AM Bus: Lent
PM Bus: Warner
Lounge: Mason
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
March 7th, 2016- Monday- Student Lighthouse Team- 8:20 am
March 7th, 2016- Monday- Spelling Bee at Roper- 6:00 pm
March 8th, 2016- Tuesday- On Site Leader in Me Coaching for all certified staff, during block
March 8th, 2016- Tuesday- Wear College Shirts Day
March 8th, 2016- Tuesday- 5th Grade to visit Robert Stuart- 9-10:30
March 9th, 2016- Wednesday- Eval Team
March 9th, 2016- Wednesday- Choir singing in Boise at Capitol.
March 9th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
March 10th, 2016- Thursday- 21st Century grant site visit from state department
March 10th, 2016- Thursday- Sharpen the Paw for 3rd Quarter- 1:30-3:30
March 10th, 2016- Thursday- Title 1 Family Night 5:00-6:30
March 11th, 2016- Friday- Classified Staff Meetings
March 11th, 2016- Friday- End of the 3rd quarter, no Kindergarten, and early release 1:10
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Enders- Habit 4: Think win-win
On Monday we will have Principals from around Idaho visiting our school for a Leader in Me coaching. It's a small group and we will have a coach, John Flokstra, from Franklin Covey and Leader in Me.
Then on Tuesday, the coach will be just with our staff. This includes all certified staff. Classified and supporting staff are invited to attend. Here is the schedule:
Tuesday on Site Leader in Me Coaching
A big thank you to Ms. Warner for creating an awesome Move a thon video! Innovation and leadership, and the video is great. We went back and forth between two dates. The date for the move a thon is Tuesday March 15th, during block times. Please share with students and families:
Move-a-Thon Video
All week is the National School Breakfast week. All students who eat breakfast can enter the drawing for a basketball or volleyball.
The staff meeting agenda this week:
1. New York Life representative
2. Imagine Learning- Lori Piccolo
The 3rd quarter classified staff meeting on Friday will have these options for times. We have set times to assist with PRC and Preschool schedules, with other classified staff welcome to attend any of the times that fit best for them. Let me know if you have anything you would like added to the agenda:
1. PRC- 8:15
2. Preschool- 9:00
3. Any- 10:45
We have several great pictures this week. We had dancers from Nepal and Iraq, technology integration, super heroes, and more!
Pictures This Week
Great Reminder:
image source: Sam LeDeaux
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