AM Bus: Lent
PM Bus: Warner
Lounge: Simmons
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
March 17th, 2014- Monday- RTI
March 19th, 2014- Wednesday- Eval Team
March 19th, 2014- Wednesday- Recorder Concert at 2:45 in Lunchroom
March 21st, 2014- Friday- End of 3rd Quarter, No Kinders, and Grades 1st-5th Early Out at 1:30
March 24th-28th, 2014- Spring Break
Tuesday and Wednesday we will have a small group, the lighthouse team, going to a Leader in Me conference. Please assist guest teachers. Those that will be gone include: Anne, Steve, Daysha, Lesa, Amy K, Julie W, and Melissa.
We had a great talent show Friday night. A big thank you to the all the staff who helped and or attended. We also need to thank PTA for all of their work planning, practicing with students, and leading the talent show. Fantastic!
Here is a video from the Pastries with Parents Title 1 activity. We gave out about 415 donuts! We had such a great turn out, and great assistance from teachers. Thank you to Anne for making the leader aprons for students to wear when completing their jobs.
Spring Title 1 Activity
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