

Friday May 1st, 2015

Third grade will be on a field trip to JIVE this afternoon, 1:00-2:30. That's a great reward for finishing all of their state tests. Third and fourth grade students are finished with state tests, and K-3rd is finished with IRI testing. A big thank you to Mrs. Sweet for completing all of the IRI testing.

We have an awesome group of students who applied to be green team leaders. They do such a nice job keeping the front of our school looking beautiful and inviting. They water the flowers every day, pick up garbage, and sweep the walkway. They are proactive and don't need any adults to remind them. Here are two pictures:


Thursday April 30th, 2015

We will have several students going on a field trip to watch JIVE today:

                 AM K, 1, 2: 9-10:30

                 PM K:  1-2:30

We have math testing for third and fourth today, for the performance task:

                 4th: 9:00

                 3rd: 1:00

Here is a thought for today:

                                                                                        image source: @Leadershipfreak


Wednesday April 29th, 2015

The first part of the math test was finished on Tuesday for all third and fourth grade students. Thank you for helping to keep the hallways quiet. The synergy of staff, both directly and indirectly involved, helped to create a smooth testing day. Everyday, every staff member models something to students. Just as our testing has been completed so efficiently with staff synergy, students also replicate that same synergy in the classroom and throughout the school day.

This picture is just one example, but a great example of students following what staff have modeled this year. These are first grade students synergyzing during their reading lesson in Mrs. Coleman's classroom. Week six is the application and project week in each reading unit, and this week students have been learning about buildings. Students worked in groups of three to create their plan, draw the plan out, and then build a building together. Synergy! Great opportunity for speaking and listening standards, matches the performance task skills upper grades are being tested on right now, as well as collaboration and critical thinking skills:

Here is another first grade classroom using synergy, in Mrs. Lent's classroom. Students applied their reading and speaking skills as they practiced for a reader's theater. The different voices for the parts was priceless. They discussed parts, assigned and practiced, and assisted each other with reading and acting. Synergy is a real life skill required for careers and college. Our students use and practice this habit everyday, starting in preschool.


Tuesday April 28th, 2015

We will be having Math assessments tomorrow for both 3rd and 4th grade students. Thank you for helping to keep the hallways quiet.

Here are the family notes going home this week:

Family Note Front Page

Family Note Back Page With Dates


Monday April 27th, 2015

Duties for the week:
     AM Bus: Simson
     PM Bus: Lent
     Lounge: Warner

Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   April 28th, 2015- Tuesday- RTI

   April 29th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team

   April 30th, 2015- Thursday- AM K, 1, 2 at JIVE 9-10:30 and PM K 1-2:30

   May 1st, 2015- Friday- 3rd at JIVE 1-2:30


   May 4th, 2015- Monday- PTA Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

   May 4th, 2015- Monday- Kindergarten Registration for Fall 2015 Starts

   May 6th, 2015- Wednesday- PTA Teacher Appreciation Lunch, Fiesta Ole

Assessment Schedule for the week: 

   April 28th, 2015- Tuesday- All Fourth Graders Math CAT 9:00 

   April 28th, 2015- Tuesday- All Third Graders Math CAT 1:00 

   April 29th, 2015- Wednesday- All Fourth Graders Math classroom activity 11:00

   April 29th, 2015- Wednesday- All Third Graders Math classroom activity 2:45

   April 30th, 2015- Thursday- All Fourth Graders Math Performance Task 9:00 

   April 30th, 2015- Thursday- All Third Graders Math Performance Task 1:00

Here are pictures from the family night activities.

21st Century Grant Family Night

Students in Ms. Miller's class created a new classroom newsletter for the month of April. They have been using the chromebooks and google apps. Very impressive fourth graders! I love the picture on the last page.

April Student Paper

Just a few pictures this week. It's been a busy week with assessments. 

Pictures This Week

Here is a great leadership article. Could be applied to the classroom, the playground, the lunchroom, or anywhere at school. Could be adults or children. Leaders serve.



Friday April 24th, 2015

A big thank you to everybody who assisted with keeping the hallways quiet during testing on Thursday, a big thank you to all the staff that assisted in the classrooms with students as they were testing, and a big thank you for sharing headphones. Students worked very hard. We are 99% finished with ELA testing for 3rd and 4th grade, and in only one week. That is a huge improvement from past years. Students in non-testing classrooms can still attend their computer lab block class, and students can still receive services from the counselor.

This is a great reminder of the importance to be continually learning how to integrate technology. Our students have been very blessed this year with devices. It is imperative in our building that all staff members are striving to integrate technology with instruction and lessons, and to use technology as a tool to enhance and extend learning.

Technology: A Catalyst for Learning

Thursday night we had a great family night, with the 21st Century grant. A big thank you to Ms. Reese and all the staff that assisted during the event. We had a great turnout with about 125 people. Building birdhouses in front of the school was a very popular activity:


Thursday April 23rd, 2015

We do have the after school program today. Tonight is the family night activity. Two big items with the 21st century grant are family involvement and personal development. The activities tonight are focused on parents/guardians playing and learning with their children. Activities include cooking, robotics, making bird houses for earth day, zumba, leader in me family pieces, and a few other activities. It is going to be a really fun evening, from 5:15-7:00.

We will be starting testing at 9am for all third and fourth grade students. Please help keep those hallways quiet.

Here is a great reminder. Our school mission statement is a great daily reminder, that we do what's best for students:


Wednesday April 22nd, 2015

Staff meeting is after school.

A big thank you to everybody who helped keep the hallways quiet for testing on Tuesday. A big thank you to everybody who assisted with testing, or assisting with items behind the scenes to ensure testing went smoothly. Tuesday was a day of synergy!

I wish you could have seen the students testing. We completed all of the ELA test for the first part, for both third and fourth grade. We had students testing in all of their classrooms, and they were so diligent persevering through the test. That test was intense, and students did an awesome job taking their time. Regardless of test scores, students definitely did their very best.

Due to the length of the ELA test pieces, we need to make an adjustment with testing on Thursday. Students will be completing the performance task for the ELA test, and it is probably the most intense piece due to all the writing/typing and researching. We are going to have all 3rd and 4th graders testing in their classrooms at 9am. We noticed how much time they needed for the first part of the ELA test, and we want to make sure they have plenty of time on Thursday for testing.

Here is a thought for today. Focus on the positives:


Tuesday April 21st, 2015

Testing starts today for third and fourth grade. We always give students a pep talk prior to starting, encouraging them to do their best on the tests. If you see any third and fourth grade students today, please do the same. They have worked very hard this year. Fourth grade tests in the morning, and third grade will be testing in the afternoon.

Mrs. Jensen made testing signs to help remind people to be quiet in the hallways. Please also remind students about this. The playground paras will be helping to keep students away from the windows on the 3rd-5th grade side of the building during recesses as well.

May 18th-22nd is the last week to check out library books. We will have an extra recess reward on May 28th for students that have all their library books turned in by May 27th. It will be in the afternoon, and I'll have fun items like sidewalk chalk and bubbles. We have several new library books that have been purchased this year, so please help remind students to turn in all their library books.

Twas the night before testing, when all through the school,
Not a teacher was stirring, not even a student.
The incubators were ready in the library with care,
In hopes that eggs would soon appear.
The children were eager and waiting,
While visions of chickens danced in their heads!

Yes, the real eggs are coming! Students in 4th and 5th grade have been researching different types of eggs, and even practiced learning vocabulary with store bought eggs. The real eggs should be here any day, and the incubators are ready in the library. A big thank you to Mrs. Vandenbosch and Mrs. Mason for collaborating to ensure students have the opportunity to participate in this fun STEM activity. Here is a picture of the students learning with store bought eggs.


Monday April 20th, 2015

Duties for the week:
     AM Bus: Moore
     PM Bus: Porter
     Lounge: Hammond

Meetings/Reminders for the week:  

   All Week: Secretary's Week/Administrative Professionals Week

   April 21st, 2015- Tuesday- RTI

   April 22nd, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team

   April 22nd, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   April 23rd, 2015- Thursday- 21st CCLC Spring Family Night 5:15-7:00

   April 24th, 2015- Friday- PTA Strawberry Glaze Popcorn $1.00

Assessment Schedule for the week: 

   April 21st, 2015- Tuesday- All Fourth Graders ELA CAT 9:00 

   April 21st, 2015- Tuesday- All Third Graders ELA CAT 1:00 

   April 22nd, 2015- Wednesday- All Fourth Graders ELA classroom activity 11:00

   April 22nd, 2015- Wednesday- All Third Graders ELA classroom activity 2:45

   April 23rd, 2015- Thursday- All Fourth Graders ELA Performance Task 9:00 

   April 23rd, 2015- Thursday- All Third Graders ELA Performance Task 1:00

We will be starting Spring testing this week for third and fourth grade. With third and fourth graders testing in their classrooms, we really need the hallways quiet. Please remind students to be quiet in the hallways, and please do not call or enter the classrooms. Students and staff have worked so hard this year, and we are excited to see student test results. 

This was one of the speakers this past week at the conference in Boise. Many of his comments were relatable to our students and school, and many comments were similar to what we tell our students. Where others see challenges, we see opportunities. We need teachers and staff that love, coach, mentor, inspire learning, and push all students- especially the more challenging students.

Dr. Steve Perry

Staff meeting agenda:

1. Milepost Quick Tips/Check In: Mrs. Terrell

2. Leader in Me discussion- We will discuss this item for our required evidence binder:
"Allocate time during staff meetings to share how living the 7 Habits has made a personal and professional impact." If you aren't able to attend, including classified, let Anne know if you have something you would like to share. Mrs. Jensen

3. Region 4 math workshop: Mrs. Garcia and Ms. Hammond will be sharing math ideas that they learned from a recent math training. Information might be geared towards older students, but it will illustrate how lower grade standards fit into the big picture.
We had several great pictures this week. I loved coming back to school on Friday, and seeing green team leaders planting flowers with the custodian on the front lawn. They were so proud of their work.

Pictures This Week


Friday April 17th, 2015

Have a great Friday and weekend!

When you think about it, the Leader in Me is a gift. It is a gift to our students, our families, our staff, and our community. It has changed our building climate and culture in a positive way, and it has created empowered students who know that they are responsible for their actions. Where they are now does not determine their future. Where they are now is a starting place for change, growth, and potential that is full of promise:

Leader in Me

We need a positive thought on a Friday:


Thursday April 16th, 2015

Spring concert is tonight at O'Leary. 

Great reminder:


Wednesday April 15th, 2015

Please help remind students about the Spring concert Thursday night at O'Leary.

We have had two library grants this year, and have been striving to update books. We have more non-fiction topics, STEM topics, and books about diversity and careers. We need all students pre//k-5th to be reading, and to be reading at home with their families. This is another important piece for closing opportunity gaps and academic gaps, so we can raise student achievement. Here are the circulation numbers for the primary grades, for just September-March.

Preschool: 2013/2014= zero          2014/2015= 1,208

Kindergarten: 2013/2014= zero     2014/2015= 3,104

1st Grade:   2013/2014= 1,766      2014/2015= 3,265 

We even have a section with the hard board books now:

Great reminder:


Tuesday April 14th, 2015

The volunteer appreciation will start at 3:45 in the library. We have been very blessed with our volunteers and all that they have given to our students and staff.

On Monday we started with our first 5th grade classroom for the Science test. They were focused, persevered for the entire duration, and did great not to rush. We will have our two other 5th grade classrooms taking the test on Wednesday and Friday, so please remind students to be quiet around the outside computer lab during morning recess. A big thank you to Mrs. Sorensen and Mrs. Jensen for their assistance. It was definitely a think win win, and synergy, experience on the first day of testing.

If you are interested in an apple box for your classroom, we have three rooms that currently have one. You could talk with them and observe how they integrate iPads with instruction. We will also have them share at an upcoming staff meeting. The three rooms are Ms. Porter and Mrs. Jacobson in Kindergarten, and Mrs. Vandenbosch in the library.

We have a Keurig in our staff room, and this article with ideas for K-cups looks interesting. There is also a short video listed that has ideas. Mrs. Vandenbosch is already planning ideas for the library and the makerspace area, so please save the K-cups.


This article about chromebooks sounds very similar to our school. Google apps for education and the collaboration it has brought this year, has been a big plus. Our students and staff have taken off with technology integration and collaboration this year. These are essential components to leveling the playing field and closing opportunities gaps for students who live in poverty, and in return raising student achievement.

Chromebooks and Google Apps for Education


Monday April 13th, 2015

Duties for the week:

     AM Bus: Moulson
     PM Bus: Nail
     Lounge: Standley

Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   April 14th, 2015- Tuesday- RTI

   April 14th, 2015- Tuesday- 
       Monthly Principal's Lunch with Student Leaders, and Student Lighthouse Meeting

   April 14th, 2015- Tuesday- Choir singing at care centers 12:30-2:45

   April 14th, 2015- Tuesday- Volunteer Appreciation 3:45 in Library

   April 15th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team

   April 16th, 2015- Thursday- Spring Concert at O'Leary at 6-7:30 pm

Assessment Schedule for the week: 

   April 13th, 2015- Monday- Lancaster Science in Lab 8:50 am

   April 15th, 2015- Wednesday- Warner Science in Lab 8:50 am

   April 17th, 2015- Friday- Hammond Science in Lab 8:50 am

The Title 1 conference is Wednesday-Friday in Boise. I will be gone those days, as well as Mrs. Nail, Mrs. Sweet, and Mrs. Terrell. Tyler will be covering two schools. Start with Linda in the office if you need anything. We have Mrs. Kenyon and Mrs. Jensen who can help as well. 

Our school has students who are learners and they work so hard. Add in staff who give beyond measure, and it is amazing to watch. From walking in the hallways, to visiting classrooms, the lunchroom, and even the playground. Here are several great pictures of leaders and learners from this past week. Thank you to all the staff members, certified and classified, who just jump in and help wherever they see a need. You are very much appreciated. Parents comment often on how much they appreciate you.
Pictures This Week


Friday April 10th, 2015

Please remember that 3rd-5th will be at Canyon Ridge for the Synergy show Friday morning. We need to get them on the bus as soon as we can.

Please check the school website, google calendar, or school app to ensure that field trips and special activities have been listed. The end of the school year is full of special events, and we need to make sure families and staff members are aware. 

We had several great pictures from our Leadership Day. Here are a few put into a video, and this would be great to share with students:

Leadership Day Video

Here is one more picture from Leadership Day. Amazing how many people we can fit in the fifth grade classrooms. Leadership lesson with the new reading curriculum:

We had a cat visit on Thursday. Not only did he enter bright and early with our students who start school early, but he stayed with Title 1 until the end of the day when the owners were found. He was very much loved by students:


Thursday April 9th, 2015

Fall Kindergarten registration will start on Monday May 4th. You might know about younger siblings, neighbors, or friends. We have this flyer with information that can be shared. You can email this to families, or they can click on it right on the school website:

Kindergarten Registration Information

We have had some fun learning opportunities this week. Kindergarten has been visiting Great Harvest Bread, and integrating with reading. We even had Mr. Matlock assisting:

Fourth grade has been completing research projects, and integrating with technology:

Preschool students in Mrs. Gibbons' classroom have been learning about dinosaurs, and integrating with art:

First grade has been learning about density of liquids during Science lessons, and here is a collage from Mrs. Mason:


Wednesday April 8th, 2015

Tuesday night was the BSU Mentor of the Year Awards in Boise. We had four teachers in our district receive awards, and two were from Harrison. Both teachers and students at Harrison have been greatly blessed because of the dedication and mentoring from Khrista and Mary. Here are a few pictures:


Tuesday April 7th, 2015

Here is a video clip from Kambra. This is a great opportunity to see fifth grade and kindergarten buddies as they were greeting our visitors, as they arrived for our Leadership Day.


All of our students have leadership notebooks this year. Students have been owning their own learning as they have made personal and academic goals, reflected upon those goals, tracked data and growth on items such as reading fluency and sight words, and analyzed with their teachers and families. This is a great article that matches what we have done this year at Harrison, and the article gives ideas for enhancing student leadership notebooks:

Making Students Partners in Data-Driven Approaches to Learning

This image is a great reminder. Every staff member is a public relations person. From the hallways and playground, to the classrooms, the whole school, and even in public places like the grocery store:


Monday April 6th, 2015

Duties for the week:

     AM Bus: Coleman
     PM Bus: Goodwin
     Lounge: Terrell

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 6th, 2015- Monday- Porter: Great Harvest Bread 9-10 and 1:30-2:30

   April 7th, 2015- Tuesday- RTI

   April 8th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team

   April 8th, 2015- Wednesday- 2nd Grade Bowladrome 9:15-11:15

   April 8th, 2015- Wednesday- Goodwin: Great Harvest Bread 9-10 and 1:30-2:30

   April 8th, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   April 9th, 2015- Thursday- Jacobson: Great Harvest Bread 9-10

   April 10th, 2015- Friday- 3rd-5th at Canyon Ridge for Synergy 9-11

   April 10th, 2015- 4th and 5th Mardi Katz 12:30-2:30

   April 10th, 2015- Friday- Root beer floats and movie rewards for the math-a-thon, by PTA

Staff Meeting Agenda:

1. Khrista: How to read Imagine Learning reports
2. Melissa: For those who are involved with the SBAC testing, we will discuss the classroom activity and performance task.

Wow! We had an awesome Leadership Day! I can't even describe how impressive our staff  and students are. Many staff members grabbed items from their classroom to assist second graders with their costumes. Mrs. Anderson literally ran home to find a nice shirt for one of our MC's, ironed the shirt, and found a nice tie for him to wear. We had a young man in fifth grade who gave his tie to our second MC so he had something nice to wear. We had older students helping younger students prepare. We had staff jumping in and assisting even when they thought no one was looking. Truly impressive! I heard several positive comments from our visitors.

Here are pictures from the behind the scenes that people didn't see. Students and Staff were jumping in and helping with so many items:

Preparation Pictures

We had two student photographer leaders, so stay tuned for more pictures and a video next week! These pictures are only the first batch:

First Batch of Leadership Day Pictures

We even had our two MC's interviewed by KMVT, and they did an excellent job answering questions. They answered in complete sentences and even restated the main part of the question when responding:


In addition to our Leadership Day, we had other leadership and learning activities this last week. There are so many great pictures, but the young man assisting a student brand new to the USA with reading is just impressive:

Pictures This Week

Monday and Tuesday I will be out for part of the day with Project Leadership and the standards based report card committee.

Anne and Jenny will be out Wednesday-Friday, as they attend the Prevention Conference. With Anne out, let us know in the office if students need anything.


Friday April 3rd, 2015

Thank you to everybody who helped with our Title 1 Kindergarten Night on Thursday.

The big event today is our Leadership Day! It is going to be a great afternoon. Students have been busy preparing:

Thursday afternoon we had 4 second grade students getting ready for the TFSD Education Foundation Red Apple Gala. Mrs. Pauley assisted them with getting their robot ready:


Thursday April 2nd, 2015

We continue to enroll new students often. Thank you to everybody for patience and always welcoming students.

The big event today is the Title 1 Kindergarten Night tonight from 5:30-7:00.

PTA meeting is in the lunchroom at 2:45.

Great article about internal motivation. We have had students being more intentional with goals this year, and really using leadership notebooks to assist. Harrison tradition is always recognizing achievement and growth, no matter the size. There is no way to describe the smile on a face of a student as they walk down the hall to read a book to someone in the office to demonstrate improvement with fluency, students bringing work samples to show successes, and sharing successes over the intercom:

Internal Motivation

Thank you to everybody who helped with the Rocket Math awards assembly. From setting up chairs, to putting chairs away at the end, and all the help in between. We had a great family turn out as well. Here are pictures:

Rocket Math Awards