hardest kids. The pictures this week include a great picture of smiling kids as they walk by the office.

Pictures also include engaging math learning with one of our new teachers, Mrs. Yarbrough. There are also pictures from after school that include learning about senses, relaxation, senses, and synergy with puzzles:

Pictures This Week

This is a nice article about building rapport with students. There might be one idea that catches your eye:

Building Rapport

Thought for today:


Friday September 20th, 2019

Please help talk with students about wearing warmer clothing, like coats. The mornings and first half of the day are definitely colder than the afternoons.

Have a great weekend.

Thought for today:


Thursday September 19th, 2019

We are one month into the school year. It's important to remember self care for ourselves. This is a nice check in with ideas:

Self Care

Sometimes saying no is self care. Thought for today:


Wednesday September 18th, 2019

We have our first staff lighthouse/building leadership team meeting today. We will start at 3:10 in room 17. Please let a rep know if you would like something added to the agenda. I love this meeting every month. It's eclectic. We discuss building goals, have committee and action team reports, plan next steps for staff and student needs, discuss and plan upcoming school events, and more.

I love this article. It matches what certified staff have been learning. It also matches our building expectation of inclusion and ensuring that every person (staff, students, families) feel welcomed. This article mentions both second language learners and students with disabilities. I love the mention about capitalizing on strengths:

Deficits as Strengths

Thought for today:


Tuesday September 17th, 2019

Today is Constitution day and picture day.

As I often travel to other countries, which I love, there is nothing the same as home. We have so many privileges and blessings here. The constitution is super important. Please make sure to discuss today.

Someone will come to your classroom when it is time for pictures.

This is a great post about servant leadership. Thomas Sergiovanni passed away a few years ago, but what he will most be known for is his knowledge of servant leadership. Taking care of people around you like students and staff, shared end goals, empowering others, and modeling and growing:

Servant Leadership

There is only one you and you are very much loved and appreciated. Thought for today:


Monday September 16th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 16th, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   September 17th, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   September 17th, 2019- Tuesday- Constitution Day

   September 17th, 2019- Tuesday- Fall Picture Day

   September 18th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff Lighthouse/Building leadership team meeting

Next week:

   September 24th, 2019- Leadership assembly

   September 26th, 2019- Boys Activity- 5:30-6:30 pm

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Jolovich- Habit 4: Think win win

Next week: Pauley- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

This is a great video and article about a Leader in Me school and how they have use trauma informed practices when addressing discipline. Social-emotional learning is essential, the whole child. The video is great to watch:


Pictures this week include math leaders in the classroom, our monthly Breakfast with Books family activity, students applying for leadership roles, safety patrol leaders, and students leading morning announcements:

Pictures This Week

You are loved because of your uniqueness. Be you. Thought to start the week:


Thursday September 12th, 2019

We have our literacy coach visiting today.

Please help remind students and families that there is no school on Friday.

For those not working on Friday, enjoy the longer weekend.

Thought for today:


Wednesday September 11th, 2019

Breakfast with Books starts at 7:30 in the lunchroom.

We have a staff meeting after school in the library.

Please help remind students and families that we have no school on Friday.

Here are few thoughts from ASCD about working as a team:


Constitution Day is coming and our voice is definitely a great privilege that we have. This was sent to certified staff:

Constitution Day

Thought for today:


Tuesday September 10th, 2019

The student lighthouse team will be meeting Wednesday during the lunch hour.

Please help remind students and families about Breakfast with Books on Wednesday.

Thought for today:


Monday September 9th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 9th, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   September 9th, 2019- Monday- Leader in Me on site coaching

   September 11th, 2019- Wednesday- Readers of the month and Breakfast with Books

   September 11th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   September 12th, 2019- Thursday- Student lighthouse team applications due

   September 12th, 2019- Thursday- Literacy on site coaching

   September 13th, 2019- Friday- No School and Data Day

Next week:

   September 17th, 2019- Constitution Day

   September 17th, 2019- Fall picture day

   September 18th, 2019- Building leadership/Staff lighthouse team

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Alexander- Habit 3: Put first things first

Next week: Jolovich- Habit 4: Think win win

Pictures from this last week include Tie Tuesday, Istation capes, readers, writers, scientists, and banana pancakes:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today:


Friday September 6th, 2019

We have a breakfast check in for new certified staff this morning. We will meet in room 17 at 7:30 am.

We are completing Istation make up tests today. A list of students was sent to classroom teachers. Please make sure we get everybody completed today.

Today is our first Friday fun and it is class colors. We also have student leaders selling candy for .50 cents each.

We have a new intercom and we've had students learning how to use it when they do announcements. It looks pretty fancy. Sometimes you're walking down the hall and someone asks you to jump in and help, like with a runner or a sick student. It's important for staff to know how to use the intercom. If you are interested in learning how, please join us in the office at 11:20 this morning.

This thought for today is so true: