Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 30th, 2019- Monday- Eval team
September 30th, 2019- Monday- Staff Potluck
September 30th, 2019- Monday- Hearing and vision screening K, 1, 3, 5- rooms A and 1
October 1st, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
October 1st, 2019- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday/bow/scarf- first Tuesday of every month
October 1st and 2nd, 2019- Tuesday/Wednesday- New staff Leader in Me training at CR
October 4th, 2019- Friday- Friday fun is mismatched everything and
student leaders selling caramel suckers for .50 cents each
Next week:
October 9th, 2019- Breakfast with books and readers of the month
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Spencer- Habit 6: Synergize
Next week: Wilkins- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
We start the week with a yummy staff potluck. Just as we often tell our students, you can't say we don't feed you at Harrison. The staff potluck is for celebrating September staff birthdays and we purposely planned it on the day of the hearing and vision screening so all of our nurses, district audiologist, and volunteers could also be included. You will be well fed today.
Tuesday and Wednesday are heavy sub days. Those would not be good days to ask for a guest teacher.
Empathy is such an important skill to develop. It is a known red flag for potential future juvenile system concerns. This is a great article that shares one example of developing empathy:
Social-Emotional Learning
We have several awesome picture from this last week. We recognized our September leaders of the month, we had math learning in first grade, engineers in third grade, and we continued working in our school garden.
Picture the visual, classic Harrison: IEP meeting at the office and kindergarten students show up to share their learning. We absolutely recognized that. There is a picture of two young men reading and sharing their writing.
We also have a picture of awesome ladies who applied to be leaders of the leadership display case, Office Depot donations, classroom leadership partners practicing reading skills, after school yoga, and our boys family night activity. I couldn't believe how much Office Depot dropped off for our staff and students, just amazing. For our new staff, these pictures will be helpful to see and learn about our school activities:
Pictures This Week
So true. We have so much to be thankful for. Gratitude can change your entire day. Thought for today:
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