I added a PTA google calendar to the calendar tab. Mindy made the calendar just for staff, so you could look at it anytime you have a question about a PTA item.
The Twin Falls Library started the bookmobile again this week. The Fall session will go until the first part of December. I added all the stops that were in the Harrison boundaries to the school google calendar on the school website.
I love that the bookmobile has a stop after school at Harrison on Thursdays and it will go to the Rivercrest and Fawnbrook apartments on Saturdays. We have several students that live in those apartments. Please talk with your students about the bookmobile.
As we are learning and implementing the Leader in Me this year, even the preschool students are learning to be leaders. Here is a picture of Joe and Devin helping to bring breakfast items back to their classroom. Even three and four year olds can be leaders!
I was in the fifth grade classrooms on Tuesday and saw students completing gallery walks collaboratively with a partner that were a great example of ELA common core standards. The learning targets were ELA-Literacy.L.5.5c, antonyms and synonyms, and ELA-Literacy.W.5.3a, about writing narratives and orienting the reader about the characters. Here are pictures from the gallery walk where fifth graders were discussing antonyms and synonyms for their writing papers about super heros. Way to go fifth grade!
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