

Monday February 1st, 2021

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   February 1st, 2021- Monday- Distance learning

   February 2nd, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   February 3rd, 2021- Wednesday- Readers of the Month during breakfast

   February 3rd, 2021- Wednesday- IRI/Istation Testing

   February 5th, 2021- Friday- Friday Fun- Super Hero Day

   February 5th, 2021- Friday- Student leader selling slime for .50 cents each

Next week:

   February 10th, 2021- Literacy Coach- via video

   February 12th, 2021- Spring pictures

   February 12th, 2021- Valentine's Day parties

   February 15th and 16th, 2021- No school for students

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Castro- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

   Next week: Pauley- Habit 6: Synergize 


Continuing with the topic of eating healthy foods, the Biggest Loser challenge, and eating at home more during this crazy time- Here is a list of healthy foods to eat. You might notice something new to try:

100 Most Nutritious Foods

Thought for today:


Friday January 29th, 2021

We have our monthly leadership assembly this morning. 

Please make sure students have all the learning materials that they will need for distance learning on Monday.

Thought for today:


Thursday January 28th, 2021

Please help remind students to dress for the weather. Winter has arrived. 

Here are two articles that fit well with literacy, engagement, and inquiry. From preschool students to our upper grade students, one or both of these articles should fit with the age group that you work with:

Play Based Literacy

Inquiry- Discover, Discuss, Demonstrate

I'm tired of looking at cows, but if you aren't, here is a quick video:

Scotland Cows

Instead of cows, let's focus on food. I've heard staff talk about eating healthier with the new year, looking for new food ideas since we aren't eating out as much, and participating with the school district biggest loser activity. Here is a video to assist with meal planning:

Meal Planning

Thought for today:


Wednesday January 27th, 2021

We have the supplemental levy presentation after school at 3:10, via video.

Our second language students have started their annual state assessment. Please try to keep that hallway quiet when they are testing and give them lots of positive encourage. Learning from home last spring, hybrid, distance learning- it has been a steep hill to climb for all of our students. Add in the added challenge of your home support not being fluent with English. Our second language students and staff have worked really hard despite the added challenges. 

I don't know what I would do without books, blogs, and online learning resources during this crazy time. Thank you for always encouraging and recognizing the importance of reading. Thought for today:


Monday January 25th, 2021

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   January 25th, 2021- Monday- Distance learning

   January 25th, 2021- Monday- Annual Great Kindness Challenge- all week

   January 26th, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   January 27th, 2021- Wednesday- Supplemental Levy Presentation- 3:10- via video

   January 29th, 2021- Friday- Monthly Leadership Assembly- via video

Next week:

   February 3rd, 2021- IRI/Istation Testing

   February 3rd, 2021- Readers of the Month

   February 5th, 2021- Friday Fun is Super Hero Day and Slime for .50 cents each

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Alexander- Habit 4: Think win win
   Next week: Castro- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

We have one picture to share from this last week. It is from resource and it captures so many items we have focused on this year. Our whole building is working towards the same end goals, both staff and students. This picture illustrates: diligence with social distancing, noses covered with masks, blended learning with Google classroom and chromebooks, writing with Thinking Maps, preparing for the spring ISAT, inclusion, high expectations of all students, focusing on student strengths and student needs, encouraging student voice, and increasing ELA skills:

Picture From This Last Week

Thought for Today:


Friday January 22nd, 2021

While this article is focused on women, it could be for anybody. We are all learning and growing. We all need a network of people. Just like we tell our students often, who you hang out with makes all the difference. This articles provides ideas for the types of people you might consider in your life, your supportive people:

Nine Types of People

We have the 4th grade hygiene presentation with the nurses at 2 pm. The boys will stay in their own classrooms, not mixed. The girls will be in rooms 17 and 18. 

So true. Thought for today:


Thursday January 21st, 2021

We have a staff lighthouse meeting after school, via video. Please let a rep know if you would like something added to the discussion.

Thought for today:


Wednesday January 20th, 2021

We have our literacy coach checking in with certified staff today, via video. One of our big focus areas is writing. A big thank you to everybody who models, assists, and encourages students to love writing. Writing is an important skill for future careers, as well as a tool for sharing your voice. 

Thought for today:


Monday January 18th, 2021

  Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   January 18th, 2021- Monday- Distance learning

   January 19th, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   January 20th, 2021- Wednesday- Literacy Coach- via video

   January 21st, 2021- Thursday- Staff lighthouse/building leadership team- 3:10- via video

   January 22nd, 2021- Friday- 4th Grade Hygiene with nurses- 2:00- via video/hybrid

Next week:

   January 25th, 2021- Annual Great Kindness Challenge- all week
   January 27th, 2021- Supplemental Levy Presentation- via video

   January 29th, 2021- Monthly Leadership Assembly- via video

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Johns- Habit 3: Put first things first
   Next week: Alexander- Habit 4: Think win win

Thought for today:


Friday January 15th, 2021

We have our monthly Friday Fun today. The activity is wearing your favorite sports team attire. We also have sticky lizards for sale. This is something new that we haven't had before. They look slimy gross; which kids should really like.

Please make sure students take home all the learning materials and packets that they will need for distance learning on Monday. 

Have a great Friday and weekend. Do something that you really enjoy. Thought for today:


Thursday January 14th, 2021

It wouldn't be Harrison without federal programs. From Title 1, to students learning English, to preschool students experiencing school for the first time, our ERC classroom, students learning about living in a new country as an immigrant, and special education. We have seen the power of federal programs, especially as a tool for overcoming the challenges of poverty and for assisting with encouraging the voices of our marginalized students. Here are a few articles that address inclusion, the heart of everything at our school:

For our classified and support staff, this article looks excellent. There is a book mentioned that I am happy to purchase for any classified staff that are interested. Let me know:

Paraprofessionals, Support in Inclusive Classrooms, and a Handbook

Sometimes, behaviors can interfere in the classroom. Students may need assistance with social skills, how to be kind and respectful towards others that are different, or even striving to focus on strengths instead of differences. For staff that work with younger students:

Positive Behavior Ideas

Visual Infographic

Finally, 10 Inclusion articles. You can pick and read what interests you:


Thought for today:


Wednesday January 13th, 2021

We start the day by recognizing our January readers of the month. 

We end the day with a staff meeting, via video. 

Gratitude can change your entire day. Thought for today:


Monday January 11th, 2021

 Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   January 11th, 2021- Monday- Distance learning

   January 12th, 2021- Tuesday- Intervention meeting/MTSS- via video

   January 12th, 2021- Tuesday- Grade level teaming with Resource and ESL- via video

   January 13th, 2021- Wednesday- Readers of the Month during breakfast

   January 13th, 2021- Wednesday- Staff meeting- via video

   January 15th, 2021- Friday- Friday fun: Wear favorite sports team attire

   January 15th, 2021- Friday- Student leaders selling sticky lizards, .50 cents each

Next week:

   January 20th, 2021- Literacy coach- via video
   January 22nd, 2021- 4th Grade Hygiene with nurses- 2:00- via video/hybrid

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Johns- Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
   Next week: Suto- Habit 3: Put first things first

Staff Meeting Agenda:

   - Sharing student distance learning Monday plan from each grade level/content area

   - Sharing ideas for maximizing time on Monday, tips, etc.

   - Sharing ideas for how classified staff can support students and learning on Monday

Thought for today:


Friday January 8th, 2021

Please help remind students that there is no school on Monday. Please check that students have all the learning materials they need, so they can complete their distance learning assignments. Please also remind students and families about the opportunity for free breakfast and free lunch at the school.

Have a great weekend:


Thursday January 7th, 2021

Whether you are a classroom teacher, classified staff, support staff that greet and check in with students throughout the school day- we all are striving to assist students. This article fits perfectly for our current situation. We are all assisting students via distance learning on Mondays, building classroom community, ensuring all of our students are fed and that they feel safe, and assisting students with in person learning. Every staff member has an important part. There might be an idea listed in this article that gives you an idea to try:

Supporting Students

Thought for today:


Wednesday January 6th, 2021

We had a great first day back on Tuesday. Please continue to remind students to keep their noses covered. 

We have an awesome family take home project this month for our family involvement activity. The monthly projects have been fun to see. This month, look for 'My Culture Suitcases" on the walls in the hallways, classrooms, and the front entry way. Families will be decorating a paper suitcase that shares information about their family. This includes their culture, family traditions, foods, holidays their family celebrates, language (s) their family speaks, and more. This is a great inclusion activity. A big thank you to third grade and Leia for leading this month's activity. 

Who we meet, what we read, everything we do is part of who we become. Thought for today: