

Monday September 26th, 2016

Duties for the week: 

     AM Bus: Moore

     PM Bus: Lindquist
    Staff Room: Alexander

  Meetings/Reminders for the week: 

   September 26th, 2016- Monday- IRI Literacy Plans 7:50 am in room #17- Teachers with K-3 kids

   September 26th, 2016- Monday- 5th Grade Gallup Poll- Window Opens
   September 26th, 2016- Monday- Eval Team
   September 26th, 2016- Monday- 3-5 Math Training After School at CSI with Rhonda Birnie

   September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
   September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- Hearing (1, 3, 5) and Vision (K, 1, 3, 5) Screenings
   September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- 2nd Grade Art Lunch with Mrs. V in the Library

   September 27th, 2016- Tuesday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team- 3:25 Rm. #17

   September 28th, 2016- Wednesday- Staff Meeting

   September 30th, 2016- Friday- Dad's Group 7:50 am in Library

   September 30th, 2016- Friday- Last Day for Fall Orders of School Spirit Wear

   September 30th, 2016- Friday- Principal's Lunch With August/September Student Leaders

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
  Rodriguez- Habit 6: Synergize

The staff meeting agenda this week is a great line up. We strive to have staff leading and we have great topics to share:

1. Report Card Idea for Leadership Notebooks- Mrs. Bender

2. Classroom Meetings/Responsive Classroom and classroom community- Mrs. Schroeder

3. Bullying Awareness- Including Proactive Strategies to Prevent- Mrs. Kober

4. Move-a-Thon, Mayor's Walking Challenge, and Housekeeping- Ms. Ardito

I've been waiting several months for this TED talk video to be available, and it's now live. Nadia Lopez has created an impressive change in her community, and with the school that she leads. Education is the ticket that changes lives, and this video is great:

Open A School, Close A Prison

The move-a-thon is coming! We had a very successful playground fundraiser last year, and we have a great group of families excited to help with another event. We are about half way towards meeting our playground fundraiser goal. We have planned the event this year during the October Mayor's walking challenge, which fits perfectly. Here is the flyer/pledge sheet information going home with families:

October Move-a-Thon

Our families love the pictures posted on the school website, and it has helped us through school improvement as we have worked hard to change the image and perceptions of our school. The pictures are great to share with students as well. We have students leading without adults asking, loving behavior from students that helps to prevent bullying, fun learning, synergy, and more:

Pictures This Week

This thought is a great reminder:

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