Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Porter
PM Bus: Owens
Lounge: Dickinson
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
October 21st, 2014- Tuesday- RTI
October 21st, 2014- Tuesday- 2 School Board Members Visiting
October 21st, 2014- Tuesday- 1st-5th Grade Level Teaming
October 22nd, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team
October 22nd, 2014- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
October 23rd, 2014- Thursday- Kindergarten Grade Level Teaming
October 23rd, 2014- Thursday- Title 1 & 21st Century Grant Family Night 5:30-7:00
October 24th, 2014- Friday- No School for students- End of 1st Quarter
October 24th, 2014- Friday- 2 pm Optional New Teacher, or less than 3 years, Check In Meeting
Please remember that the block schedule will be changing soon with the start of the second quarter. For those with Friday or Monday classes, this really helps so the same classroom isn't missing specials all year on no school days.
Second Quarter Block Schedule
The staff meeting this week has three items on the agenda:
1. Idaho Leads Activity
2. Wonders Digital Pieces- Mr. Fullmer
3. Staff survey for school improvement/capacity builder, like last year- Mrs. Jensen
Russel Quaglia in this article recently spoke at the Idaho Leads training a few weeks ago. He mentions student voice. There might one item that catches your eye in this article. This goes very well with our goals this year.
Student Voice
Please help remind students and families about our family night activity on Thursday. There are so many fun items planned. We have free hot dogs, free french fries with the fry truck, the CSI mens basketball team, pumpkin painting, math games, STEM activities, art activities, and more.
For teachers that are new to Harrison, or new within the last 3 years, the check in meeting on Friday is a great opportunity to get any questions answered, check in with colleagues, and to get assistance with anything you need.
Please gather the most recent student data for teaming this week. Feel free to bring your iPad or another device so you can enter notes and updates in Milepost.
Please remember to fill out the staff technology survey. This information gathered is really helpful for planning.
Halloween is coming! Classes have been visiting the pumpkin patch, and here is a great picture from Mrs. Lent's classroom:
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