Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Alexander
PM Bus: Garcia
Staff Room: Pauley
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
October 3rd, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
October 4th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
October 4th, 2016- Tuesday- 1st Grade Art Lunch with Mrs. V in the Library
October 4th, 2016- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming K-5, with Title 1, Resource, and ESL
October 5th, 2016- Wednesday- Walk To School Day: 7:45 am
October 6th and 7th, 2016- Thursday and Friday- No School:
Teacher In-service Days/Para Training Days
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Lancaster- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
We have included mindfulness more in classrooms and with the before/after school program. This calming and proactive approach is really helpful for all students. This approach also assists with social and emotional development, so students can learn to self manage their own emotions. This also fits with trauma informed discipline. The following article describes a brief overview and there is a great short video from the voice of students. I ordered the book mentioned and it should be here by Tuesday if you are interested in borrowing:
Mindfulness, and Helping Kids Heal and Learn
I wish you could see first hand the opening routines and student leaders in Kindergarten. Students walk in, put their things away, start working on their leadership notebooks, eat breakfast or a snack, find anyplace in the room to learn with the flexible learning space options, and assist peers without adults asking. I can't wait to see them in fifth grade! This might be an idea for a peer observation. The pictures from this last week include those pictures from Kindergarten, our monthly student leader recognition, and other great experiences to share and celebrate:
Pictures This Week
The following link is one to bookmark. There are several resources listed that address teaching with diverse student populations. This is a great resource to refer back to throughout the school year, and it is a need that relates very well to our students and school:
Cultural Diversity in Schools
Just like students, we model goal setting and achieving everyday. Pick goals that you are excited for:
Friday September 30th, 2016
We have our first dad's group meeting today, at 7:50 in the library.
We are celebrating our grade level student leaders today, for August and September. It's an awesome group of leaders!
Here is a great positive story as we end the week. A non-verbal child who helps others and spreads kindness. As the article says: "You don't need words to help people:"
Leadership and Kindness
Have a great Friday! Remember this:
We are celebrating our grade level student leaders today, for August and September. It's an awesome group of leaders!
Here is a great positive story as we end the week. A non-verbal child who helps others and spreads kindness. As the article says: "You don't need words to help people:"
Leadership and Kindness
Have a great Friday! Remember this:
Thursday September 29th, 2016
Please help remind students and families that Friday is the last day to order school shirts and sweatshirts. We won't be placing another order until December or January.
This link lists key pieces that fit with the climate and culture we are striving for, and it fits with the recent Wednesday staff meeting topics. When students feel like they belong and are welcomed, a school/classroom culture and climate can completely change:
Responsive Classroom Principles and Practices
This thought fits well with the new standards based report cards:
This link lists key pieces that fit with the climate and culture we are striving for, and it fits with the recent Wednesday staff meeting topics. When students feel like they belong and are welcomed, a school/classroom culture and climate can completely change:
Responsive Classroom Principles and Practices
This thought fits well with the new standards based report cards:
Wednesday September 28th, 2016
We have a staff meeting after school in the library. We'll start about 3:20-3:25.
Please help remind families about our first dad's group meeting of the school year. We have students who live with grandpas and other special guys in their life. We will be meeting on Friday, in the library, at about 7:50 am.
We're seeing more flexible learning space options this year in our classrooms, like in Kindergarten. This includes more tables, yoga balls, sensory items on chairs and desks, and movable furniture items. This article has a few ideas:
Flexible Learning Spaces
This thought is a great reminder, both for students and colleagues that we work with everyday. We are all learners, with many strengths:
Please help remind families about our first dad's group meeting of the school year. We have students who live with grandpas and other special guys in their life. We will be meeting on Friday, in the library, at about 7:50 am.
We're seeing more flexible learning space options this year in our classrooms, like in Kindergarten. This includes more tables, yoga balls, sensory items on chairs and desks, and movable furniture items. This article has a few ideas:
Flexible Learning Spaces
This thought is a great reminder, both for students and colleagues that we work with everyday. We are all learners, with many strengths:
Tuesday September 27th, 2016
We have the hearing and vision screening today. If your grade level is participating, one of our parent volunteers will come to your classroom to let you know when it is your turn.
The staff lighthouse/building leadership team will be meeting after school at about 3:25.
Everything is a learning opportunity. There are so many to be thankful for, if we shift our paradigm in that direction:
The staff lighthouse/building leadership team will be meeting after school at about 3:25.
Everything is a learning opportunity. There are so many to be thankful for, if we shift our paradigm in that direction:
Monday September 26th, 2016
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Moore
PM Bus: Lindquist
Staff Room: Alexander
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 26th, 2016- Monday- IRI Literacy Plans 7:50 am in room #17- Teachers with K-3 kids
September 26th, 2016- Monday- 5th Grade Gallup Poll- Window Opens
September 26th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
September 26th, 2016- Monday- 3-5 Math Training After School at CSI with Rhonda Birnie
September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- Hearing (1, 3, 5) and Vision (K, 1, 3, 5) Screenings
September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- 2nd Grade Art Lunch with Mrs. V in the Library
September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team- 3:25 Rm. #17
September 28th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
September 30th, 2016- Friday- Dad's Group 7:50 am in Library
September 30th, 2016- Friday- Last Day for Fall Orders of School Spirit Wear
September 30th, 2016- Friday- Principal's Lunch With August/September Student Leaders
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Rodriguez- Habit 6: Synergize
The staff meeting agenda this week is a great line up. We strive to have staff leading and we have great topics to share:
1. Report Card Idea for Leadership Notebooks- Mrs. Bender
2. Classroom Meetings/Responsive Classroom and classroom community- Mrs. Schroeder
3. Bullying Awareness- Including Proactive Strategies to Prevent- Mrs. Kober
4. Move-a-Thon, Mayor's Walking Challenge, and Housekeeping- Ms. Ardito
I've been waiting several months for this TED talk video to be available, and it's now live. Nadia Lopez has created an impressive change in her community, and with the school that she leads. Education is the ticket that changes lives, and this video is great:
Open A School, Close A Prison
The move-a-thon is coming! We had a very successful playground fundraiser last year, and we have a great group of families excited to help with another event. We are about half way towards meeting our playground fundraiser goal. We have planned the event this year during the October Mayor's walking challenge, which fits perfectly. Here is the flyer/pledge sheet information going home with families:
October Move-a-Thon
Our families love the pictures posted on the school website, and it has helped us through school improvement as we have worked hard to change the image and perceptions of our school. The pictures are great to share with students as well. We have students leading without adults asking, loving behavior from students that helps to prevent bullying, fun learning, synergy, and more:
Pictures This Week
This thought is a great reminder:
AM Bus: Moore
PM Bus: Lindquist
Staff Room: Alexander
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 26th, 2016- Monday- IRI Literacy Plans 7:50 am in room #17- Teachers with K-3 kids
September 26th, 2016- Monday- 5th Grade Gallup Poll- Window Opens
September 26th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
September 26th, 2016- Monday- 3-5 Math Training After School at CSI with Rhonda Birnie
September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- Hearing (1, 3, 5) and Vision (K, 1, 3, 5) Screenings
September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- 2nd Grade Art Lunch with Mrs. V in the Library
September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team- 3:25 Rm. #17
September 28th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
September 30th, 2016- Friday- Dad's Group 7:50 am in Library
September 30th, 2016- Friday- Last Day for Fall Orders of School Spirit Wear
September 30th, 2016- Friday- Principal's Lunch With August/September Student Leaders
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Rodriguez- Habit 6: Synergize
The staff meeting agenda this week is a great line up. We strive to have staff leading and we have great topics to share:
1. Report Card Idea for Leadership Notebooks- Mrs. Bender
2. Classroom Meetings/Responsive Classroom and classroom community- Mrs. Schroeder
3. Bullying Awareness- Including Proactive Strategies to Prevent- Mrs. Kober
4. Move-a-Thon, Mayor's Walking Challenge, and Housekeeping- Ms. Ardito
I've been waiting several months for this TED talk video to be available, and it's now live. Nadia Lopez has created an impressive change in her community, and with the school that she leads. Education is the ticket that changes lives, and this video is great:
Open A School, Close A Prison
The move-a-thon is coming! We had a very successful playground fundraiser last year, and we have a great group of families excited to help with another event. We are about half way towards meeting our playground fundraiser goal. We have planned the event this year during the October Mayor's walking challenge, which fits perfectly. Here is the flyer/pledge sheet information going home with families:
October Move-a-Thon
Our families love the pictures posted on the school website, and it has helped us through school improvement as we have worked hard to change the image and perceptions of our school. The pictures are great to share with students as well. We have students leading without adults asking, loving behavior from students that helps to prevent bullying, fun learning, synergy, and more:
Pictures This Week
This thought is a great reminder:
Friday September 23rd, 2016
We have seen the importance of addressing and integrating social and emotional learning, SEL, and we have witnessed the amazing growth of those skills with our students. Once students have those skills, academic skills take off. We can't address academic gaps without addressing social and emotional learning. This blog lists one theme per month, with September being 'welcoming.' Even though the direct links for September and October say middle school and high school, the conversation and writing prompts include several that would be great for elementary students as well:
7 Monthly Themes for SEL
September: Welcoming
October: Accepting Change
This thought fits well with think win win, emotional bank accounts, and bucket fillers. Our students hear about those items often:
7 Monthly Themes for SEL
September: Welcoming
October: Accepting Change
This thought fits well with think win win, emotional bank accounts, and bucket fillers. Our students hear about those items often:
Thursday September 22nd, 2016
This article fits with leadership, kindness, inclusion of all students, and so much more. We hear students often who are so excited that a peer finally was able to accomplish a challenging task in class, and they are so excited to tell people. We see our students often jump to assist someone with tying shoe laces or with a class task, usually without an adult asking. We are also striving to make sure that all students feel a part of a classroom community, and that all adults in our building know that they are teachers. This article fits very well with Harrison, and what we see and strive for everyday:
Classroom Community
This thought is a great reminder:
Classroom Community
This thought is a great reminder:
Wednesday September 21st, 2016
We will have families visiting classrooms prior to school starting this morning, so teachers can share information about the new report card. Students will also be sharing some work samples.
If you are interested in planning and assisting with the Mayor's walking challenge and move-a-thon, we will be meeting in room 17 on Thursday at about 7:50 am.
The following thought is a great reminder. Look for opportunities to brighten someone's day:
If you are interested in planning and assisting with the Mayor's walking challenge and move-a-thon, we will be meeting in room 17 on Thursday at about 7:50 am.
The following thought is a great reminder. Look for opportunities to brighten someone's day:
Tuesday September 20th, 2016
We have grade level teaming today. The highlight is always celebrating student growth.
Thank you to everybody for bringing yummy foods to the staff potluck! All the volunteers and people from the photography company were very appreciative.
We have a family note going home this week about the first meeting of the year for our dad's group, and a reminder about ordering school shirts. This office will make copies for you:
Dad's Group and School Spirit Wear
This article reiterates the importance of social-emotional learning. Even just ten minutes spent at the beginning of class, can create a smoother classroom for the whole day. For those incorporating morning meetings or greetings, or some type of morning check in, the following article is so true. Mondays are often the hardest for kids, especially if there is turmoil in the home. Any staff member might notice a kid that needs a smiling and positive person to check in with prior to school starting. You matter! Look for the faces. Just a few minutes, and huge rewards earned:
Emotional Support for Children
Isn't the following thought the absolute truth! We educate the whole child:
Thank you to everybody for bringing yummy foods to the staff potluck! All the volunteers and people from the photography company were very appreciative.
We have a family note going home this week about the first meeting of the year for our dad's group, and a reminder about ordering school shirts. This office will make copies for you:
Dad's Group and School Spirit Wear
This article reiterates the importance of social-emotional learning. Even just ten minutes spent at the beginning of class, can create a smoother classroom for the whole day. For those incorporating morning meetings or greetings, or some type of morning check in, the following article is so true. Mondays are often the hardest for kids, especially if there is turmoil in the home. Any staff member might notice a kid that needs a smiling and positive person to check in with prior to school starting. You matter! Look for the faces. Just a few minutes, and huge rewards earned:
Emotional Support for Children
Isn't the following thought the absolute truth! We educate the whole child:
Monday September 19th, 2016
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Bender
PM Bus: Alexander
Staff Room: Moore
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 19th, 2016- Monday- Picture Day- all staff do need their picture taken
September 19th, 2016- Monday- Staff Potluck for August & September Birthdays
September 12th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
September 19th, 2016- Monday- K-2 Math Training After School at CSI with Rhonda Birnie
September 20th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
September 20th, 2016- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming K-5
September 20th, 2016- Tuesday- 3rd Grade Art Lunch with Mrs. V in the Library
September 21st, 2016- Wednesday- Report Card Information for Families at 7:50 in Classrooms
September 22nd, 2016- Thursday- Planning Meeting at 7:50 am: Move-a-Thon/Walking Challenge
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Sharp - Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Monday is picture day. We have great parent volunteers today, and somebody will come let classrooms know when they are ready for your students to have pictures taken. The photographers will be ready at 7:50 for staff to have their pictures taken.
We need our students to be learners, have work experiences, give with service, and play often. The pictures from this past week show all four important items, including STEM and the arts:
Pictures This Week
Thought for the day:
AM Bus: Bender
PM Bus: Alexander
Staff Room: Moore
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 19th, 2016- Monday- Picture Day- all staff do need their picture taken
September 19th, 2016- Monday- Staff Potluck for August & September Birthdays
September 12th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
September 19th, 2016- Monday- K-2 Math Training After School at CSI with Rhonda Birnie
September 20th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
September 20th, 2016- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming K-5
September 20th, 2016- Tuesday- 3rd Grade Art Lunch with Mrs. V in the Library
September 21st, 2016- Wednesday- Report Card Information for Families at 7:50 in Classrooms
September 22nd, 2016- Thursday- Planning Meeting at 7:50 am: Move-a-Thon/Walking Challenge
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Sharp - Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Monday is picture day. We have great parent volunteers today, and somebody will come let classrooms know when they are ready for your students to have pictures taken. The photographers will be ready at 7:50 for staff to have their pictures taken.
We need our students to be learners, have work experiences, give with service, and play often. The pictures from this past week show all four important items, including STEM and the arts:
Pictures This Week
Thought for the day:
Friday September 16th, 2016
Please help remind students and families that Monday is picture day.
Please remember that we are having a staff potluck for lunch on Monday. We'll be recognizing August and September staff birthdays, and providing lunch for all the volunteers helping with picture day.
Have a great Friday! Thought for today:
Please remember that we are having a staff potluck for lunch on Monday. We'll be recognizing August and September staff birthdays, and providing lunch for all the volunteers helping with picture day.
Have a great Friday! Thought for today:
Thursday September 15th, 2016
We have our new teacher check in with breakfast treats this morning. The funny, the best, and the moments you can't forget. When you are new to a school, whether your first year teaching or a veteran, spending time to check in with others in the same boat is important.
This article is a reminder of the importance for integrating speaking and listening standards. Confidence and finding your voice:
Students and Public Speaking
Thought for today from Teach Like a Pirate:
This article is a reminder of the importance for integrating speaking and listening standards. Confidence and finding your voice:
Students and Public Speaking
Thought for today from Teach Like a Pirate:
Wednesday September 14th, 2016
As the weather is changing, please talk with students about dressing appropriately. Let us know in the office if students need assistance with warmer coats and shoes.
We have a staff meeting after school in the library.The goal is to start by 3:25. We have a full list of important visitors and topics.
Preschool and Kindergarten will be having their first visit from the Twin Falls public librarian, with the My First Books grant. This programs allows every student to receive a free book, for every monthly visit.
Classroom lessons this week will be including different activities to learn and recognize Constitution Day. Here is one resource:
Constitution Day with Scholastic
This fits well with the marigold and walnut article. Thought for today:
We have a staff meeting after school in the library.The goal is to start by 3:25. We have a full list of important visitors and topics.
Preschool and Kindergarten will be having their first visit from the Twin Falls public librarian, with the My First Books grant. This programs allows every student to receive a free book, for every monthly visit.
Classroom lessons this week will be including different activities to learn and recognize Constitution Day. Here is one resource:
Constitution Day with Scholastic
This fits well with the marigold and walnut article. Thought for today:
Tuesday September 13th, 2016
Choir starts today for students in grades 3rd-5th. A big thank you to Mrs. Dickinson for providing this opportunity for students!
A big thank you to Mrs. Lindquist for representing Harrison at the Wings and Things wing eating contest! She was close. She ate 8 out of 12 wings!
We have grade level teaming today for all grades K-5.
We have a family note going home this week about the upcoming report card information activity on September 21st, and the office will make copies for you. The back of the family note has the new Box Tops app information:
Report Card Information For Families
Box Tops App
This is a great thought for today, and it could be staff or students:
A big thank you to Mrs. Lindquist for representing Harrison at the Wings and Things wing eating contest! She was close. She ate 8 out of 12 wings!
We have grade level teaming today for all grades K-5.
We have a family note going home this week about the upcoming report card information activity on September 21st, and the office will make copies for you. The back of the family note has the new Box Tops app information:
Report Card Information For Families
Box Tops App
This is a great thought for today, and it could be staff or students:
Monday September 12th, 2016
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Thomason
PM Bus: Moore
Staff Room: Bender
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 12th, 2016- Monday- Before and After School Program with 21st Century Grant Starts
September 12th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
September 13th, 2016- Tuesday- Choir for 3rd-5th starts, 7:40 am
September 13th, 2016- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming K-5 with myON trainer-
with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
September 13th, 2016- Tuesday- 4th Grade Art Lunch with Mrs. V in the Library
September 14th, 2016- Wednesday- My First Books Library Visit for Preschool and Kindergarten
September 14th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
September 15th, 2016- Thursday- New Teacher Check In and Breakfast- 7:45 in Room 17
Future: Picture Day is Monday September 19th, 2016.
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Enders - Habit 4: Think win-win
Here is the staff meeting agenda this week:
1. Federal Programs- Mr. Brulotte
2. TFEA- Mrs. Hoy
3. Nurse- Mrs. Ward
Here are a few pictures that would be great to share with students. You could discuss the leadership job applications, how to apply, and the different leadership roles/jobs that they could apply for. There are also fun pictures from class colors day. It wouldn't be Harrison without the stuffed animals, loving the lunch food, and students leading:
Pictures This Week
Here is a thought as we start a new week. Look for experiences/moments instead of things. Adventures are so much more fun to talk about:
AM Bus: Thomason
PM Bus: Moore
Staff Room: Bender
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 12th, 2016- Monday- Before and After School Program with 21st Century Grant Starts
September 12th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
September 13th, 2016- Tuesday- Choir for 3rd-5th starts, 7:40 am
September 13th, 2016- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming K-5 with myON trainer-
with ESL, Title 1, and Resource
September 13th, 2016- Tuesday- 4th Grade Art Lunch with Mrs. V in the Library
September 14th, 2016- Wednesday- My First Books Library Visit for Preschool and Kindergarten
September 14th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
September 15th, 2016- Thursday- New Teacher Check In and Breakfast- 7:45 in Room 17
Future: Picture Day is Monday September 19th, 2016.
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Enders - Habit 4: Think win-win
Here is the staff meeting agenda this week:
1. Federal Programs- Mr. Brulotte
2. TFEA- Mrs. Hoy
3. Nurse- Mrs. Ward
Here are a few pictures that would be great to share with students. You could discuss the leadership job applications, how to apply, and the different leadership roles/jobs that they could apply for. There are also fun pictures from class colors day. It wouldn't be Harrison without the stuffed animals, loving the lunch food, and students leading:
Pictures This Week
Here is a thought as we start a new week. Look for experiences/moments instead of things. Adventures are so much more fun to talk about:
Friday September 9th, 2016
We have both the popcorn sale and the Friday fun classroom colors activity today.
A big thank you to Cheryl! Please remember Wings and Things on Saturday, with money going towards playground items:
Wing Contest
This short article is a great reminder of an important part of working with a team, your colleagues, or any group- the importance of being nice. The article also has a great picture of fun at work, which is why we have a fun committee. Fun and being nice, important pieces that we make sure are part of the culture and climate at Harrison, both with staff and students:
Have a great weekend, and here is a great thought for today:
A big thank you to Cheryl! Please remember Wings and Things on Saturday, with money going towards playground items:
Wing Contest
This short article is a great reminder of an important part of working with a team, your colleagues, or any group- the importance of being nice. The article also has a great picture of fun at work, which is why we have a fun committee. Fun and being nice, important pieces that we make sure are part of the culture and climate at Harrison, both with staff and students:
Have a great weekend, and here is a great thought for today:
Thursday September 8th, 2016
We have a lighthouse/building leadership team meeting after school. This is a great one, as we will have a conference video call with a Leader in Me coach to help with school planning and goals.
Please help remind students about the Friday fun class colors activity, and the popcorn sale.
Students started learning about disc golf last Spring during the after school program. That 21st Century grant has allowed us to purchase 4 baskets, and they are almost all installed. So fun to watch inquisitive faces looking at them, wondering what they are. I saw on Wednesday shaking, touching, attempting to climb, and so many curious faces. This will be a great addition to the after school program, and our playground for recesses. A big thank you to our custodians for installing! If you have a few minutes, you could google a video to share with students to help explain what they are:
Please help remind students about the Friday fun class colors activity, and the popcorn sale.
Students started learning about disc golf last Spring during the after school program. That 21st Century grant has allowed us to purchase 4 baskets, and they are almost all installed. So fun to watch inquisitive faces looking at them, wondering what they are. I saw on Wednesday shaking, touching, attempting to climb, and so many curious faces. This will be a great addition to the after school program, and our playground for recesses. A big thank you to our custodians for installing! If you have a few minutes, you could google a video to share with students to help explain what they are:
This is a great reminder:
Wednesday September 7th, 2016
We have two family notes going home this week. One is a half sheet reminder about the Friday popcorn sale with student leaders and the Friday fun class colors activity. Please send that note home by Thursday. The second family note is below. The office will make copies for you:
Family Note Front
Family Note Back- Reading Tips for Home
This article about a football player eating lunch with a student who was sitting by himself, is a great article to share and discuss with students. This is the kindness and proactive behavior we are striving for:
Kindness at Lunch
This is a great thought for today:
Family Note Front
Family Note Back- Reading Tips for Home
This article about a football player eating lunch with a student who was sitting by himself, is a great article to share and discuss with students. This is the kindness and proactive behavior we are striving for:
Kindness at Lunch
This is a great thought for today:
Tuesday September 6th, 2016
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Sharp
PM Bus: Sweet
Staff Room: Thomason
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 6th, 2016- Tuesday- Data Day 8:30-4:00, starting in the library
September 8th, 2016- Thursday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team 3:25 in Room 17
September 9th, 2016- Friday- Popcorn Sale for .50¢ with Student Leaders
September 9th, 2016- Friday- Friday Fun- Class Colors
K- Pink, 1st- Yellow, 2nd- Purple, 3rd- Orange, 4th- Blue, and 5th- Green
September 10th, 2016- Saturday- Wings and Things about 6pm- money is for playground items
Come support Mrs.Lindquist- Click for Information
Future: Before and After School program starts Monday September 12th, 2016.
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Garcia- Habit 3: Put first things first
A big thank you to Mrs. Fullmer! She washed all the dishes in the staff room. Please remember to wash your own dishes.
The world outside of school can seem unkind at times, but inside our school there are so many great examples of students spreading kindness. I see hope everyday with our kids! Regardless of skin color, what country students are born in, income of families, or even physical abilities- our students give us hope everyday. Students are always so eager to assist peers, spread kindness, and help around the school. The following pictures are from the first couple weeks of school.
You might click on pictures to enlarge them, and you could share with students. Kindergarten has been integrating flexible learning spaces, we have STEM, we happy happy kids, and we have chefs:
Pictures This Week
This article is a great reminder that we can provide college experiences and exposure simply with the use of college websites, google, and google maps:
Virtual College Campus Tours
Here is a great thought to start the week. Every day is a new day, a fresh start:
AM Bus: Sharp
PM Bus: Sweet
Staff Room: Thomason
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
September 6th, 2016- Tuesday- Data Day 8:30-4:00, starting in the library
September 8th, 2016- Thursday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team 3:25 in Room 17
September 9th, 2016- Friday- Popcorn Sale for .50¢ with Student Leaders
September 9th, 2016- Friday- Friday Fun- Class Colors
K- Pink, 1st- Yellow, 2nd- Purple, 3rd- Orange, 4th- Blue, and 5th- Green
September 10th, 2016- Saturday- Wings and Things about 6pm- money is for playground items
Come support Mrs.Lindquist- Click for Information
Future: Before and After School program starts Monday September 12th, 2016.
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Garcia- Habit 3: Put first things first
A big thank you to Mrs. Fullmer! She washed all the dishes in the staff room. Please remember to wash your own dishes.
The world outside of school can seem unkind at times, but inside our school there are so many great examples of students spreading kindness. I see hope everyday with our kids! Regardless of skin color, what country students are born in, income of families, or even physical abilities- our students give us hope everyday. Students are always so eager to assist peers, spread kindness, and help around the school. The following pictures are from the first couple weeks of school.
You might click on pictures to enlarge them, and you could share with students. Kindergarten has been integrating flexible learning spaces, we have STEM, we happy happy kids, and we have chefs:
Pictures This Week
This article is a great reminder that we can provide college experiences and exposure simply with the use of college websites, google, and google maps:
Virtual College Campus Tours
Here is a great thought to start the week. Every day is a new day, a fresh start:
Friday September 2nd, 2016
Please help remind students and families that there is no school Monday and Tuesday.
This short article is a great reminder about why we strive to use the word 'families' instead of 'parents' at Harrison. We have students who live in a variety of home situations. We also know that students have multiple people who support them both with school progress and their individual needs. There are also a few ideas included in the article for increasing family involvement:
Consider Using the Word 'Families'
Have a great weekend:
This short article is a great reminder about why we strive to use the word 'families' instead of 'parents' at Harrison. We have students who live in a variety of home situations. We also know that students have multiple people who support them both with school progress and their individual needs. There are also a few ideas included in the article for increasing family involvement:
Consider Using the Word 'Families'
Have a great weekend:
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