

Wednesday November 29th, 2017

Please help remind students about the candy cane sale on Friday. Student leaders are excited to sell the candy canes, and all of the money goes right back to students. 

We had our November Principal's lunch on Tuesday. I always look forward to the monthly lunch. We talk about our pluses and deltas for the school year so far. We talk about what's going well at our school and what we could do better at our school, great things so far for them personally, and anything else they want to talk about. A big thank you to Chick fil A for always providing the lunches for our students, often the first time they have ever eaten food from that restaurant. The bonus is the educational toy in the kids meal. 

So I'm left with just one student, and of course we have to play the educational game. It's all about social-emotional skills. Chick fil A, focusing on the important things in life. Yes chicken and that yummy sauce, but also those educational games. One question was to share something someone said or did for you that was nice. The young lady said her teacher told her that she liked her shirt. Her face just lit up. You matter. Positive comments are free, and kids really do notice everything you do and say. 

So as we think about that thought, remember this thought for that day:

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