AM Bus: Jacobson
PM Bus: Garcia
Lounge: Simmons
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 30th, 2013, Monday- RTI
October 1st, 2013, Tuesday- Teaming Meetings for All Grade Levels
October 2nd, 2013, Wednesday- WISE Team 1/2 day AM
October 3rd-4th- No school
If you are still looking for something on October 3rd and 4th please come see me. I can send you a list of conferences that are occurring on those two days.
Anne made copies for you of the upcoming parenting class that is sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club. Free dinner, free child care, and they can get the class fee back at the end. You can add the flyer to your classroom blogs and emails that you send families. Here is the form in a pdf document:
Parenting Class Flyer
We are into October!
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