AM Bus: Garcia
PM Bus: Fullmer
Staff Room: 1st Grade
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
April 10th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
April 10th, 2017- Monday- CSI STEM visiting 1st Grade and Pauley
April 11th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
April 12th, 2017- Wednesday- April Breakfast with Books in the lunchroom
& student readers of the month
April 12th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
April 13th and 14th, 2017- Thursday and Friday- Most Grades are Visiting CR for Synergy Show
April 14th, 2017- Friday- Student Lighthouse Team before school
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Kelly- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs
The staff meeting this week will be all about planning for next year. We will have a gallery walk about different topics, discuss feedback and ideas, and then plan next steps. Topics include the duty schedule, professional development, classroom buddies, school WIG's, morning announcements, and a few other items.
We want students to respond to difficult situations, not react. We want students to stop, pause, breathe, make a plan, and then make a healthy choice with their actions and emotions. Mindfulness is important for every student, and even adults. This can even transform a school:
Learning is everywhere, and that includes more than desks. We want students to use locations that work best for their learning, to drive their own learning. We've been seeing great success this year as classrooms are integrating more of this practice:
Flexible Learning Spaces
Having emotions is ok. How those emotions are displayed and handled is the key. The grump meter is one resource. Students need to be able to identify their emotions:
Grump Meter
ASCD this month is all about honoring differences, which fits perfectly with our school. Our students and staff are so lucky to be surrounded by a diverse group of staff and students. Here is a great infographic about students with disabilities:
Honoring Differences
Writing is so important with STEM, and we have been striving to integrate across all content areas:
Writing and STEM
This is so true:

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