We have third grade students finishing their math ISAT test this afternoon. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway and bathroom quiet. Fifth grade starts their testing next week.
Please help remind students about the last school sale next week with student leaders.
I was at a museum two years ago, while visiting my brother, and I still remember it. It was an immigration museum. There was a section that had walls full of photographs, either a person or something that represented that person. Each person was an immigrant or refugee. There was a biography or narrative included with each photo. Though limited in language skills, as the museum exhibit explained, each photograph and story was inspiring. Photos are universal in every language:
Literacy Through Photography for English Language Learners
This is a great reminder that matches what we learned about at the staff meeting on Wednesday. Just like adults, stopping to pause and breathe is good for kids. Wednesday afternoon included several opportunities in the office for kids to practice, to calm themselves and be able to discuss situations. Mindfulness:
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