

Tuesday April 14th, 2015

The volunteer appreciation will start at 3:45 in the library. We have been very blessed with our volunteers and all that they have given to our students and staff.

On Monday we started with our first 5th grade classroom for the Science test. They were focused, persevered for the entire duration, and did great not to rush. We will have our two other 5th grade classrooms taking the test on Wednesday and Friday, so please remind students to be quiet around the outside computer lab during morning recess. A big thank you to Mrs. Sorensen and Mrs. Jensen for their assistance. It was definitely a think win win, and synergy, experience on the first day of testing.

If you are interested in an apple box for your classroom, we have three rooms that currently have one. You could talk with them and observe how they integrate iPads with instruction. We will also have them share at an upcoming staff meeting. The three rooms are Ms. Porter and Mrs. Jacobson in Kindergarten, and Mrs. Vandenbosch in the library.

We have a Keurig in our staff room, and this article with ideas for K-cups looks interesting. There is also a short video listed that has ideas. Mrs. Vandenbosch is already planning ideas for the library and the makerspace area, so please save the K-cups.


This article about chromebooks sounds very similar to our school. Google apps for education and the collaboration it has brought this year, has been a big plus. Our students and staff have taken off with technology integration and collaboration this year. These are essential components to leveling the playing field and closing opportunities gaps for students who live in poverty, and in return raising student achievement.

Chromebooks and Google Apps for Education

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