

Wednesday April 1st, 2015

The rocket math awards assembly is at 3 pm in the lunchroom. We have several students who have been working really hard to learn their math facts.

Please add April 14th to your calendar. We will have our volunteer appreciation event from 3:45-4:15. Please thank PTA for organizing this. We have several volunteers and their assistance is greatly appreciated. 

With all the activities on Friday, we won't have an afternoon recess that day.

Here is a thought for Wednesday:


Tuesday March 31st, 2015

We have the rescheduled third quarter leadership assembly at 8:50, first thing in the morning. Bring students straight to the gym, and we will have both doors unlocked. Bring a device to take attendance.

Here is the family note going home this week:

Family Note Front Side

We have discussed watching movies in class, particularly before breaks off from school and at the end of the school year. Here is a great article that discusses the importance of engagement all the way through the end of the school year, or could be the end of the quarter before a long break, and it gives input from the eyes of a parent:


This article about makerspaces sounds very similar to our library! Innovation, creativity, and STEM are all included. Agnes has great ideas planned:

Makerspaces in Libraries

Speaking about the transformation occuring in the library, Idaho Power came to the school on Monday to present our grant. We have STEM books for older students that will be arriving, to add to our new books from the library grant for younger students. I told Agnes we are stepping up, we now have an aisle in our library!

As we are getting ready for our Leadership Day this week, here is a picture for some humor. There is no such word as bossy, just a future leader:


Monday March 30th, 2015

Duties for the week:

     AM Bus: Lent
     PM Bus: Warner
     Lounge: Mason

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   March 31st, 2015- Tuesday- RTI

   March 31st, 2015- Tuesday- 3rd Quarter Leadership Assembly 8:50 in the gym

   April 1st, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team

   April 1st, 2015- Wednesday- Rocket Math Assembly 3pm

   April 2nd, 2015- Thursday- PTA Meeting 2:45 in the lunchroom

   April 2nd, 2015- Thursday- New Fall Kindergarten Students- Title 1 Family Night 5:30-7pm
     all 4 and 5 year old students to get ready for Kindergarten

   April 3rd, 2015- Friday- Leader in Me Leadership Day- Community Event at Harrison- 1 to 3pm

Please remember that we are starting the fourth quarter on Monday. Hard to believe that we have one quarter of the school year left. Please check the fourth quarter block schedule to ensure your students attend the correct specials.

4th Quarter Block Schedule

Here is a great article about leadership, and the arts.


We have two big events this week. We have the Title 1 Kindergarten Family Night for Fall 2015 Kindergarten students on Thursday. We have our big Leadership Day on Friday. Thank you to everybody who has assisted with planning, organizing, and preparing. Our front sidewalk looks great with a coat of fresh paint.

Student led conferences were great to attend. Conversations revolved around students sharing their leadership notebooks in all grades K-5th, students discussing their goals, integrating language from the Leader in Me program in conversations, and students owning their learning. So impressive to see the transformation of student led conferences. Here are a few recent Leadership Days from other schools, and the comments mentioned are very similar to our school.

Leadership Day #1

Leadership Day #2

Leadership Day #3

Leadership Day #4

Have a great Spring Break, and make sure to sharpen the saw!

Every student has a story:


Thursday March 19th, 2015

The big event on Wednesday was the Math a Thon assemblies. Even when winners were having their pictures taken, everybody turned around for the picture! Here are pictures and video clips:

Math a Thon

This young lady applied to be a website reporter leader. She has spent the last few weeks preparing questions, interviewing students, typing everything into a report to present, and practicing her speaking and listening skills. The highlight was presenting in a video report. She was so nervous and her legs were swinging under the table the whole time. We wanted to complete the project before Spring Break, and here is the video report she put together Wednesday afternoon.

WeVideo is an app that goes perfectly with your drive and chromebooks. We need to work on the title page, but she did an awesome job reporting! Teachers, you are very much loved and appreciated, especially after this long conference week with long hours. It was hard for her to include only a few of you, but she said she wished she could have included everybody:

Teachers and Spring Break Reminder Video

Here is a great picture of birthday leaders finishing their two week assignment, and training the next leaders for the two weeks after Spring break. Leadership in action, using their voice, and helping others find their voice:


Wednesday March 18th, 2015

Please help remind students that there is no school on Thursday and Friday, and all next week because of Spring Break.

Wednesday is a very full day. Here is a recap of activities:

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- PTA Pickle Sale .50¢

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Math a Thon Assembly- 9 am k,1,2,5 and 1 pm k,3,4

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Monthly Principal's Lunch and Student Lighthouse Meeting

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- 5th Grade Puberty Talks with Nurses 1:30

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Potato Bar 4:30-6:00 pm

We had a great family turn out for the recorder concert on Tuesday. Here are a few pictures:


Tuesday March 17th, 2015

Teachers, please update any changes on the online schedule for conferences. Thank you for your persistence in ensuring that families have an opportunity to attend their child's conference.

This is a great article for reflection about how student behaviors are handled. We have been implementing the Leader in Me program and language, as well as restorative justice practices. It has required a change in mindset, and a collaborative team approach. Building positive relationships with students is more powerful than punitive measures.

We have seen great results this year with student behavior. Mrs. Kenyon came in from morning duty Monday before school started, and just couldn't stop talking about how nice the playground was. Our playground paras have said our playground this year is the best they have seen:

Teacher Focused Vs. Student Focused

We had a student at our preschool win one of the breakfast contest bikes. I walked him outside and he was so excited. He hopped right on it! Not only was it just the perfect size for him, but it also had training wheels:

New Bike

We have a makerspace area in the library! Currently on display are Lego creations from the Title 1 Family Night:

Please help remind students about the Wednesday PTA pickle sale:

Thought for the day:


Monday March 16th, 2015

Duties for the week:

     AM Bus: Dickinson/Bloxham
     PM Bus: Terrell
     Lounge: Standley

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   March 16th-19th- All Week- Student Led Conferences

   March 17th, 2015- Tuesday- RTI

   March 17th, 2015- Tuesday- 5th Grade at CSI 1-2 pm, Magic Valley Arts Council Show

   March 17th, 2015- Tuesday- 3rd Grade Skateland 12:45-3:00

   March 17th, 2015- Tuesday- Recorder Concert in Lunchroom 2:45-3:20

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- PTA Pickle Sale .50¢

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Math a Thon Assembly- 9 am k,1,2,5 and 1 pm k,3,4

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Monthly Principal's Lunch and Student Lighthouse Meeting

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- 5th Grade Puberty Talks with Nurses 1:30

   March 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Potato Bar 4:30-6:00 pm

   March 19th-20th, 2015- Thursday and Friday- No Students

   March 19th, 2015- Thursday- Lighthouse Team 8am

   March 23rd-27th, 2015- No School- Spring Break

We will have a potato bar Wednesday evening, due to being at school late all week for student led conferences. The office will provide most toppings, and PTA has provided the potatoes. Feel free to bring any other potluck type items. Check with Linda in the office if you have any questions.

We are always striving to increase family involvement. Here is an article with ideas:

Parent Engagement

Some great pictures from the past week:
Pictures This Week


Friday March 13th, 2015

School is out at 1:30, and any extra adults outside during bus duty would be greatly appreciated. Hard to believe, but we only have one quarter left of school.

A big thank you to everybody who assisted with our Title 1 family night! We have a new PTA presidency and we had more parent volunteers than we have ever had. We had a great turn out, and the lunchroom was packed all night with families eating food. Here is a post with several pictures:

Title 1 Family Night

Two great resources for academic vocabulary:

Top 10 words

8 Strategies for Academic Vocabulary

Several classrooms have uploaded extra reading, writing, and language practice for students to access at home. This is a great resource for families:

English/Language Arts Practice at Home

Have a great Friday!


Thursday March 12th, 2015

The Twin Falls Education Foundation recognized Jen Pauley for the February elementary teacher of the month. Great job Jen!

Thank you to everybody who attended Terry's retirement party, and a big thank you to the social committee for planning and organizing the fun event. Great event to attend!


Wednesday March 11th, 2015

Staff meeting is after school, and it's a retirement party! Everybody is invited, not just certified staff. This is a great opportunity to have fun with your colleagues, and sharpen the saw!

We have a family note going home with a few pages this week, as well as a note from PTA about upcoming activities.

Family Note Front Page

Family Note Back Page With Upcoming Dates

Volunteer Background Check Request Reminder

Leader in Me Information

Title 1 Family Night Reminder

Here is your thought for the day:

                                                                                                                                                                          image: @LeeAraoz


Tuesday March 10th, 2015

Please remember to vote today.

Kindergarten students in Mrs. Jacobson's classroom added voice to Dr. Seuss pictures!

Green Eggs and Ham

Here are 10 ideas for homework. There might be one idea that catches your eye.




Monday March 9th, 2015

Duties for the week:

     AM Bus: Owens
     PM Bus: Lancaster
     Lounge: Lindquist

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   March 9th, 2015- Monday- School Improvement Grant/Scholastic Coaching

   March 10th, 2015- Tuesday- RTI

   March 11th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team

   March 11th, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   March 12th, 2015- Thursday- Lighthouse Team Meeting

   March 12th, 2015- Thursday- 3rd Quarter Leadership Assembly 8:50 am in the Gym

   March 12th, 2015- Thursday- Title 1 Family Night 5:30-7pm

   March 13th, 2015- Friday- Digital Learning Day

   March 13th, 2015- Friday- No School for Kindergarten, Early Out 1:30, & end of the third quarter

Monday is our Scholastic Coaching Day. We will have grades K-2nd in the morning, from 8-11:00. The afternoon will have grades 3rd-5th, from 12-3. We will be continuing our learning about performance tasks, vocabulary, writing, and other SBAC preparation.  

The big event this week is our Title 1 Family Night. We have several fun activities planned. Please help remind students and families. 

Wednesday is our staff meeting. Here is the agenda:

1. Retirement Party!

Friday is Digital Learning Day. Here are a few ideas from last year, and there are links with more ideas. Here is a quote:

Digital Learning Day is not about technology, it’s about learning. It’s not about laying off teachers for laptops, it’s about enhancing the role of the teacher in America’s classrooms. Digital Learning Day promotes the effective use of modern day tools afforded to every other industry to improve the learning experience in K-12 public schools.

Digital Learning Day- The Why

Digital Learning Day- Ideas

                                                                                                                                                        image: @OfficialDLDay


Friday March 6th, 2015

Have a great Friday, and weekend!

This is a great article about professionalism. It mentions librarians, but just substitute 'staff members.' The message is applicable to everybody.


Our fifth graders are an impressive bunch. Students have been practicing their recorders and passing off songs that they have mastered. They love to practice during recesses. After a certain number they achieve 'recorder master.' So far, we have 26 students who have earned that title. Mrs. Dickinson has never seen that high of a number before, and we still have a few weeks to go. Here are four practicing while they waited for the bus after school, with synergy, and they sounded great:

Our librarian is starting spring cleaning! She has some fun changes and ideas planned for the library. The big benches were moved outside, and students love them. Here are two pictures, and the first one has third graders waiting for school to start Thursday morning:

Mrs. Mason was teaching a Science lesson to first graders. Students had finished their assignment, and she saw them turn their papers over and start taking notes as they watched a science video. She had never seen first graders do that. We have learners:

We have independent readers in Kindergarten:


Thursday March 5th, 2015

Here is a thought for the day:

We have some new school wide job postings, like tour guide leaders for Leadership Day. Please encourage students to apply, like these two students. They love their smocks, and they were busy during lunch recess reading job postings so they could apply for the next job:


Wednesday March 4th, 2015

Idaho Day!

PTA meeting is at 2:45 in the lunchroom.

Please help remind students that math-a-thon money is due Friday.

Please remember that Monday is our second Scholastic coaching day, with our school improvement grant money. We will have several guest teachers in the building that day. 

Leadership starts early in the morning. Even before school starts! In this picture there is a safety patrol leader watching the hallways, and two ladies assisting Marla with delivering breakfast in the classroom foods and drinks.


Tuesday March 3rd, 2015

Grade level teaming meetings are today. We will have Special Ed, ESL, and Title 1 teachers.

Here is a great hand out to share with families, about how they can help their child to prepare for the upcoming Spring assessments. You could email this link from the school website:

Parent Tips for Testing- English and Spanish

Here is a great article about the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. It describes being doubled up, what life is like, and the impact on children. We have students in similar situations. There are three video clips at the end:

Doubled Up

The Cat in the Hat visited on Monday! Here are a couple pictures:

Cat in the Hat

Please help remind students about the bicycle promotion during breakfast. We never have difficulty finding leaders. We had two ladies in fifth grade cutting entry forms and helping students fill out the entry forms for the contest: