It wouldn't be Harrison without federal programs. From Title 1, to students learning English, to preschool students experiencing school for the first time, our ERC classroom, students learning about living in a new country as an immigrant, and special education. We have seen the power of federal programs, especially as a tool for overcoming the challenges of poverty and for assisting with encouraging the voices of our marginalized students. Here are a few articles that address inclusion, the heart of everything at our school:
For our classified and support staff, this article looks excellent. There is a book mentioned that I am happy to purchase for any classified staff that are interested. Let me know:
Paraprofessionals, Support in Inclusive Classrooms, and a Handbook
Sometimes, behaviors can interfere in the classroom. Students may need assistance with social skills, how to be kind and respectful towards others that are different, or even striving to focus on strengths instead of differences. For staff that work with younger students:
Finally, 10 Inclusion articles. You can pick and read what interests you:
Thought for today:
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