

Monday September 9th, 2013

Duties for the week:
     AM Bus: Sweet
                  Bloxham/Dickinson (PE/Music share)
     PM Bus:  Bloxham/Dickinson (PE/Music share)
     Lounge:   Hall

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

     Wednesday September 11th- Staff Meeting

On Monday Chris and I will be at the Herrett Center/CSI for a training on our WISE tool, school improvement plan. We really want to raise our star rating, so we will take any help and ideas that are offered. Feel free to email us if you need anything. Amy K. will be available for any urgent needs. 

Please let me know if you have any students who you think might need a 504 or care plan.

I've emailed everybody with a student that is migrant, homeless, has a 504, or other significant needs. If you think you should have received an email, please let me know so we can check on that child.

Let me know if you are still not able to log in to Schoolnet and Milepost. That is a great place to start to better know the students in your classroom. Some have asked for ISAT scores that are missing from the new students. Just email me the name and I can do some searching, or even call the previous school.

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