Meetings/Reminders for the week:
March 7th, 2022- Monday- Eval team
March 8th, 2022- Tuesday- RTI/MTSS
March 8th, 2022- Tuesday- Wear college shirts/sweatshirts
March 8th, 2022- Tuesday- 1st-5th grade level teaming with Title 1, ESL, and Resource
March 8th, 2022- Tuesday- Staff lighthouse/building leadership team
March 9th, 2022- Wednesday- Breakfast with books and readers of the month
March 9th, 2022- Wednesday- Staff meeting
March 11th, 2022- Friday- Friday fun- Dress as a Dr. Seuss characters and
Dr. Seuss bookmarks for .50 cents each
Next week:
March 14th-17th, 2022- Monday-Thursday- Student led conferences
March 15th, 2022- Tuesday- Drawing for literacy/math games-
Title 1 take home and return family involvement activity
March 16th, 2022- Wednesday- No school for kindergarten students
March 16th, 2022- Wednesday- Pizza dinner during conferences for staff
March 17th, 2022- Thursday- No school for all students
March 21st-25th, 2022- Spring break
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements- video:
Johns- Habit 2- Begin with the end in mind
Next week- Thomason- Habit 3- Put first things first
Thought for the day: