Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 10th, 2020- Monday- eval team
February 10th-14th, 2020- Monday-Friday- Respect for All week/Bullying prevention week
February 10th, 2020- Monday- Kindergarten teaming
February 11th, 2020- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
February 11th, 2020- Tuesday- 1st-5th Grade level teaming
February 12th, 2020- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books and Readers of the month
February 12th, 2020- Wednesday- 4th Grade Wagons Ho field trip
February 12th, 2020- Wednesday- Staff meeting
February 13th, 2020- Thursday- RS choir singing for 5th grade- 9 am in music room
February 14th, 2020- Friday- Valentine's Day parties
Next week:
February 17th and 18th- No school for students
February 20th- Leadership Day
February 20th- Box Tops due
February 21st- 4th grade field trip to Boise
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Pauley- Habit 6: Synergize
Next week: Spencer- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
As we often notice, what students see via various media sources and what they hear from adults and peers around them- it eventually flows into the classroom. With our older students especially, the last couple weeks have included more racial and cultural situations that are not kind. We get the great opportunity to expose our students to different cultures and experiences, so they can develop a perspective that includes both sides of the aisle. All of our students should be able to attend a school where they feel welcomed and respected- that's an American public education. As it is Black history month, here is an article that reminds about the importance to recognize all year:
Culturally Responsive Teaching with Black History Month
This article is a great reminder of the importance for early childhood education, especially in regards to self regulation skills. The video includes a college professor sharing her thoughts about the importance. You might think about how it fits with brain breaks that you are already including during the school day:
Self Regulation
This week is Bully prevention week. The opposite is inclusion, respect, kindness, all the good stuff that we strive to include and recognize all year round. It should be a fun week with all the dress up themes.
Thought for today:
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