

Thursday February 26th, 2015

Today is Spring Picture Day! Someone will come get your class when it is time. We will be trying to get everybody in pre/k-5th, in one day. Patience is greatly appreciated.

Please help remind students about the opportunity to win a bicycle, just by eating breakfast at school. Here is a post you can email families, and there are breakfast in the classroom pictures from Mrs. Lent's classroom as well:


We have a special guest coming during lunch. Winnie Christensen brought the first Miss Idaho Africa Pageant to Twin Falls. She will be speaking to fourth and fifth grade girls during lunch, in the library. She will discuss different cultures, the importance of graduating from high school, and the importance of going on to college. Here is a little about the pageant:

Miss Idaho Africa Pageant

Our custodian Terry had an emergency clean up during lunch on Wednesday. I looked over and saw that our secretary was covering for him. In true Harrison style, she jumped right in to help in the lunchroom. Thank you Mrs. Simmons!

Here are pictures from second grade students in PE. They had a super scooter for four students to sit on and maneuver. They were synergyzing as they discussed strategies and ideas to move it:

We have two friendship benches coming for the playground! Mrs. Jensen applied for a grant and she received it during the staff meeting on Wednesday. A big thank you to the CapEd Foundation:

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