

Wednesday May 1st, 2019

We start the day with our monthly leadership assembly.

Please help remind students and families that all library books are due this Friday May 3rd.

Thought for today:


Tuesday April 30th, 2019

We have fifth grade students completing the first part of their ELA ISAT this morning. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway quiet.

Here is the May list of important school activities and field trips. The office will make copies to send home:

Upcoming Dates

Thought for today:


Monday April 29th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 29th, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   April 30th, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS

   April 30th, 2019- Tuesday- 5th grade ELA ISAT- AM

   May 1st, 2019- Wednesday- Leadership assembly- 8:05 am in gym

   May 2nd, 2019- Thursday- 5th grade ELA ISAT- AM

   May 3rd, 2019- Friday Fun- Crazy hair day

   May 3rd, 2019- Friday- Student leaders selling an assorted of items- all month

   May 3rd, 2019- Friday- April Leaders of the Month lunch with Principal
   May 3rd, 2019- Friday- IRI Testing

Next week:

   * Staff/Teacher Appreciation Week- May 6th-10th- You will be well fed and loved this week
   * 5th Grade Math ISAT- May 7th and May 9th
   * Breakfast with Books and Readers of the Month- May 8th
   * Kindergarten Open House for new kinders- May 8th, 5-6 pm
   * Last day of the after school program- May 9th
   * Leader in Me May family class/barbecue- 6-7 pm
   * First grade field trip to Herrett Center and picnic lunch- May 10th: 10-1:30 pm

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Mussio- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

Next week: McCollum- Habit 1: Be proactive

It is super important that you have emailed about end of the year field trips and special activities. Many staff members rely on the google calendar, lessons have been planned, lunch food items have been ordered, families call the front office with questions, etc...

The monthly Friday sale with student leaders is different in May. We have an assortment of items for sale that are from the previous months. Every classroom signed up for a day and time. Here is the list and please share with students and families:

May Sales with Student Leaders

We've changed the IRI testing day a few times. The latest is this Friday- May 3rd.

Pictures this week include leadership with our preschool students, Easter eggs, Battle of the Books, and family night with the after school program. We haven't had Battle of the Books for a few years. A big thank you for Mrs. Barron. She has spent many hours practicing with students. This is a great enrichment activity. A big thank you to Ms. Reese for leading a fun family night. We now have a zoo at our school with creative animal art:

Pictures This Week

Thought for the day:


Friday April 26th, 2019

Today is the last day for third and fourth grade testing. They will be finishing their Math ISAT this morning. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet.

Have a great weekend.

I love this thought for today:


Thursday April 25th, 2019

We have our literacy coach visiting k-3 classrooms today. Thank you for helping her to feel welcome at our school.

Thought for today:


Wednesday April 24th, 2019

We have a staff meeting after school. We'll hear about the early release/collaboration Monday proposal and we will have the TF Ed Foundation visiting.

You matter- Thought for today:


Tuesday April 23rd, 2019

Third and fourth grade students will be completing their Math ISAT this morning. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet.

Thought for today and a picture of Nelson Mandela's Nobel Peace Prize medal:


Monday April 22nd, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 22nd, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   April 23rd, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS

   April 23rd, 2019- Tuesday- 3rd and 4th Math ISAT- AM

   April 24th, 2019- Wednesday- Secretary's Day

   April 24th, 2019- Wednesday- 5th grade puberty talks- 1:00 pm

   April 24th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   April 25th, 2019- Thursday- Literacy Coach visit for K-3rd, Resource, and ESL

   April 26th, 2019- Friday- 3rd and 4th Math ISAT- AM

Next week:

   * 5th Grade ELA ISAT- April 30th and May 2nd
   * Friday fun- crazy hair day- May 3rd

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Kelly- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

Next week: Mussio- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

A big thank you to everybody who assisted with Kindergarten registration. From testing students, to answering the phone, and even welcoming new families. It was a busy week and all the help is greatly appreciated.

We are all growing and learning. This article has a link to click on that shows essential skills for current careers. Nice info:

What Skills do you Need to Succeed in your Career

Warmer weather means the running club has started again. This year it is all girls and they are not only running, but also developing confidence and self esteem skills. A big thank you to Mrs. Rodriguez for leading this. There are awesome pictures in the weekly post below.

We also have great pictures that illustrate the warm and inviting school climate we are striving for everyday. We have classroom greeters, front door greeters, and calm leaders.

Springtime also means the annual egg unit has started for fourth grade students. The eggs are in incubators and students can't wait for them to hatch.

We also have pictures of kindergarten students taking advantage of the warmer weather. Not only have we seen great growth with academics and social-emotional skills, but they can also log on to their chromebooks independently, knowing their passwords without any help. They were practicing academic skills on the front lawn Friday and we are hoping they don't move on us. Learning isn't just between four walls. Future first grade students:

Pictures This Week

Thought for the day:


Friday April 19th, 2019

Students participating in Battle of the Books will be meeting with Mrs. Barron in the library during lunch.

We will have ISAT make up tests in room 5, in the morning. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway quiet.

Thought for today:


Thursday April 18th, 2019

Third and fourth grade students will be finishing their ELA ISAT this morning. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet.

Thought for today:


Wednesday April 17th, 2019

We have our monthly staff lighthouse/building leadership team meeting after school at 3:10 in room #10. Please let a rep know if you would like something added to the agenda.

This article is long and is nice to print and read later. There are phrases that stand out like: "Staff was fiercely protective of the kids," and "Every child is going to be taught like they are going to Harvard." Teaching students who receive special education services can be tough, but the rewards are great. From preschool to fifth grade, almost 1/4th of our students have an IEP. A big thank you to everybody who helps ensure that every student feels included and pushed with high expectations:

The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love

Thought for today:


Tuesday April 16th, 2019

We've been modernizing classrooms the last few years. We have classrooms favoring tables and flexible learning spaces instead of desks. We recently updated a few more classrooms and that resulted in several extra desks. Mrs. Turpin had an idea for some of the desks.

Second language students filled out a form for a desk to be given to them and their family. We have had no problem finding families eager for the desks. Home visits were completed to deliver the desks. Families were very appreciate, even offering drinks and food. The happy faces are priceless:


We have 3rd and 4th completing their ELA ISAT this morning. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet.

Thought for today:


Monday April 15th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 15th, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   April 15th, 2019- Monday- Fall Kindergarten registration begins

   April 16th, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS

   April 16th, 2019- Tuesday- 3rd and 4th ELA ISAT- AM

   April 17th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff Lighthouse/building leadership team- 3:10 in room #10

   April 18th, 2019- Thursday- 3rd and 4th ELA ISAT- AM

   April 18th, 2019- Thursday- April Leader in Me Parent/Family class: 6-7 pm

Next week:

   * 3rd and 4th Math ISAT- April 23rd and 26th
   * Literacy Coach visits- April 25th

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Gailey- Habit 6: Synergize

Next week: Kelly- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

The pictures this week include Science standards and STEM skills as kindergarten students built bear traps during their weekly STEAM class, Readers of the Month and Breakfast with Books, and a kind picture of students on the bus back from the Canyon Ridge Synergy show that had excellent reviews:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today:


Friday April 12th, 2019

We start Fall kindergarten registration on Monday. Please help let families know, especially if you know about younger siblings.

Have a great weekend. Thought for today:


Thursday April 11th, 2019

The big event today is the Synergy show at Canyon Ridge. I know we can do this. Thank you for patience with student lunches, lunch recesses, and staff lunches. Thank you to those who are assisting as positive adults.

It's always a great show and we are striving to close the opportunity gap as we provide experiences for our kids that they might not normally have.  Here is the plan:

AM: K, 1, 2, 5
PM: K, 3, 4

Thought for today:


Wednesday April 10th, 2019

We have Breakfast with Books this morning.

Thought for today:


Tuesday April 9th, 2019

Fifth grade students will be completing their Science ISAT this morning. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway quiet.

Thought for today:


Monday April 8th, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 8th, 2019- Monday- Eval team

   April 9th, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS

   April 9th, 2019- Tuesday- 5th grade Science ISAT- AM

   April 10th, 2019- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books and Readers of the Month

   April 10th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   April 11th, 2019- Thursday- Canyon Ridge Synergy Show
                                                        AM: K, 1, 2, 5
                                                        PM: K, 3, 4

Next week:

   * Kindergarten Registration Begins- April 15th
   * 3rd and 4th ELA ISAT- April 16th and 18th- AM

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Rodriguez- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Next week: Gailey- Habit 6: Synergize

Pictures to share are a mix from this past week and the week before Spring break. We have older students with their recorder concert, the Spring all school concert, students applying for leadership roles, Friday fun dress fancy day, and March leaders of the month.

We have pictures from Mrs. Brand's second grade classroom. They completed biography reports, created mini people to represent the leaders, and practiced speaking and listening skills as they presented their reports.

We also have an awesome picture from Snake River Seed Cooperative. They donated several seed packages for our school garden and front yard. A big thank to Mrs. Sorensen and Mrs. Asher. Just wait for August and the Fall, it's going to be so nice outside.

One of my favorite pictures might be the young man from fourth grade sharing his prosthetic arm, hand, and fingers that he had created in the after school program. That right there is everything we strive for at Harrison: STEAM, college and career skills, leadership, grit, and more:

Pictures This Week

The staff meeting agenda:

1. Leader in Me- Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. Rodriguez

2. Literacy skills for newcomers- Ms. Johns- This was an excellent training that Corissa attended. The training addressed students with no, or very limited, schooling. We have seen this with students who are refugees, second language learners, and students home schooled or completing online courses. Corissa will be sharing tips and best practices that stood out.

Thought for the day:


Friday April 5th, 2019

We have a very diverse school, from languages spoken to different strengths and abilities. Our students are very lucky to be immersed daily with peers who are both similar and different to themselves. This month's Educational Leadership journal is all about race. This is a very sensitive subject. However, it is reality for some of our students. Whether second language learners, students who receive special education services, or students who live in poverty- an inclusive, welcoming, and safe school is important. Here are a few ideas:

Culturally Inclusive

Thought for today:


Thursday April 4th, 2019

Please help remind students and families about Friday fun's theme to dress as a future career, as well as the caramel sucker sale.

Thought for today:


Wednesday April 3rd, 2019

This is a great article that would be helpful for all students, especially students learning English, and it matches what we have been learning this year for best practices:

4 Simple Ways to Support Comprehension

There are so many things to be thankful for. Thought for today:


Tuesday April 2nd, 2019

A big thank you to Marsha for leading a great Spring concert. It was excellent with great songs. Thank you to everybody who attended and supported students, as well as supporting Marsha as it was her last concert before retiring.

This is a great leadership article. Everybody is a leader:

17 Ways to be a Leader

Thought for today: