

Friday April 1st, 2016

A big thank you to Mrs. Dickinson for leading an awesome Spring Concert! What a great event and it was very well attended. Thank you to all the staff members that attended! As the last song said, your presence makes students feel special and loved.

We have the bread sale, Friday fun with dressing fancy, 5th grade walking to CSI in the afternoon for Arts on Tour, and we will be recognizing our March student leaders.

Have a great Friday! Everyday is a brand new beginning:


Thursday March 31st, 2016

We could have written this article! What a great article about the urgency for addressing, and supporting, the social-emotional needs of students. We are striving daily to assist students. One day students will be adults in our community. Developing the whole child, self-managing of emotions and achieving academic success, is important:

Social-Emotional Needs of Students

This article is a great example of habit 8, finding your voice, and would be great to share with students:

Finding Your Voice at Any Age

During the staff meeting on Wednesday, we recognized two great teachers! The Twin Falls Kiwanis Club recognized Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Terrell as teachers of the year for our school. Very deserving!


Wednesday March 30th, 2016

We have a staff meeting after school in the library, and we'll start at about 3:50.

Please help remind students and families about the Spring Concert at Roper on Thursday, from 6:30-7:30. This is new, and all students K-5 will be participating. The office has a note going home today with students, reminding about both the concert and the Friday bread sale.

Our calling is important. This includes all staff members. So true:


Tuesday March 29th, 2016

This is a great article with suggestions on how to work alongside families, as they are assisting their child at home with schoolwork:

Coaching and Communicating Lifelong Learning

Grade level teaming meetings are today.

We will have student leaders helping with a playground fundraiser on Friday. There will be Great Harvest bread slices sold for $1, and the flavors will be yummy! We will have cinnamon chip, harvest blend, and harvest white. The office will make copies of a flier to go home with students by Wednesday. Please help remind students and families.

Replace the word 'leaders' below with your name:


Monday March 28th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Coleman

     PM Bus: Rodriguez
    Lounge: Terrell

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 


   March 29th, 2016- Tuesday- Choir singing at care centers- AM

March 29th, 2016- Monday-Roaring Readers due

   March 29th-31st, 2016- RS counselors visiting with 5th grade

   March 29th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting

   March 29th, 2016- Tuesday- Grade level teaming: 1st-5th


   March 30th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team

   March 30th, 2016- Wednesday- Rocket Math assembly 3:00

   March 30th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   March 31st, 2016- Thursday- Grade Level Teaming: K

   March 31st, 2016- Thursday- All School K-5 Spring Concert at Roper- 6:30 pm

   April 1st, 2016- Friday Fun: Dress fancy day

   April 1st, 2016- Friday- Student leaders selling Great Harvest bread slices for $1, for playground

   April 1st, 2016- Friday- Principal's lunch with March student leaders

   April 1st, 2016- Friday- 5th Grade at CSI Arts on Tour- PM- walking

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Pauley- Habit 6: Synergize

Just a few pictures from this last week:

Pictures This Week

The staff meeting agenda this week:

   1. Rhonda Birnie- Number Talks

   2. Leader in Me check in

We will have a teacher from Salmon with us on Tuesday. She is completing her admin internship.

Great reminder:


Wednesday March 16th, 2016

A big thank you to Mrs. Anderson for organizing and leading the Move-a-Thon! What a successful playground fundraiser. We had all sorts of weather, from snow to wind. Students were awesome and persevered! We had several families participating and helping as well. Thank you to staff who assisted and joined in!

Please help remind students that there is no school Thursday and Friday, and all next week for Spring Break.

For many students, you and school are the constants in their life, the stability and safety. As students leave today, please remind them that they will be missed and we can't wait to see them on Monday the 28th.

The teacher pizza dinner tonight will be ready by 4:30.

So true, especially after long nights during conference week. From Kid President:


Tuesday March 15th, 2016

The big event today is the Move-a-Thon! Come out and sharpen the saw and join students. Thank you to everybody who is helping!

The book fair continues, with student led conferences as well.

We're going to start the recorder concert on Wednesday at 2:00.

Please help remind students that there is no school Thursday and Friday.

This short article is a great reminder that relates well to our school. I think we've turned around the traditional office experience. We strive to make make sure our families feel welcomed, and that students know that they have a fresh start even when they make mistakes. Teaching can be hard, students are all different with their needs, but the results are great.

Students love holding doors open for visitors and welcoming them, often shaking their hand. And for kids being scared of going to the office, well that too has changed. I often walk into my office and kids have taken it over and are using it. We are here because of the kids. The culture and climate of a school is important:

The Feel of a School

We have so many positive things to talk about and share:


Monday March 14th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Dickinson/Bloxham
     PM Bus: Terrell
    Lounge: Standley

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   March 14th-17th, 2016- Monday-Thursday- Student Led Conferences and Book Fair

   March 14th, 2016- Monday- Family Lighthouse Team 8:20 in Library

   March 14th, 2016- Monday- 4th Grade Sunway Soccer Complex 11:30-3:00

   March 14th, 2016- Monday- 5th Grade Puberty Talks with Nurses 1:00

   March 15th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting

   March 15th, 2016- Tuesday- 2nd Grade Fire Safety 9:15

   March 15th, 2016- Tuesday- Move-a-Thon During Block Times

   March 16th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team

   March 16th, 2016- Wednesday- 2nd & 3rd Orpheum Theater 12:15-3:00

   March 16th, 2016- Wednesday- Teacher Pizza Dinner 4:30-6:30

   March 16th, 2016- Wednesday- Recorder Concert 2:30 

   March 17th-18th, 2016- Thursday & Friday- No School

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

    Garcia- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

The move-a-thon is Tuesday! This is a big fundraiser for updating the playground. Join students as they run/move with their laps around the school. You can sharpen the saw, exercise, and have fun!

It was a busy week and we have several pictures to share!

First, Sharpen the Paw for the 3rd quarter, What an awesome opportunity to expose students to so many different career and enrichment opportunities! Diverse groups and mixed ages. You have to love the little ones in the dug out waiting for their turn to bat:

Sharpen The Paw 3rd Quarter

A big thank you to Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. Nail for putting together an excellent Spring Title 1 family night! Here are a few pictures, and a big thank you to all of the donations:

Title 1 Family Night

A few pictures from the week, including the choir singing in Boise at the capitol:

Pictures This Week

Love this:


Friday March 11th, 2016

Thank you to everybody who assisted with the Title 1 family night! It was a very successful evening and there were smiles everywhere.

Dismissal today is at 1:10.

We have classified staff meetings today. Please choose one that works best:

1. PRC- 8:15

2. Preschool- 9:00

3. Any- 10:45

Here are two quick reads about students living in poverty. Closing both academic gaps and opportunity gaps is important. Here are two great quotes:

"When a student in poverty achieves and grows in school, a child and a family achieves and grows in a community."

"Developing hope, through access to academic and social-emotional curricula, is one area in which teachers can make positive changes, every day, in the educational life of students."

Families First, Homework, and Tackling Barriers

Living in Poverty and the Brain

Please remember to print the block schedule for the new quarter.

4th Quarter Block Schedule

Have a great Friday! Great reminder as we reflect on the start of the fourth quarter:


Thursday March 10th, 2016

Today is a day full of fun learning!

Here is a quick read about the importance of our work, our calling as educators:

Your Legacy

Please help remind students and families that we have early dismissal tomorrow at 1:10.

We have the 3rd quarter sharpen the paw in the afternoon, and our Spring Title 1 family night event from 5-6:30. If you've read any books similar to Teach Like a Pirate, today fits perfectly. Learning should be fun and engaging. Sharpen the paw is as uncommon as they come, and usually one of our best days for attendance:


Wednesday March 9th, 2016

There is a staff meeting after school in the library, and we will start at about 3:50.

Please help remind students and families about the Title 1 family night on Thursday.

This is an interesting article. It's long and probably one to come back to later. Leader in Me is mentioned. There are also several items mentioned that relate well to our school and what we have been focusing on. Academic achievement, test scores, and going to college are important. In addition, there are so many behind the scenes items that are also essential, and we have been including them with learning. This includes social and emotional learning and skills, leadership, learning about famous leaders and their lives, persistence and not giving up, goals, and making a plan. We not only want our students to attend college, but also to persevere and finish.

Here are a few quotes from the article:

"instilling a set of social and emotional skills and attitudes in their students would be the key to getting them to and through college."

"We know a ton about what it takes for kids to be college eligible, [like] the level of knowledge you need to do well in a college course,” said Jimenez. “What [that knowledge] can’t tell you is if your class is at eight in the morning, are you going to be able to get up and get to class? Are you going to seek help when you need it? That’s where the social-and-emotional-learning conversation is starting to take off—there are plenty of kids who are eligible but not ready.”

"identifies five essential aptitudes: self-management, self-awareness, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness."

"The idea is to make every child a leader by assigning each a role in running the school.
“They call the buses, they do the announcements, they water the plants,” said Kimberley Cummins, the school’s principal. “They truly think I just come in and unlock the doors.”

Here is the article:

When Social and Emotional Learning are Key to College Success

Funny thought for the day:


Tuesday March 8th, 2016

We have on site Leader in Me coaching today during block times. This is provided with our grant. If you aren't a certified staff member, feel free to join any grade level team if you are interested,

The student lighthouse team members will be eating lunch with the coach as well, so we can learn and plan with his suggestions.

Today is also 'wear a college shirt' day. Try to acknowledge students in the hall and offer a brief encouragement about college. We want students to be having and hearing those conversations.

We have a family note going home this week, and the office will make copies:

Front Page of Family Note

Back Page of Family Note- With Upcoming Dates

Here is the final list of activities for Sharpen the Paw on Thursday afternoon. It's an awesome line up of opportunities!

3rd Quarter Sharpen the Paw Activities

This week is busy and so is next week, but students are so excited for all the fun learning opportunities! Remember to step back and smile at all the positives, and for helping to create smiles for kids who need that in their lives:


Monday March 7th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Lent
     PM Bus: Warner
    Lounge: Mason

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   March 7th, 2016- Monday- Student Lighthouse Team- 8:20 am

   March 7th, 2016- Monday- Spelling Bee at Roper- 6:00 pm

   March 8th, 2016- Tuesday- On Site Leader in Me Coaching for all certified staff, during block

   March 8th, 2016- Tuesday- Wear College Shirts Day

   March 8th, 2016- Tuesday- 5th Grade to visit Robert Stuart- 9-10:30

   March 9th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team

   March 9th, 2016- Wednesday- Choir singing in Boise at Capitol. 

   March 9th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   March 10th, 2016- Thursday- 21st Century grant site visit from state department

   March 10th, 2016- Thursday- Sharpen the Paw for 3rd Quarter- 1:30-3:30

   March 10th, 2016- Thursday- Title 1 Family Night 5:00-6:30

   March 11th, 2016- Friday- Classified Staff Meetings

   March 11th, 2016- Friday- End of the 3rd quarter, no Kindergarten, and early release 1:10

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

    Enders- Habit 4: Think win-win

On Monday we will have Principals from around Idaho visiting our school for a Leader in Me coaching. It's a small group and we will have a coach, John Flokstra, from Franklin Covey and Leader in Me. 

Then on Tuesday, the coach will be just with our staff. This includes all certified staff. Classified and supporting staff are invited to attend. Here is the schedule:

Tuesday on Site Leader in Me Coaching

A big thank you to Ms. Warner for creating an awesome Move a thon video! Innovation and leadership, and the video is great. We went back and forth between two dates. The date for the move a thon is Tuesday March 15th, during block times. Please share with students and families:

Move-a-Thon Video

All week is the National School Breakfast week. All students who eat breakfast can enter the drawing for a basketball or volleyball. 

The staff meeting agenda this week:

1. New York Life representative

2. Imagine Learning- Lori Piccolo

The 3rd quarter classified staff meeting on Friday will have these options for times. We have set times to assist with PRC and Preschool schedules, with other classified staff welcome to attend any of the times that fit best for them. Let me know if you have anything you would like added to the agenda:

1. PRC- 8:15

2. Preschool- 9:00

3. Any- 10:45

We have several great pictures this week. We had dancers from Nepal and Iraq, technology integration, super heroes, and more! 

Pictures This Week

Great Reminder:

image source: Sam LeDeaux


Friday March 4th, 2016

It's a Friday Fun day. Super Hero Day! We also have the caramel apple sucker sale today.

Today is also Idaho Day. The theme this year is heroes!

Idaho Day

The Book Fair is coming!  Title 1 Family Night is coming! Both images below would be great to share with families:

If students don't have something to wear today, please send them up to the office to pick out a super hero sticker to wear. We have an assortment of stickers so every student can participate. Could even be a hero of kindness:


Thursday March 3rd, 2016

Please remember that the Spelling Bee at Roper is Monday night. We have two great students who would love the support if you are able to attend.

Please help remind students about Friday Fun Super Hero day tomorrow, and the caramel apple suckers that student leaders will be selling.

This article has a short video that would be great to watch. We have preschool and Kindergarten students on iPads almost daily, and chromebooks with Kindergarten this year. This article mentions coding. Technology is just a possible tool to utilize, a device, and students are still working towards the same standards and end goals. This article and video mentions literacy, global learners, following directions, writing, leadership, helping others, engagement, technology integration, and coding. It sounds like Harrison! Great idea:

First Grade and Coding- Hack the Classroom

Saw this and thought it was very relatable. Not sure we have anybody left that hasn't cried this year. You all do amazing things and make a big impact in the lives of our kids:


Wednesday March 2nd, 2016

Today is the birthday for Dr. Seuss! Here are 5 thoughts from him:

5 Lessons in Life From Dr. Seuss

Restorative justice practices blend very well with Leader in Me. We have been striving to incorporate the skills, and avoid traditional discipline consequences if possible. Students have to reflect, make a plan, apologize, make a wrong right again, and more.  It is harder and more time required at times, but the results are that students are growing and in class learning. Student achievement increases, and we are developing the whole child. There is a short video with the article below:

Restorative Justice Practices

Education for students isn't always the same, it's equitable. Every student is unique: