We have Friday fun today. Students have the option to dress as their future career. Some of our staff are also completing a virtual Leader in Me training.
As we prepare to start our annual food drive, this article is a great reminder of items that are often forgotten. All of the food collected goes right back to our students. We use the items to refill our school pantry. If any families ask for ideas, you could share this article. As mentioned on this list, spices are often not thought of. We have a diverse school and a diverse community. Spices could be salt and pepper to add yummy flavor to a dish, or even turmeric and paprika:
We shared with staff and families some nice recipe booklets that were from the Idaho Office of Drug Policy. They had great conversation starters and family ideas for cooking together. This article about strategies for overcoming challenges in a positive way is from that same office. There might be some ideas that you could use with students or ideas to share with families as they ask for suggestions:
10 Habits to Help Your Child Study
Have a great weekend. Thought for today:
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