AM Bus: Enders
PM Bus: Terrell
Lounge: Owens
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
November 17th, 2015- Tuesday- Wear College Shirts Day
November 17th, 2015- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
November 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Eval Team
November 18th, 2015- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Lighthouse Team
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Idaho National Laboratory Visiting 3rd Grade, block 10:30
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Peter and the Wolf Ballet 10:50 in gym, Senior Project
November 19th, 2015- Thursday- Title 1 Family Night 5:00-6:30
November 20th, 2015- Friday- Thanksgiving Lunch
November 20th, 2015- Friday- Student Lighthouse Applications Due
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Warner- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
The staff meeting agenda this week includes:
1. Twin Falls Education Foundation
2. Math Check In- Rhonda Birnie
3. Mileposts- Mary and Melissa
4. Updated teacher evaluation cover sheet- Melissa
The ballet on Thursday is optional. If you are interested, please have students seated and ready in the gym at 10:50.
We are always trying to talk about college with students. We have student high school graduation years posted outside of every classroom. Tuesday will be a fun day as students wear their favorite college shirts. If students don't have a shirt to wear, we can help make a note/tag to pin on their shirt. Let us know in the office.
The Title 1 family night activity is a mix of math games, Pre/k and Kindergarten STEM activities, and leadership.
We always have a great turn out of families for Thanksgiving lunch. The menu looks great.
Here are pictures from this week. Students had several opportunities to practice speaking and listening skills, and find their voice:
Pictures This Week
Here is a great thought as we start the week. There really is no time for negativity. Life is too short to focus on negatives. Look for positive things to talk about, and surround yourself with positive people. Students listen to what we say. Do we want students hearing negative comments, or positive comments? They often hear plenty of negatives at home. Be the person who they hear uplifting and positive comments from, and the school where they hear hope and possibilities:

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