

Monday February 3rd, 2014

Duties for the week:
     AM Bus: Hammond
     PM Bus:  Osborn
     Lounge: Jensen/Ardito

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   February 3rd, 2014- Monday- RTI

   February 4th, 2014- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming with ESL, Special Ed, and Title 1.

   February 5th, 2014- Wednesday- Digital Learning Day

   February 5th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team 

It looks like a great week with very few meetings! 

Thank you for your patience as we transition to the new wireless. The other wireless was good, but this one should be much better. 

If anybody is interested in having a master gardener work with your students please let me know. One of our school board members, Mr. Jansen, is involved with the master gardener program. He spoke highly of the program. There are volunteers that could come help with gardening activities. 

Here is a great article that Anne shared:


Here are some pictures from Chelcy's kindergarten classes. They are showing who they want for the super bowl.



Friday January 31st, 2014

Please help remind students about the CSI game on Saturday. I have a phone call out set for Friday evening.

Hard to believe, but we are on to February.



Thursday January 30th, 2014

Here is the latest video clip from Kid President. All of our students need to know that they are awesome.

Kid President


Wednesday January 29th, 2014

Next week on February 5th, it is Digital Learning Day. Let me know if you plan something special for the day. Here are some resources.

Official Website


Perrine First Grade Blog Technology Idea

I read this blog post about close reading, and it appeared at first glace to be targeted towards older students. However, the five strategies listed would be helpful with even our youngest students. The numbering of paragraphs stood out, as I sometimes see students wondering where in the text their friend is referring to. Even if students aren't able to write in a book, referring to the paragraph or sentence number is a helpful strategy.

5 Close Reading Strategies


Tuesday January 28th, 2014

We are into the second session of tutoring. If you have students that have attended tutoring, please make sure that intervention is documented in milepost. 

Here is an inspiring video clip about a boy playing an instrument, despite having no arms. We have students who are in a similar situation at our school, so this might be a video you could share with your class.

Trumpet Player

Here are two links with close reading posters. Close reading is an important piece of common core standards. The questions on the posters are helpful to include with instruction in your classroom.

Close Reading #1

Close Reading #2

We are always looking at different devices for the classrooms. However, it is what we do with the devices that is more important than which device it actually is. There are two good images in the following article that have comments to reflect upon. Technology is a tool to support learning.

Devices to Support Learning


Monday January 27th, 2014

Duties for the week:
     AM Bus: Goodwin
     PM Bus:  Standley
     Lounge: Pauley

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   January 27th, 2014-Monday- RTI

   January 27th, 2014- Monday- WISE team

   January 29th, 2014-Wednesday- Eval Team

   January 29th, 2014- Wednesday- 2nd Grade Herrett Center 9:15-11:15

   January 29th, 2014- Wednesday- Rocket Math Awards at 3pm.

   February 1st, 2014- Saturday- Read Like an Eagle at CSI: Women's game begins at 3:00 and Men's game is at 5:00. Students on court floor just before the Mens' game.  

The big item this week is reminding students about the CSI Saturday event. If they could be there by 4:15-4:30, they should be fine for making the center court piece. We will also do a phone call out as it gets closer.

The Bookmobile is still continuing their Thursday visits. They park in front of the school, across the street at the church. They will also have books for the Battle of the Books. The hours are 3:15-4:15. Please remind students about the great opportunity, as not every school gets to have the Bookmobile come right to their school. 

Please do not put yearbook money in the staff mailboxes. We want that brought to the office. Lesa and Linda document dates, names, and time to avoid any discrepancies when the yearbooks arrive.  


Friday January 24th, 2014

On our school website, there is a link on the right side for the district policy manual under links. It does get updated and reviewed throughout the year, so it is there when ever you want to refresh your understanding of policies.

The Code of Ethics for teachers may not have been something you have reviewed recently. Feel free to come see Chris or me if you have any questions. I added the document on the right side of our school website under links, and here is a direct link for viewing:

Idaho Code of Ethics

The new Spring test in Idaho will be the SBAC. Some states are using PARCC. They just released some sample questions. It may be a different consortium, but it will give you more sample ideas of what the test questions could look like:

Sample Questions for Common Core

Have a great Friday!


Thursday January 23rd, 2014

As we are at the half way mark of the school year, now is a great time to update notes and intervention data in Milepost. That information is very helpful for you, as well as any teachers that may have your student in the future. There are several of us in the building that can help if you have any questions.

Here are 31 apps for a smoother classroom. I've seen some in our classrooms. If you use one of these, please share your thoughts.

31 apps For A Smoother Classroom


Wednesday January 22nd, 2014

Please remember the staff meeting after school, certified and classified staff.

A big thank you to MaryAnn for completing IRI testing. The growth in first through third grade is great. Nice job! I wanted to share kindergarten info, huge growth. You may not be a kindergarten teacher, but you will have those students in the future. We also have several teachers, paras, and other support staff that have all contributed in some way helping those students. It might just be a smile and hello, but that may be exactly what a student needed that day. It truly is a team effort.

At the beginning of the school year we had 42 kindergarten students with a 1 on the IRI, and that is scored based on letter name identification. That is the highest compared to the other elementary schools in our district. We had 77 students with 0 for letter sounds, yes zero. Here are comparisons from Fall to Winter IRI for kindergarten, with just a few students left to test.

Fall 1's- 42
Winter 1's- 15

Fall 1's for letter sounds, 0 sounds- 77 students
Winter 1's for letter sounds- 25 students

Fall 3's- 25 students
Winter 3's- 62 students


Tuesday January 21st, 2014

Here is a post from the school website about the recent Science Day at Harrison. There are a few pictures:

Science Day 2014

Here is an article that shows examples of alternatives to venn diagrams, for comparison lessons.

Compare and Contrast


Monday January 20th, 2014

Duties for the week:
     AM Bus: Miller
     PM Bus:  Triner
     Lounge: Lent

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

January 20th, 2014- Monday- No Students, CCSS Training

January 21st, 2014- Tuesday- 3rd Grade and Patrols Swimming 12:30-3:00

January 21st, 2014- Tuesday- Tutoring 2nd Session Starts

January 22nd, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team

January 22nd, 2014- Wednesday- Staff Meeting- All staff including classified if possible

January 24th, 2014- Friday- 4th and 5th Grade Skateland 12:15-2:30

January 24th, 2014- Friday- PTA Cotton Candy Sale- .50
¢ each

Thank you to Jen and Khrista for helping to cover morning duties! Betty and Anne are still out getting better. If your students are interested, they could make cards for them. Anne and Betty would love that. 

With Anne being out, please let me know if you have students with immediate needs. We have had a few issues come up, and we were able to find assistance from other people and resources in our district. Working as a team is part of the culture in our district.

We have pamphlets in the office explaining the upcoming bond levy. We also have voter registration cards. See Linda if you would like any.

Please remember to bring you common core booklets with the standards, for the Monday training day. Most of you have it on your tablets with the app, and that will be helpful as well. 

Please remember that this week is the start of the third quarter, so it is a new schedule for specials. I'll also be at Harrison in the mornings this quarter. 

If you need any school supplies to replenish the second half of the school year let me know. 


Friday January 17th, 2014

Early dismissal is at 1:30, and then you have the rest of the afternoon to finish report cards.

Powerschool is now set up so families can check the lunch balances on their child's account. If a parent needs their login information again, we can print that for them in the office.

Please double check the school calendar to make sure we have upcoming field trips and activities listed. That is really helpful not only for families, but also the school staff.


Thursday January 16th, 2014

In case you haven't noticed, as we have in the office, Thursday is a full moon. Not just any full moon, but a wolf full moon. Yes, the full moons have names. We can make it!

Full Moon Names and Dates

If you were not able to attend the Fall Common Core training, there will be a make-up session at Perrine on Saturday February 1st. It wouldn't hurt to email a rsvp to Mr. Brulotte and Mrs. Adams, to assist them with planning that day. You could also attend the make up session if you are not able to attend the training on Monday, but we are expecting everybody to attend on Monday. The Boise writing project has a great training planned, and it should have helpful information and planning that you can take right back to your classroom.

                                                            animated wolf moon photo: Wolf Moon Winter Animation Animated Animations Gif Wolf_photo.gif


Wednesday January 15th, 2014

Here is a video about 20 things we should say more often, with a little bit of laughter mixed in:

20 Things

Please note the starting time of the Monday training: 8:30 am sharp. 


Tuesday January 14th, 2014

Please help remind students and families that Friday is early release at 1:30, and that Monday the 20th is a no school day.

Here are two resources about Martin Luther King Jr. that you could use anytime this week or next week.

NEA Martin Luther King Jr. Resources

Scholastic Martin Luther King Jr. Resources

You may have noticed the reader board. January is school board recognition month:

School Board Recognition Month


Monday January 13th, 2014

Duties for the week:
     AM Bus: Fullmer
     PM Bus:  Taylor
     Lounge: Bradley

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   January 13th, 2014- Monday- RTI

   January 13th, 2014- Monday- WISE Team

   January 15th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team

   January 17th, 2014- Friday- 1:30 Dismissal, No Kinders, and end of 2nd Quarter.

   January 20th, 2014- Monday- No Students, CCSS Training

      K-1 is at Morningside
      2-3 is at Harrison
      4-5 is at Perrine

IRI testing, report card assessments, gathering names for tutoring, and finishing report cards.  Those are the main items this week.

I have some books about being homeless, not having enough money for popular items other kids have, and few other topics that fit well with our demographics. They'll be on my desk and you can feel free to borrow so you can read in your classroom. Anne also has several books as well, so feel free to check in with her if you are looking for a specific topic.

We are about half way through the school year. Not only have students been working really hard all year with items such as behaviors, academics, social emotional skills- but so have you. We hate to lose students after all the hard work. Please let us know in the office when you hear about students possibly moving, so we can check on the situation. It really is hard for students to move and change schools, especially when you add in the challenges of poverty and other situations.


Friday January 10th, 2014

Here is the thank you video that Beth made, and a pamphlet with information about the upcoming bond levy. I also put them on the school website to share with families and the community.

Thank You Twin Falls

March 11th Bond Levy Pamphlet



Thursday January 9th, 2014

Here is an article on 5 alternatives to 'I don't know.' We also don't want to let students off the hook. Going back to check if they now understand is important.

5 Better Ways to Say 'I Don't Know.'

On Wednesday, fifth grade had their students trying the blended learning centers we have been learning about. They not only help prepare students for common core standards and the new assessments, but real life. They needed to learn how to work in a group, take turns, synergy, communicate with speaking and listening skills, and other important skills.

The five centers were the smartboard, video with YouTube, images, audio, and text. Chris and I were really excited to see the centers in action. They are from 1-2 pm if you want to peek in. Here is a collage of a few pictures I took:


Wednesday January 8th, 2014

Staff meeting after school.

Please help remind families about the PTA meeting on Friday, and we provide a school lunch for them.

First grade and fifth grade were first with their grade level team meeting notes!


Tuesday January 7th, 2014

Talent show try-outs start after school today. Please remind students that they do need to make sure they have a ride home, especially if they usually ride the bus.They also must have a signed permission slip. I did a phone call out to remind families. They don't have to have their art projects ready this week.

I love this article on the changing learning environment:

Changing School Learning Environments


Monday January 6th, 2014

Duties for the week:
     AM Bus: Osborn
     PM Bus:  Kenyon
     Lounge: Simson

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   January 6th, 2014-Monday- RTI

   January 7th, 2014- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming Meetings with Resource, ESL, and Title 1

   January 7th-9th, 2014-Tuesday through Thursday- Talent Show try-outs after school

   January 8th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team

   January 8th, 2014- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   January 9th, 2014- Thursday- All Day Mad Scientist Day

   January 10th, 2014- Friday- PTA Meeting 

We have a new student teacher who will be at Harrison for about 12 weeks. A big thank you to Julie O. for being the host teacher. Her name is Chrystine, and please help her feel welcomed.

The big item for students this week will be the talent show try-outs. The list for signing up is quite long! The final talent show show night is always impressive.

The big item for the rest of us will be IRI testing. A big thank to MaryAnn for completing that. We are also lucky to have Colleen as her guest teacher.

If you didn't sign up for credit for the upcoming common core inservice on the 20th, please email me and I will send the information to you.

This isn't a real letter from a student, but it could be. Here's a great welcome back letter from a student's perspective:


Sometimes we have websites that don't work well on the iPads because of the flash issue. Puffin is a great resource for solving that. Here is an article from Jenni that talks about the Puffin app:

Puffin App

Academic vocabulary is one big shift with ELA common core state standards. Here is an article that discusses strategies for this topic:

8 Strategies for Teaching Academic Language

This list is from the above article. It refers to testing, but the ten words are essential for all students and contexts:

10 Words for Academic Language


Friday January 3rd, 2014

Well that was a quick week at school. It's Friday!

Here is an article on listening in the classroom:


I was in fifth grade classrooms and it was great listening to questions and comments that really made students think- corresponded with common core standards as well. One question was "What type of media is this?" That is not a routine question that we have typically asked students, and they had to think for a minute about it. Diverse media and formats is part of fifth grade standards, but really it starts all the way down with our preschoolers using the iPads. There are so many different options for media. Consider that question, and consider asking your students as well.

This video is a short snippet of videos that PBS has aired recently regarding digital media. As you scroll down there are other options for videos to watch that have further ideas and topics for reflection:

Digital Media