

Friday October 17th, 2014

PTA is selling cotton candy for .50 ¢ today, and it's the last day for Fall box tops.

We have a website reporter leader who I don't think slept very much Wednesday night. He was so nervous to interview Mrs. Dickinson, his first assignment that he chose himself. This young man picked out his best shirt and tie. He prepared his questions. He practiced with me and to check his questions. I was so impressed with his professionalism and leadership. Stay tuned for his final video report!

The Wonders reading program has some really great digital extensions. Here are two pictures from fourth grade. Students were typing narratives during the writing and language lesson, and you can see the ability for feedback to be given immediately in a different color on the side. Please check with Mr. Fullmer about the online pieces that align really well with the SBAC.

Fifth grade was using the chromebooks during a science lesson. Here are pictures from each of the three classrooms. As you walked from room to room, students were engaged with lessons through the use of gmail. Students were using their email, google apps, drive, spreadsheets, and working collaboratively with shared documents. If you would like to observe a classroom, please visit with the teachers.

We have a few students who will be having an online chat with Dr. Dobbs. We googled his picture so they could see what he looks like. They are so excited and they are thinking about questions to ask. This is a great opportunity for student voice, leadership, and technology. Here are two pictures with some of the students:

As I visit classrooms, evidence from text is a big piece during lessons. Here is a fourth grade class looking for evidence:

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