

Wednesday September 5th, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 3rd, 2018- Monday- No School- Labor Day

   September 4th, 2018- Tuesday- No School- Data Day

   September 5th, 2018- Wednesday- Planning for girls activity- 7:30 am, rm #18

   September 5th, 2018- Wednesday- After school program starts

   September 7th, 2018- Friday- New certified staff breakfast check in- 7:30 am, rm #18

   September 7th, 2018- Friday- Student lighthouse leading tours for Leader in Me guests

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Schroeder- Habit 3: Put first things first

Next week: Alexander- Habit 3: Put first things first

If you are interested in planning and assisting with the girls activity, please join us Wednesday morning. Everybody is invited.

Educating the whole child, more than just academics:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today:


Friday August 31st, 2018

Please help remind students and families that there is no school Monday and Tuesday.

Here is a post with tips for working with at risk students:

Mentoring At Risk Students

Enjoy the long weekend and the nice weather. Thought for today:


Thursday August 30th, 2018

Please help remind students and families that Friday dismissal is at 12:45, and that there is no school on Monday and Tuesday.

The goal for today is to be finished with Istation testing. We have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd completing their ELA test, as well as makeup tests.

A great thought for today:


Wednesday August 29th, 2018

We have a staff meeting after school, in the library.

We will have guest teachers in the building today, as new teachers will be attending their first year teacher training. Thank you for always jumping in to help our guests.

Today we will have Kindergarten students completing their ELA Istation test, as well as makeups for any students who have missed tests this week. Testing with Kindergarten students has to be my favorite. We've only been purchasing headphones with the microphone piece. With kinders you hear students talking to themselves with the microphone piece as they are testing: can you hear me? or- Fred are you there? or- are you listening? or- can you hear me now? Always exciting with the little ones.

This thought for today is a great reminder of the importance for all students to be literate and frequent readers. Reading provides a voice, opens doors, provides opportunities, and can even change lives and families. Thought for today :


Tuesday August 28th, 2018

The two big items today are grade level teaming and Istation Math testing.

This is a great article with tips that apply to all staff members, not just new teachers. You might print and refer to later, like on those really hard days. Ask questions, sharpen the saw, self care, surround yourself with people that are positive and encouraging, and remember your 'why':

10 Tips for New Teachers

Thought for today:


Monday September 27th, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   August 27th, 2018- Monday- Eval team

   August 27th, 2018- Monday- 5th Istation ELA testing- 8:55

   August 27th, 2018- Monday- 4th Istation ELA testing- 12:05

   August 28th, 2018- Tuesday- 1st-5th grade teaming

   August 28th, 2018- Tuesday- 4th Istation Math testing- 8:10

   August 28th, 2018- Tuesday- 5th Istation Math testing- 8:55

   August 28th, 2018- Tuesday- Kindergarten Istation Math testing- 10:00

   August 28th, 2018- Tuesday- 2nd Istation Math testing- 11:45

   August 28th, 2018- Tuesday- 1st Istation Math testing- 12:35

   August 28th, 2018- Tuesday- 3rd Istation Math testing- 1:30

   August 29th, 2018- Wednesday- 1st year teacher training with school district

   August 29th, 2018- Wednesday- Kindergarten AM Istation ELA testing- 8:45

   August 29th, 2018- Wednesday- Kindergarten PM Istation ELA testing- 12:45

   August 29th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   August 30th, 2018- Thursday- 3rd Istation ELA testing- 8:45

   August 30th, 2018- Thursday- 2nd Istation ELA testing- 9:30

   August 30th, 2018- Thursday- 1st Istation ELA testing- 10:15

   August 31st, 2018- Friday- Kindergarten teaming- 9:30 am

   August 31st, 2018- Friday- No school for kindergarten and early dismissal 1st-5th @ 12:45 pm

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Johns- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

Next week: Schroeder- Habit 3: Put first things first

The big item this week is Istation testing. We need to have every student K-5 tested for both ELA and Math. It's a team effort at Harrison. We have Title 1, ESL, and Resource staff available so IEP's, ELP's, and individual student needs are being met. Here is the main schedule for the ELA/IRI piece for K-3rd:

Fall 2018 IRI Testing Schedule

The staff meeting agenda for this week:

1. School wide leadership roles/jobs- Ms. Johns
2. School wide staff committees- everybody
3. Certified staff evaluations- Ms. Ardito

This is a great article that discusses second language learners:

The Essentials of Welcoming Classrooms for English Language Learners

This is a great article that fits well for a new school year starting:

4 Skills Every Student Needs

Here are pictures from Open House, student leaders, our certified staff member of the year, and the beginning of a new school year. These would be great to share with students and families:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today:


Friday August 24th, 2018

We have our first leadership assembly this morning. As soon as the bell rings, please walk students to the gym. The student lighthouse team is super excited to lead and share leadership information.

Have a great weekend:


Thursday August 23rd, 2018

The first week of school is always filled with the theme of 'new.' New students to our school, new classrooms for students as they start a new school year with a new teacher, and new routines and procedures to learn. Thank you for patience with little ones who struggle with all the new. Add in the uniqueness of each child and their individual needs, and it is overwhelming at times.

This is a nice article that helps to remind us about the importance of helping children to manage their emotions. Time spent now is dividends earned later. A big thank you to everybody who has jumped in to assist a classroom, provided extra time with a student who needed a positive check in, reflected with a student about their behavior, or even just stopped for a few seconds in the hall to check in with a student. Just wait, the growth students make during the year with behavior is always great to observe:

How to Teach Self-Regulation

Thought for today:


Wednesday August 22nd, 2018

We will have para-professionals out of the building today for Istation and trauma training.

We have the robotics kick off event tonight.

Thought for today:


Tuesday August 21st, 2018

A big thank you to everybody for assisting with a great first day of school.

We have the annual robotics kickoff Wednesday evening. Please help remind students about this fun learning activity. With our after school program, every student can participate for no cost. One of the best parts, as children practice and prepare during the school year, is watching kids find their voice.

We have a family note going home this week reminding families about morning drop off of students and after school pick up information. These two times go by very quickly, and we rarely have issues, but we want to ensure that students are safe and that families are aware of the procedures. The office will make copies:

Drop Off and Pick Up Information

Thought for today:


Monday August 20th, 2018

Today is the first day of school. The floors are shiny, classrooms have been set up, the lunchroom and kitchen is prepared, lessons have been prepared, and more. A big thank you to everybody for all that you have done to ensure a great first day of school for students and families.

We have several students arriving at our school for the first time, brand new, on a school bus. Please help children find the lunchroom for breakfast and then the office so we can help children find their classroom. From the playground, the hallways, and the office area: If anybody is looking for a spot to help, there is a place for everybody.

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   August 22nd, 2018- Wednesday- School District training for para-professionals

   August 22nd, 2018- Wednesday- FLL Robotics Kickoff- 6:00-7:30 pm in the lunchroom

   August 23rd, 2018- Thursday- Hearing screenings for Kindergarten

   August 24th, 2018- Friday- Leadership Assembly- 8:05 am in the gym

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Lancaster- Habit 1: Be Proactive

This is a great article as we start a new school year. It's really important to remember to laugh, remember self care, and to remember children are our bread and butter/students come first:

Three Rules for Staying Happy and Sane

Here is one more article as we start a new school year. Community building and ensuring that our students feel safe at school is important, kindness is essential, and every day is a fresh start:

Three Reminders

A great thought to start the first week of a brand new school year. You matter: