Winter weather has definitely arrived. Just think of our students who are new to Idaho, or the country, and have never seen snow or experienced cold weather.
This is a great video to share with students. We have had students completing similar leadership roles at our school. As we've reminded students, school is their home during the day:
Japanese Students Cleaning at School
We had a math training recently, with one teacher from each grade level attending. Grade level teaming today will have that teacher leader leading. This is a great opportunity because resource, Title 1, and ESL teachers will also be attending. Anybody else who would like to attend is invited as well, especially if there is a grade level that you assist with math.
We have an awesome line up of November staff Oscars! Here is the list of staff members who will have a statue at their desk/work area for the month. December is a short month. Be thinking of staff to nominate.
November Staff Oscars
Great thought for today:
Monday November 30th, 2015
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Triner
PM Bus: Pauley
Lounge: Fullmer
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 30th, 2015- Monday- Principal's lunch with November student leaders
December 1st, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
December 1st, 2015- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming 1st-5th- with ESL, Resource, & Title 1
December 2nd, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team
December 3rd, 2015- Thursday- Grade Level Teaming K- with ESL, Resource, & Title 1
December 3rd, 2015- Thursday- 12 days of Christmas fun starts
December 3rd, 2015- Thursday- Leader in Me Family Night 5:30-7:00
December 4th, 2015- Friday- Candy cane sale with student leaders
Hour of Code starts next week, December 7th-11th, with Mrs. Sorensen
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Triner- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
Please help remind families about the Leader in Me family night on Thursday. We asked families to RSVP to help with planning. Please let the office or Mrs. Anderson know if families have confirmed attending.
The month of December is a great time for joy, especially homemade joy. Our fun committee has created a 12 days of Christmas list for students and staff. This half sheet note will be going home with students this week, with the candy cane sale flier on the back. As the note says, please remind students to be creative and not buy anything. Just like last Tuesday when a student showed up in his best jacket and tie, declaring it Tie Tuesday, students can use their voice and creativity:
12 Days of Christmas Note and Candy Cane Flier
We have a family note going home this week:
Front Page of Family Note
Back Page of Family Note With Upcoming Dates
Jefferson Elementary will be visiting this week. We have student tour guide leaders who are excited to give tours. The tours are mainly during their recess times, but you wouldn't know it by the smiles on their faces. Students are super excited, and what a great opportunity that allows them to know that they matter and their voice is important.
We have new pictures of November student leaders in the trophy case. Students love seeing not only themselves, but also their siblings and friends. Please remember to create a detour as you are walking in the halls, such as for specials, so students can see the pictures of students. This is a great opportunity to have a quick discussion with students about the positive behaviors and expectations we are striving for at our school.
As you walk in the halls, you can't miss who is at the heart of everything we do. There are several new signs posted advertising school wide leadership roles that students can apply for, all hand made by students. They were using their voice where they saw a need. A few are posted on this recent blog post on our school website, as well as several other great pictures that focus on learning and creativity:
Pictures This Week
This is a great resource with book reviews. Topics included might relate to situations in your classroom:
Books That Heal Kids
This blog post has a great picture. Sometimes what we think is occurring in classrooms, actually has several side tasks occurring as well. There is even collaboration with Google apps and chromebooks that is similar to what some of our students are doing in classrooms:
What People Don't See
As we start the holiday season, it's important to remember that this can be a really hard time for students. School is often the safest and most loving place, and students can often be worried about leaving that type of environment. We might be excited for long breaks off from school, but that can also bring the most unloving of behaviors from students as they think about losing the safe and loving place they are used to. Look for opportunities over the next few weeks to smile, greet students, and extend a few extra minutes to check in with them. Here is a great infographic about social emotional learning that relates. Building positive relationships with students and building a positive school culture, both are important for raising student achievement:
source: @bashaierk
AM Bus: Triner
PM Bus: Pauley
Lounge: Fullmer
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 30th, 2015- Monday- Principal's lunch with November student leaders
December 1st, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
December 1st, 2015- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming 1st-5th- with ESL, Resource, & Title 1
December 2nd, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team
December 3rd, 2015- Thursday- Grade Level Teaming K- with ESL, Resource, & Title 1
December 3rd, 2015- Thursday- 12 days of Christmas fun starts
December 3rd, 2015- Thursday- Leader in Me Family Night 5:30-7:00
December 4th, 2015- Friday- Candy cane sale with student leaders
Hour of Code starts next week, December 7th-11th, with Mrs. Sorensen
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Triner- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
Please help remind families about the Leader in Me family night on Thursday. We asked families to RSVP to help with planning. Please let the office or Mrs. Anderson know if families have confirmed attending.
The month of December is a great time for joy, especially homemade joy. Our fun committee has created a 12 days of Christmas list for students and staff. This half sheet note will be going home with students this week, with the candy cane sale flier on the back. As the note says, please remind students to be creative and not buy anything. Just like last Tuesday when a student showed up in his best jacket and tie, declaring it Tie Tuesday, students can use their voice and creativity:
12 Days of Christmas Note and Candy Cane Flier
We have a family note going home this week:
Front Page of Family Note
Back Page of Family Note With Upcoming Dates
Jefferson Elementary will be visiting this week. We have student tour guide leaders who are excited to give tours. The tours are mainly during their recess times, but you wouldn't know it by the smiles on their faces. Students are super excited, and what a great opportunity that allows them to know that they matter and their voice is important.
We have new pictures of November student leaders in the trophy case. Students love seeing not only themselves, but also their siblings and friends. Please remember to create a detour as you are walking in the halls, such as for specials, so students can see the pictures of students. This is a great opportunity to have a quick discussion with students about the positive behaviors and expectations we are striving for at our school.
As you walk in the halls, you can't miss who is at the heart of everything we do. There are several new signs posted advertising school wide leadership roles that students can apply for, all hand made by students. They were using their voice where they saw a need. A few are posted on this recent blog post on our school website, as well as several other great pictures that focus on learning and creativity:
Pictures This Week
This is a great resource with book reviews. Topics included might relate to situations in your classroom:
Books That Heal Kids
This blog post has a great picture. Sometimes what we think is occurring in classrooms, actually has several side tasks occurring as well. There is even collaboration with Google apps and chromebooks that is similar to what some of our students are doing in classrooms:
What People Don't See
As we start the holiday season, it's important to remember that this can be a really hard time for students. School is often the safest and most loving place, and students can often be worried about leaving that type of environment. We might be excited for long breaks off from school, but that can also bring the most unloving of behaviors from students as they think about losing the safe and loving place they are used to. Look for opportunities over the next few weeks to smile, greet students, and extend a few extra minutes to check in with them. Here is a great infographic about social emotional learning that relates. Building positive relationships with students and building a positive school culture, both are important for raising student achievement:
source: @bashaierk
Tuesday November 24th, 2015
Grade level teaming meetings with teachers are today.
Please remember to nominate staff for November Oscars. This is a great opportunity to recognize staff for the items and situations that others often don't see.
Have a great Thanksgiving with your friends and family!
Please remember to nominate staff for November Oscars. This is a great opportunity to recognize staff for the items and situations that others often don't see.
Have a great Thanksgiving with your friends and family!
Monday November 23rd, 2015
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Tahiri
PM Bus: Porter
Lounge: Garcia
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 23rd, 2015- Monday- Choir singing at Festival of Giving and Care Centers
November 24th, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
November 24th, 2015- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming
November 25th-27th, 2015- Thursday-Friday- No School for Thanksgiving
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Garcia- Habit 6: Synergize
This is a great article not only for adults, but also to share with students. We have the great opportunity everyday to see older students assist younger students. Our kids love to help, even the students with more challenging behaviors. From stopping in the hall to help tie shoes, spending recess as a mentor leader leading activities with younger students, leading games outside during recess, reading with classroom buddies, stopping in the hall to ask a student why they are crying, and more. This is a great article about leadership, kindness, and friendship:
Making Everybody Feel Like Somebody
So many smiling faces and fun family activities this week. Here are a few pictures:
Pictures This Week
We have 68 students in choir this year. Amazing! They will be gone all day Monday, as they sing and bring Christmas joy to people. A big thank you to Marsha for leading.
We have a flyer going home about our upcoming Leader in Me family night on Thursday December 3rd, from 5:30-7:00. Please help encourage families to attend, and return the rsvp paper. They will be making family mission statements, Christmas ornaments, and learning about leadership. This is a great opportunity for families to learn and grow together. A big thank you to Daysha for leading.
AM Bus: Tahiri
PM Bus: Porter
Lounge: Garcia
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 23rd, 2015- Monday- Choir singing at Festival of Giving and Care Centers
November 24th, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
November 24th, 2015- Tuesday- Grade Level Teaming
November 25th-27th, 2015- Thursday-Friday- No School for Thanksgiving
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Garcia- Habit 6: Synergize
This is a great article not only for adults, but also to share with students. We have the great opportunity everyday to see older students assist younger students. Our kids love to help, even the students with more challenging behaviors. From stopping in the hall to help tie shoes, spending recess as a mentor leader leading activities with younger students, leading games outside during recess, reading with classroom buddies, stopping in the hall to ask a student why they are crying, and more. This is a great article about leadership, kindness, and friendship:
Making Everybody Feel Like Somebody
So many smiling faces and fun family activities this week. Here are a few pictures:
Pictures This Week
We have 68 students in choir this year. Amazing! They will be gone all day Monday, as they sing and bring Christmas joy to people. A big thank you to Marsha for leading.
We have a flyer going home about our upcoming Leader in Me family night on Thursday December 3rd, from 5:30-7:00. Please help encourage families to attend, and return the rsvp paper. They will be making family mission statements, Christmas ornaments, and learning about leadership. This is a great opportunity for families to learn and grow together. A big thank you to Daysha for leading.
Friday November 20th, 2015
The big event today is our Thanksgiving lunch. We always have a great turn out of family members. Patience is the word of the day. Everybody will be fed, but the line may be long.
What an awesome Title 1 family night! The singing from the choir was beautiful, an excellent turn out of families, and several fun activities. I loved that even some of our preschool students attended. We invited everybody pre/k-5th. The Kindergarten rooms and lunchroom were packed. A big thank you to everybody who helped with planning, phone calls, setting up, assisting with activities, popping popcorn, selling snacks, welcoming families, cleaning up, and everything in between. There were so many smiling faces. We also had great dads and moms that helped.
We popped extra popcorn so we could use up all the supplies. We did an automated phone call out to let families know we will sell bags after school.
Have a great weekend! As we get ready for Thanksgiving, this is a great reminder. We have so many blessings to be thankful for:
What an awesome Title 1 family night! The singing from the choir was beautiful, an excellent turn out of families, and several fun activities. I loved that even some of our preschool students attended. We invited everybody pre/k-5th. The Kindergarten rooms and lunchroom were packed. A big thank you to everybody who helped with planning, phone calls, setting up, assisting with activities, popping popcorn, selling snacks, welcoming families, cleaning up, and everything in between. There were so many smiling faces. We also had great dads and moms that helped.
We popped extra popcorn so we could use up all the supplies. We did an automated phone call out to let families know we will sell bags after school.
Have a great weekend! As we get ready for Thanksgiving, this is a great reminder. We have so many blessings to be thankful for:
Thursday November 19th, 2015
The big event today is the Title 1 family night event, from 5-6:30. Please help remind students and families. The math, STEM, and leadership activities all look really fun. This is a great opportunity for family involvement.
Please help remind students that there is no after school today, because of the family event.
We talk often about closing opportunity gaps in order to close academic gaps, especially in a school that has higher poverty. Several nuggets for reflection are included in this short article. The article discusses the importance of striving for deeper learning, four areas to include with instruction that match what we are striving to include in our classrooms, and the importance for hands on learning. The final piece of the article is a great reminder of the assets students new to our country and LEP students bring to the learning environment, instead of just looking at the deficits:
Closing the Opportunity Gap in Deeper Learning
Please help remind students that there is no after school today, because of the family event.
We talk often about closing opportunity gaps in order to close academic gaps, especially in a school that has higher poverty. Several nuggets for reflection are included in this short article. The article discusses the importance of striving for deeper learning, four areas to include with instruction that match what we are striving to include in our classrooms, and the importance for hands on learning. The final piece of the article is a great reminder of the assets students new to our country and LEP students bring to the learning environment, instead of just looking at the deficits:
Closing the Opportunity Gap in Deeper Learning
Wednesday November 18th, 2015
Staff meeting is after school at 3:50 in the library.
This is such a great picture and message. There is a reason we have a few Tie Tuesdays during the school year. Academics and learning how to tie a tie, both are important. This is also a great example of kindness:
Tie Picture
Back Story of Picture
Please help remind students and families about the Title 1 family night on Thursday.
I saw this on my high school alumni newsletter. Such a great reminder for all staff, not just teachers, about the important role we have. We all have an opportunity to ensure that students know they matter, have a purpose, and that they have a future full of possibilities. I love the line about having won the lottery. That truly is what my job feels like:
Our Role
Great thought, and a great conversation starter with students:
This is such a great picture and message. There is a reason we have a few Tie Tuesdays during the school year. Academics and learning how to tie a tie, both are important. This is also a great example of kindness:
Tie Picture
Back Story of Picture
Please help remind students and families about the Title 1 family night on Thursday.
I saw this on my high school alumni newsletter. Such a great reminder for all staff, not just teachers, about the important role we have. We all have an opportunity to ensure that students know they matter, have a purpose, and that they have a future full of possibilities. I love the line about having won the lottery. That truly is what my job feels like:
Our Role
Great thought, and a great conversation starter with students:
Tuesday November 17th, 2015
This article relates well to our students. We know that it is hard for students to grow with academics, if they are struggling with social and emotional needs. Students are solving academic problems during the school day. They need to also be learning how to solve real life problems, such as with peers. How to get along with others, kindness and empathy, will be applied to all future situations. This includes school, future careers, and their families. As the article states, we need students to be emotionally healthy. The article below about teaching peace in elementary schools mentions these five goals. Time spent on these, is more time earned for academic learning:
Teaching Peace in Elementary School
This quote made me laugh. This is why we haven't replaced our carpets in several years. Extended day and extended school year works. We have seen the positive results with our students, academically and the whole child. We also have carpets to prove it. We can replace them later:
•Self-awareness: The ability to reflect on one’s own feelings and thoughts.
•Self-management (or self-control): The ability to control one’s own thoughts and behavior.
•Social awareness: The ability to empathize with others, recognize social cues and adapt to various situations.
•Relationship skills: The ability to communicate, make friends, manage disagreements, recognize peer pressure and cooperate.
decision making: The ability to make healthy choices about one’s own
behavior while weighing consequences for others.
Teaching Peace in Elementary School
This quote made me laugh. This is why we haven't replaced our carpets in several years. Extended day and extended school year works. We have seen the positive results with our students, academically and the whole child. We also have carpets to prove it. We can replace them later:
Monday November 16th, 2015
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Enders
PM Bus: Terrell
Lounge: Owens
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 17th, 2015- Tuesday- Wear College Shirts Day
November 17th, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
November 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team
November 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Lighthouse Team
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Idaho National Laboratory Visiting 3rd Grade, block 10:30
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Peter and the Wolf Ballet 10:50 in gym, Senior Project
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Title 1 Family Night 5:00-6:30
November 20th, 2015- Friday- Thanksgiving Lunch
November 20th, 2015- Friday- Student Lighthouse Applications Due
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Warner- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
The staff meeting agenda this week includes:
1. Twin Falls Education Foundation
2. Math Check In- Rhonda Birnie
3. Mileposts- Mary and Melissa
4. Updated teacher evaluation cover sheet- Melissa
The ballet on Thursday is optional. If you are interested, please have students seated and ready in the gym at 10:50.
We are always trying to talk about college with students. We have student high school graduation years posted outside of every classroom. Tuesday will be a fun day as students wear their favorite college shirts. If students don't have a shirt to wear, we can help make a note/tag to pin on their shirt. Let us know in the office.
The Title 1 family night activity is a mix of math games, Pre/k and Kindergarten STEM activities, and leadership.
We always have a great turn out of families for Thanksgiving lunch. The menu looks great.
Here are pictures from this week. Students had several opportunities to practice speaking and listening skills, and find their voice:
Pictures This Week
Here is a great thought as we start the week. There really is no time for negativity. Life is too short to focus on negatives. Look for positive things to talk about, and surround yourself with positive people. Students listen to what we say. Do we want students hearing negative comments, or positive comments? They often hear plenty of negatives at home. Be the person who they hear uplifting and positive comments from, and the school where they hear hope and possibilities:

AM Bus: Enders
PM Bus: Terrell
Lounge: Owens
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 17th, 2015- Tuesday- Wear College Shirts Day
November 17th, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
November 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team
November 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Lighthouse Team
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Idaho National Laboratory Visiting 3rd Grade, block 10:30
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Peter and the Wolf Ballet 10:50 in gym, Senior Project
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Title 1 Family Night 5:00-6:30
November 20th, 2015- Friday- Thanksgiving Lunch
November 20th, 2015- Friday- Student Lighthouse Applications Due
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Warner- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
The staff meeting agenda this week includes:
1. Twin Falls Education Foundation
2. Math Check In- Rhonda Birnie
3. Mileposts- Mary and Melissa
4. Updated teacher evaluation cover sheet- Melissa
The ballet on Thursday is optional. If you are interested, please have students seated and ready in the gym at 10:50.
We are always trying to talk about college with students. We have student high school graduation years posted outside of every classroom. Tuesday will be a fun day as students wear their favorite college shirts. If students don't have a shirt to wear, we can help make a note/tag to pin on their shirt. Let us know in the office.
The Title 1 family night activity is a mix of math games, Pre/k and Kindergarten STEM activities, and leadership.
We always have a great turn out of families for Thanksgiving lunch. The menu looks great.
Here are pictures from this week. Students had several opportunities to practice speaking and listening skills, and find their voice:
Pictures This Week
Here is a great thought as we start the week. There really is no time for negativity. Life is too short to focus on negatives. Look for positive things to talk about, and surround yourself with positive people. Students listen to what we say. Do we want students hearing negative comments, or positive comments? They often hear plenty of negatives at home. Be the person who they hear uplifting and positive comments from, and the school where they hear hope and possibilities:

Friday November 13th, 2015
Today is World Kindness Day. Kindness turns an ordinary day into a great day. Look for opportunities today to spread kindness:
World Kindness Day
Have a great Friday!
World Kindness Day
Have a great Friday!

Thursday November 12th, 2015
Empathy is an important soft skill for students. Students are engaged daily in conversations and activities with peers from different cultures, and empathy assists with building a school and classroom culture that supports and welcomes all students. One day our students will be leaders in the community, and empathy will be an important skill that they will use daily:
Empathy in the Classroom
This is a great article that goes with sharpening the saw. We have to take care of ourselves, in order to give to others:
Mindfulness for Educators
This is a great thought:
Empathy in the Classroom
This is a great article that goes with sharpening the saw. We have to take care of ourselves, in order to give to others:
Mindfulness for Educators
This is a great thought:
Tuesday November 10th, 2015
We have a family note going home this week. Several reminders about fun upcoming activities:
Family Note Front Page
Family Note Page 2
Family Note- Upcoming Dates
An often under used google app is google drawings. Here are great ideas for how to use google drawings with the chromebooks, such as graphic organizers:
Google Drawings
The young lady in the front, left side, she's in Mrs. Moore's classroom. She won the Idaho Jr. Elementary pageant. Her platform is preventing bullying. Mom came in after school to share the exciting moment, and the young lady is interested in briefly visiting with classrooms:
Miss Idaho Jr. Elementary
Please help remind students and families that there is no school tomorrow, Wednesday. Here is a great reminder to give thanks to our veterans, from our students who receive speech and language therapy:
Family Note Front Page
Family Note Page 2
Family Note- Upcoming Dates
An often under used google app is google drawings. Here are great ideas for how to use google drawings with the chromebooks, such as graphic organizers:
Google Drawings
The young lady in the front, left side, she's in Mrs. Moore's classroom. She won the Idaho Jr. Elementary pageant. Her platform is preventing bullying. Mom came in after school to share the exciting moment, and the young lady is interested in briefly visiting with classrooms:
Miss Idaho Jr. Elementary
Please help remind students and families that there is no school tomorrow, Wednesday. Here is a great reminder to give thanks to our veterans, from our students who receive speech and language therapy:
Monday November 9th, 2015
Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Pauley
PM Bus: Moulson
Lounge: Ardito
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 9th, 2015- Monday- Grade Level Teaming 1st-5th with resource, Title 1, & ESL
November 9th, 2015- Monday- Get Ready for Kindergarten with United Way, for 4 year olds
November 10th, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
November 11th, 2015- Wednesday- No School- Certified and Classified Training
November 12th, 2015- Thursday- Grade Level Teaming K with resource, Title 1, & ESL
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Porter- Habit 4: Think win-win
Here are the October student leaders, and they are awesome. This would be great to share with students:
October Student Leaders
So many great activities this last week. Here are pictures, and these would be great to share with students:
Pictures This Week
We are starting the process for our student lighthouse team this week! We will have student applications rolling out this week and I am super excited for the opportunity to ignite student voice.
AM Bus: Pauley
PM Bus: Moulson
Lounge: Ardito
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 9th, 2015- Monday- Grade Level Teaming 1st-5th with resource, Title 1, & ESL
November 9th, 2015- Monday- Get Ready for Kindergarten with United Way, for 4 year olds
November 10th, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
November 11th, 2015- Wednesday- No School- Certified and Classified Training
November 12th, 2015- Thursday- Grade Level Teaming K with resource, Title 1, & ESL
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Porter- Habit 4: Think win-win
Here are the October student leaders, and they are awesome. This would be great to share with students:
October Student Leaders
So many great activities this last week. Here are pictures, and these would be great to share with students:
Pictures This Week
We are starting the process for our student lighthouse team this week! We will have student applications rolling out this week and I am super excited for the opportunity to ignite student voice.
Friday November 6th, 2015
What an excellent Leadership event on Thursday! I loved sitting back and watching students lead. Thank you to everybody who assisted, helped practice with students, and other behind the scenes tasks that people didn't see. What a great opportunity for students to shine.
Friday has both crazy hair day and the caramel apple sucker sale with student leaders. We also will have nurses giving students the flu mist, for students whose families were interested.
Have a great Friday!

Thursday November 5th, 2015
The big event today is our Leadership Day, from 1:30-3:30.
Picture retakes are today, in the outside portable.
Please remind students about the caramel apple sucker sale on Friday with our student leaders, and crazy hair day.
As we are working with students today, and watching them grow in their leadership skills, this quote relates very well:
Picture retakes are today, in the outside portable.
Please remind students about the caramel apple sucker sale on Friday with our student leaders, and crazy hair day.
As we are working with students today, and watching them grow in their leadership skills, this quote relates very well:
Wednesday November 4th, 2015
Preventing bullying starts with kindness. This is a great article geared for adults, but the article has ideas that would be great for classroom and student discussions. I love these two quotes:
"Bullying is far less likely to take root in school cultures where kindness, empathy, and responsibility for others are the norm, where students care about and feel responsibility to the school community as a whole, and where a critical mass of students model positive behavior for other students. "
"Ask your kids to think about peers who are outside of their immediate circle and challenge them to try to understand, appreciate, and show kindness to those who seem different or might be having a hard time."
Prevent Bullying
We're spreading kindness with our October staff Oscars. Each staff member received a Kind granola bar with their statue. I wish you could have seen the two young men who are office leaders, as they presented the awards. They walked into classrooms and announced, "You've won an Oscar!" Such a priceless and fun moment. Every person working in education needs to hear and experience that more often. Here is the list, and be thinking of people to nominate for November:
October Staff Oscars
Please try to find an opportunity to thank our custodians. It was a busy day Tuesday, and after school, keeping up with all the drips and leaks. They all did a great job.
There are several great restorative justice resources listed on the following link, and a video towards the bottom. This would be great to save and refer to later. We use several of the strategies mentioned. This is a great alternative to traditional discipline that usually involves suspensions and police:
Restorative Justice Links
"Bullying is far less likely to take root in school cultures where kindness, empathy, and responsibility for others are the norm, where students care about and feel responsibility to the school community as a whole, and where a critical mass of students model positive behavior for other students. "
"Ask your kids to think about peers who are outside of their immediate circle and challenge them to try to understand, appreciate, and show kindness to those who seem different or might be having a hard time."
Prevent Bullying
We're spreading kindness with our October staff Oscars. Each staff member received a Kind granola bar with their statue. I wish you could have seen the two young men who are office leaders, as they presented the awards. They walked into classrooms and announced, "You've won an Oscar!" Such a priceless and fun moment. Every person working in education needs to hear and experience that more often. Here is the list, and be thinking of people to nominate for November:
October Staff Oscars
Please try to find an opportunity to thank our custodians. It was a busy day Tuesday, and after school, keeping up with all the drips and leaks. They all did a great job.
There are several great restorative justice resources listed on the following link, and a video towards the bottom. This would be great to save and refer to later. We use several of the strategies mentioned. This is a great alternative to traditional discipline that usually involves suspensions and police:
Restorative Justice Links
Tuesday November 3rd, 2015
This is a great video from another school implementing the Leader in Me. Student voice is a powerful tool, and we can learn from students. During the Principal's lunch on Monday one young lady shared her favorite leadership role at school. She said she liked being a birthday leader, because people smile when she enters classrooms. She has learned that leaders can spread kindness. That kindness is an essential piece of the community we are building at our neighborhood school:
Building a Neighborhood School With Leadership
Great reminder about being proactive and positive:
Building a Neighborhood School With Leadership
Great reminder about being proactive and positive:
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