Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Kelly
PM Bus: Hammond
Staff Room: 4th Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
May 1st, 2017- Monday- May school store all week with student leaders
May 1st, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
May 2nd, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
May 3rd, 2017- Wednesday- Kindergarten Open House 5:00-6:30
May 5th, 2017- Friday- Friday fun- Crazy Hair Day
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Alexander- Habit 3: Put first things first
next week for May 8th: Thomason- Habit 4- Think win-win
ISAT/SBAC Schedule:
Tuesday: All 5th completing ELA CAT Test- AM
Wednesday: All 4th completing Math Performance Task Test- AM
Thursday: All 5th completing ELA Performance Task Test- AM
This Week is Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week. Here are the food themes:
Monday: Popcorn Bar
Tuesday: Coffee and Breakfast
Wednesday: Soup Lunch
Thursday: Cookies and Snack
Friday: Fiesta Fun, Nacho Bar
The pictures from this last week include two of our school board members visiting, April leaders of the month, chickens, students preparing for Staff/Teacher appreciation week, and the annual Robotics Expo. What I love about the robotics pictures, is our kids. They don't have the matching team shirts or outfits, or fancy resources. They do have the biggest smiles. They represent the real world diversity and they are so happy. Super proud of them! Our kids are such great representatives of our school and the local community:
Pictures This Week
We are really lucky to have the PRC/ERC classroom at Harrison. The staff who lead in that classroom have a great idea for next year. They saw a need and matched it to our school goals, like leadership. We will have more opportunities for students to lead activities with students who receive special education services. This article fits very well:
Pushing Beyond the Classroom for Students with Autism
This is a great resource:
Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks and Focused Attention Practices
As this title reminds, this is what we know is true:
High Expectations, All Students, No Exceptions
Great to remember as we start the last month of school:
Friday April 28th, 2017
Next week we kick off Teacher/Staff Appreciation week. Be prepared for really yummy food every day during the week. We have had families dropping off items this week. You are very much loved and appreciated.
I had to smile when I read this post. We have a young lady in second grade who is on our student lighthouse team. She is adamant about our school carnival being like Disneyland. She has found her voice and I've encouraged her to make it happen. She will happily be wearing a Disney outfit for the carnival, and any student is welcome to do the same. This article is a great reflection piece, from school improvement to excellence, customer service, staff matching the needs of our student, a common team working towards the same goals, second chances, including all kids, safe to make mistakes, everybody is loved, and more:
Your Guide to Running a School like Disney World
I had to smile when I read this post. We have a young lady in second grade who is on our student lighthouse team. She is adamant about our school carnival being like Disneyland. She has found her voice and I've encouraged her to make it happen. She will happily be wearing a Disney outfit for the carnival, and any student is welcome to do the same. This article is a great reflection piece, from school improvement to excellence, customer service, staff matching the needs of our student, a common team working towards the same goals, second chances, including all kids, safe to make mistakes, everybody is loved, and more:
Your Guide to Running a School like Disney World
Thursday April 27th, 2017
We have third grade students finishing their math ISAT test this afternoon. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway and bathroom quiet. Fifth grade starts their testing next week.
Please help remind students about the last school sale next week with student leaders.
I was at a museum two years ago, while visiting my brother, and I still remember it. It was an immigration museum. There was a section that had walls full of photographs, either a person or something that represented that person. Each person was an immigrant or refugee. There was a biography or narrative included with each photo. Though limited in language skills, as the museum exhibit explained, each photograph and story was inspiring. Photos are universal in every language:
Literacy Through Photography for English Language Learners
This is a great reminder that matches what we learned about at the staff meeting on Wednesday. Just like adults, stopping to pause and breathe is good for kids. Wednesday afternoon included several opportunities in the office for kids to practice, to calm themselves and be able to discuss situations. Mindfulness:
Please help remind students about the last school sale next week with student leaders.
I was at a museum two years ago, while visiting my brother, and I still remember it. It was an immigration museum. There was a section that had walls full of photographs, either a person or something that represented that person. Each person was an immigrant or refugee. There was a biography or narrative included with each photo. Though limited in language skills, as the museum exhibit explained, each photograph and story was inspiring. Photos are universal in every language:
Literacy Through Photography for English Language Learners
This is a great reminder that matches what we learned about at the staff meeting on Wednesday. Just like adults, stopping to pause and breathe is good for kids. Wednesday afternoon included several opportunities in the office for kids to practice, to calm themselves and be able to discuss situations. Mindfulness:
Wednesday 26th, 2017
We have a staff meeting after school in the library, and we will start at about 3:25.
Today is Secretary's Day! We are super lucky at Harrison to have a great secretary.
This is a great post with a few tips that would be great for all learners as they learn about engineering and STEM topics, especially second language learners. Every student has a strength, and synergy and collaboration can create impressive results:
Five Tips for Teaching Engineering to English Learners
From the same website above, Engineering is Elementary, here is a great resource:
Free Curriculum for 3rd-5th
Be the positive person:
Today is Secretary's Day! We are super lucky at Harrison to have a great secretary.
This is a great post with a few tips that would be great for all learners as they learn about engineering and STEM topics, especially second language learners. Every student has a strength, and synergy and collaboration can create impressive results:
Five Tips for Teaching Engineering to English Learners
From the same website above, Engineering is Elementary, here is a great resource:
Free Curriculum for 3rd-5th
Be the positive person:
Tuesday April 25th, 2017
It was like a family reunion on Monday. Thank you for helping to let families know about Kindergarten registration. Almost all of our kids on Monday were siblings and preschool students.
We have 4th grade completing the first part of their Math ISAT in the morning, and 3rd completing the first part of their Math ISAT in the afternoon. Thank you for helping to keep the hallways quiet.
We're either crying or laughing at Harrison. Experiences and moments are the best things to collect:
We have 4th grade completing the first part of their Math ISAT in the morning, and 3rd completing the first part of their Math ISAT in the afternoon. Thank you for helping to keep the hallways quiet.
We're either crying or laughing at Harrison. Experiences and moments are the best things to collect:
Monday April 24th, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Anderson
PM Bus: Rodriguez
Staff Room: 3rd Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
April 24th, 2017- Monday- Kindergarten Registration Starts
April 24th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
April 25th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
April 26th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
April 27th, 2017- Thursday- Robotics Expo- PM
April 28th, 2017- Friday- Principal's lunch with April Student Leaders
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Moore- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
next week for May 1st: Alexander- Habit 3- Put first things first
ISAT/SBAC Schedule:
Tuesday: All 4th completing Math CAT Test- AM
Tuesday: All 3rd completing Math CAT Test- PM
Thursday: All 3rd completing Math Performance Task Test- AM
This week is going to be busy with Kindergarten registration. If you see families in the hallways and lobby, please welcome them. If you walk into the office and the phone is ringing, please pick it up, If you see a student by the office waiting for assistance, please assist them.
The staff meeting this week will have Ms. Kober and Mrs. Rice teaching about mindfulness. Mrs. Rice will also be sharing what stood out to her at the recent Prevention Conference.
It doesn't matter what school students attend. Affluent or high poverty, high school or elementary- homework is always a hot topic. Here are a few thoughts:
Rethinking Homework for Student Success
This is a great post about student voice and advocating:
Through the Eyes of a Child
This is an interview with a school leader, and the topic relates very well to our school. A quote from the interview:
You don’t get to better-performing schools by arresting, suspending and expelling students, but instead you have to create environments that are supportive and nurturing for young people. You have to think about the social and emotional aspects of the work, which involves more than just applying consequences for behavior.
Schools Focus on Being More Trauma Aware
Just a few pictures this week. We had measurement, school board members who visited, and Earth Day:
Pictures This Week
This website has great daily writing prompts, like the following image below that I think we can all relate to, and these would be great for morning meetings:
Daily Writing Prompts
Prompt from the website above, and also a great thought for starting the week that would also be great to share with students:
AM Bus: Anderson
PM Bus: Rodriguez
Staff Room: 3rd Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
April 24th, 2017- Monday- Kindergarten Registration Starts
April 24th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
April 25th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
April 26th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
April 27th, 2017- Thursday- Robotics Expo- PM
April 28th, 2017- Friday- Principal's lunch with April Student Leaders
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Moore- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
next week for May 1st: Alexander- Habit 3- Put first things first
ISAT/SBAC Schedule:
Tuesday: All 4th completing Math CAT Test- AM
Tuesday: All 3rd completing Math CAT Test- PM
Thursday: All 3rd completing Math Performance Task Test- AM
This week is going to be busy with Kindergarten registration. If you see families in the hallways and lobby, please welcome them. If you walk into the office and the phone is ringing, please pick it up, If you see a student by the office waiting for assistance, please assist them.
The staff meeting this week will have Ms. Kober and Mrs. Rice teaching about mindfulness. Mrs. Rice will also be sharing what stood out to her at the recent Prevention Conference.
It doesn't matter what school students attend. Affluent or high poverty, high school or elementary- homework is always a hot topic. Here are a few thoughts:
Rethinking Homework for Student Success
This is a great post about student voice and advocating:
Through the Eyes of a Child
This is an interview with a school leader, and the topic relates very well to our school. A quote from the interview:
You don’t get to better-performing schools by arresting, suspending and expelling students, but instead you have to create environments that are supportive and nurturing for young people. You have to think about the social and emotional aspects of the work, which involves more than just applying consequences for behavior.
Schools Focus on Being More Trauma Aware
Just a few pictures this week. We had measurement, school board members who visited, and Earth Day:
Pictures This Week
This website has great daily writing prompts, like the following image below that I think we can all relate to, and these would be great for morning meetings:
Daily Writing Prompts
Prompt from the website above, and also a great thought for starting the week that would also be great to share with students:
Friday April 21st, 2017
We have a garden meeting before school starts, and anybody interested is invited. We'll start about 7:40 in room 17.
This is a great video as we end the week:
Grandma Who is Deaf Signing with Baby
You never know what a student might ask you:
This is a great video as we end the week:
Grandma Who is Deaf Signing with Baby
You never know what a student might ask you:
Thursday April 20th, 2017
We have 3rd and 4th grade finishing their ELA ISAT test this morning. Please help keep the hallways quiet.
We have a building leadership team/staff lighthouse team meeting after school in room 16.
We only have about one month of school left, and yet the pace seems to pick up and get really busy this time of year. Here are two great posts for everybody, not just teachers. You matter and are greatly appreciated, especially by little people that really love you and all that you do for them:
It's Time We Appreciate Ourselves
The Heart of Teaching
Thought for today:
We have a building leadership team/staff lighthouse team meeting after school in room 16.
We only have about one month of school left, and yet the pace seems to pick up and get really busy this time of year. Here are two great posts for everybody, not just teachers. You matter and are greatly appreciated, especially by little people that really love you and all that you do for them:
It's Time We Appreciate Ourselves
The Heart of Teaching
Thought for today:
Wednesday April 19th, 2017
A big thank you to everybody for helping with testing on Tuesday, helping to keep hallways quiet, and for all the encouragement given to kids. It's a team effort with testing, and we have a few more weeks to go.
Here are two great links with ideas for technology integration, and we have the devices to make any of the ideas suggested possible. Google earth has been updated with great new features, like learning about homes in different countries. Skype is a great resource that also can connect students to great learning experiences, for free:
Videoconferencing Magic in the Elementary School Classroom
Google Earth New Features
Hard to believe it's time. We start Kindergarten registration next week. Please help remind families, friends, and neighbors. We try really hard to work with parent/guardian schedules, like with work hours and college class schedules. Let families know to call or talk with us if they need a time outside normal office hours. Registration helps with planning for next year.
So true:
Here are two great links with ideas for technology integration, and we have the devices to make any of the ideas suggested possible. Google earth has been updated with great new features, like learning about homes in different countries. Skype is a great resource that also can connect students to great learning experiences, for free:
Videoconferencing Magic in the Elementary School Classroom
Google Earth New Features
Hard to believe it's time. We start Kindergarten registration next week. Please help remind families, friends, and neighbors. We try really hard to work with parent/guardian schedules, like with work hours and college class schedules. Let families know to call or talk with us if they need a time outside normal office hours. Registration helps with planning for next year.
So true:
Tuesday April 18th, 2017
We have ISAT testing this morning for all 3rd and 4th grade students. They are completing the first part of their ELA test. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet.
This is a great positive post about airports offering areas for children with autism and sensory needs:
Quiet Rooms for Children with Autism
If you are interested in learning more about growth mindset, Mrs. Terrell will be sharing what she learned at the Federal Programs Conference during first and second grade teaming on Wednesday. Everybody is welcome.
This thought for the day is a great reminder that everybody has their own talents and strengths, and sometimes they shine at different times:
This is a great positive post about airports offering areas for children with autism and sensory needs:
Quiet Rooms for Children with Autism
If you are interested in learning more about growth mindset, Mrs. Terrell will be sharing what she learned at the Federal Programs Conference during first and second grade teaming on Wednesday. Everybody is welcome.
