Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Osborn
PM Bus: Kenyon
Lounge: Simson
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
January 6th, 2014-Monday- RTI
January 7th, 2014- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming Meetings with Resource, ESL, and Title 1
January 7th-9th, 2014-Tuesday through Thursday- Talent Show try-outs after school
January 8th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team
January 8th, 2014- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
January 9th, 2014- Thursday- All Day Mad Scientist Day
January 10th, 2014- Friday- PTA Meeting
We have a new student teacher who will be at Harrison for about 12 weeks. A big thank you to Julie O. for being the host teacher. Her name is Chrystine, and please help her feel welcomed.
The big item for students this week will be the talent show try-outs. The list for signing up is quite long! The final talent show show night is always impressive.
The big item for the rest of us will be IRI testing. A big thank to MaryAnn for completing that. We are also lucky to have Colleen as her guest teacher.
If you didn't sign up for credit for the upcoming common core inservice on the 20th, please email me and I will send the information to you.
This isn't a real letter from a student, but it could be. Here's a great welcome back letter from a student's perspective:
Sometimes we have websites that don't work well on the iPads because of the flash issue. Puffin is a great resource for solving that. Here is an article from Jenni that talks about the Puffin app:
Puffin App
Academic vocabulary is one big shift with ELA common core state standards. Here is an article that discusses strategies for this topic:
8 Strategies for Teaching Academic Language
This list is from the above article. It refers to testing, but the ten words are essential for all students and contexts:
10 Words for Academic Language
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