This thought for the day is a great reminder that everybody has their own talents and strengths, and sometimes they shine at different times:
Monday April 17th, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Wolden
PM Bus: Porter
Staff Room: 2nd Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
April 17th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
April 18th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
April 18th, 2017- Tuesday- Team Visiting Blaine County School District to view
Co-Teaching Model with second language learners
April 19th, 2017- Thursday- Building Leadership Team/Staff Lighthouse Team- 3:25, room 16
April 20th, 2017- Friday- School garden meeting- 7:40 am, room 17
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Wolden- Habit 1: Be proactive
next week for April 24th: Moore- Habit 2- Begin with the end in mind
ISAT/SBAC Schedule:
Tuesday: All 3rd and 4th completing ELA CAT Test- AM
Thursday: All 3rd and 4th completing ELA Performance Task Test- AM
We have several great pictures from this last week, and I would encourage you to share with students.
You can click on the pictures to make them larger. We had big kids helping little kids as they visited the Synergy show at Canyon Ridge, our Kindness club with Mrs. Bisby, leadership jobs, learners working towards academic goals, and more:
Pictures This Week
This is a great article from Mrs. Buschhorn about second language learners. I can't imagine not having so many languages and cultures in our building:
Working With Newcomers and Beginning Level ELL's Across Content Areas
I can't imagine having another other calling in life. We have the best job. This post is for everybody who works in education, not just teachers, but everybody:
7 Reasons Why Teaching is Amazing
Thought for the week:
AM Bus: Wolden
PM Bus: Porter
Staff Room: 2nd Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
April 17th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
April 18th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
April 18th, 2017- Tuesday- Team Visiting Blaine County School District to view
Co-Teaching Model with second language learners
April 19th, 2017- Thursday- Building Leadership Team/Staff Lighthouse Team- 3:25, room 16
April 20th, 2017- Friday- School garden meeting- 7:40 am, room 17
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Wolden- Habit 1: Be proactive
next week for April 24th: Moore- Habit 2- Begin with the end in mind
ISAT/SBAC Schedule:
Tuesday: All 3rd and 4th completing ELA CAT Test- AM
Thursday: All 3rd and 4th completing ELA Performance Task Test- AM
We have several great pictures from this last week, and I would encourage you to share with students.
You can click on the pictures to make them larger. We had big kids helping little kids as they visited the Synergy show at Canyon Ridge, our Kindness club with Mrs. Bisby, leadership jobs, learners working towards academic goals, and more:
Pictures This Week
This is a great article from Mrs. Buschhorn about second language learners. I can't imagine not having so many languages and cultures in our building:
Working With Newcomers and Beginning Level ELL's Across Content Areas
I can't imagine having another other calling in life. We have the best job. This post is for everybody who works in education, not just teachers, but everybody:
7 Reasons Why Teaching is Amazing
Thought for the week:
Thursday April 13th, 2017
A big thank you to everybody who encouraged students and families to attend the Breakfast with Books, attended and visited with students and their families, and helped prepare. It was a great event. There might have been sticky syrup and pancakes, but not one drop on books.
This article is a great overview about how social-emotional learning is embedded with all learning. Even Math, ELA, Science, and skills needed for college and careers:
Academic Standards Require Social-Emotional Skills
This thought is great for anybody who works with others, like teachers and paras who work with students. Great thought for today:
This article is a great overview about how social-emotional learning is embedded with all learning. Even Math, ELA, Science, and skills needed for college and careers:
Academic Standards Require Social-Emotional Skills
This thought is great for anybody who works with others, like teachers and paras who work with students. Great thought for today:
Wednesday April 12th, 2017
We start the day with a great Breakfast with Books family activity. We will be recognizing one reader of the month from every classroom preschool-fifth grade. We want students reading, and each of the recognized readers will be picking out a free book. The public library will also be available so families can check out books to take home and read. No need to have a car or find time for the public library, and families can even stop on the way to work. Books, reading, eating, visiting with students and their families, and family involvement right in our lunchroom.
We have a staff meeting after school in the library, and we will be starting at 3:25.
Thought for today:
Tuesday April 11th, 2017
We started IRI testing this week, and fifth grade will be completing their Science ISAT today. Please help keep their hallway quiet in the morning.
Please help remind students and families about Breakfast with Books on Wednesday morning. We had such a great turn out last month.
This post fits perfectly for every classroom, hallway, playground- everywhere:
Here is a great thought for today. Every students needs at least one person:
Monday April 10th, 2017
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Garcia
PM Bus: Fullmer
Staff Room: 1st Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
April 10th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
April 10th, 2017- Monday- CSI STEM visiting 1st Grade and Pauley
April 11th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
April 12th, 2017- Wednesday- April Breakfast with Books in the lunchroom
& student readers of the month
April 12th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
April 13th and 14th, 2017- Thursday and Friday- Most Grades are Visiting CR for Synergy Show
April 14th, 2017- Friday- Student Lighthouse Team before school
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Kelly- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs
The staff meeting this week will be all about planning for next year. We will have a gallery walk about different topics, discuss feedback and ideas, and then plan next steps. Topics include the duty schedule, professional development, classroom buddies, school WIG's, morning announcements, and a few other items.
We want students to respond to difficult situations, not react. We want students to stop, pause, breathe, make a plan, and then make a healthy choice with their actions and emotions. Mindfulness is important for every student, and even adults. This can even transform a school:
Learning is everywhere, and that includes more than desks. We want students to use locations that work best for their learning, to drive their own learning. We've been seeing great success this year as classrooms are integrating more of this practice:
Flexible Learning Spaces
Having emotions is ok. How those emotions are displayed and handled is the key. The grump meter is one resource. Students need to be able to identify their emotions:
Grump Meter
ASCD this month is all about honoring differences, which fits perfectly with our school. Our students and staff are so lucky to be surrounded by a diverse group of staff and students. Here is a great infographic about students with disabilities:
Honoring Differences
Writing is so important with STEM, and we have been striving to integrate across all content areas:
Writing and STEM
This is so true:
AM Bus: Garcia
PM Bus: Fullmer
Staff Room: 1st Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
April 10th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
April 10th, 2017- Monday- CSI STEM visiting 1st Grade and Pauley
April 11th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
April 12th, 2017- Wednesday- April Breakfast with Books in the lunchroom
& student readers of the month
April 12th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
April 13th and 14th, 2017- Thursday and Friday- Most Grades are Visiting CR for Synergy Show
April 14th, 2017- Friday- Student Lighthouse Team before school
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Kelly- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs
The staff meeting this week will be all about planning for next year. We will have a gallery walk about different topics, discuss feedback and ideas, and then plan next steps. Topics include the duty schedule, professional development, classroom buddies, school WIG's, morning announcements, and a few other items.
We want students to respond to difficult situations, not react. We want students to stop, pause, breathe, make a plan, and then make a healthy choice with their actions and emotions. Mindfulness is important for every student, and even adults. This can even transform a school:
Learning is everywhere, and that includes more than desks. We want students to use locations that work best for their learning, to drive their own learning. We've been seeing great success this year as classrooms are integrating more of this practice:
Flexible Learning Spaces
Having emotions is ok. How those emotions are displayed and handled is the key. The grump meter is one resource. Students need to be able to identify their emotions:
Grump Meter
ASCD this month is all about honoring differences, which fits perfectly with our school. Our students and staff are so lucky to be surrounded by a diverse group of staff and students. Here is a great infographic about students with disabilities:
Honoring Differences
Writing is so important with STEM, and we have been striving to integrate across all content areas:
Writing and STEM
This is so true:

Friday April 7th, 2017
Today is Friday fun and a caramel apple sucker sale.
We have wiggly students in every classroom. Including movement with lessons and activities can be helpful:
How to Support Wiggly Kids
Have a great Friday:
We have wiggly students in every classroom. Including movement with lessons and activities can be helpful:
How to Support Wiggly Kids
Have a great Friday:
Thursday April 6th, 2017
Please help remind students about the caramel apple sucker sale on Friday, as well as Friday fun dress fancy day.
This short video would be great to share with students. A high school student from Haiti started a club that looked for students who were eating alone. He remembered what it was like as a young elementary student still learning English and trying to make friends. This could even be applied to the playground:
This is a great sharpen the saw reminder:
Wednesday April 5th, 2017
This article helps to provide background information for understanding what it is like in a refugee camp. Imagine spending your day just trying to get water. The video is a little long, but you might save it to watch later:
This thought for the day is so true:
Tuesday April 4th, 2017
We have a family note going home this week. Also included are two pages from Leader in Me. One page is about leadership within the home, and one page is about respecting diversity while also staying true to your own beliefs. Here are the first two pages:
We have a great list of staff to recognize:
Thought for today:
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