Meetings/Reminders for the week:
October 7th, 2019- Monday- Eval team
October 8th, 2019- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
October 8th, 2019- Tuesday- First grade field trip to pumpkin patch- PM
October 9th, 2019- Wednesday- Choir starts- 2nd-5th grade- before school
October 9th, 2019- Wednesday- Breakfast with books and readers of the month
October 9th, 2019- Wednesday- Second grade- fire department visit- 9 am
October 9th, 2019- Wednesday- Staff meeting
October 11th, 2019- Friday- Fifth grade arts on tour at CSI- PM and walking
Next week:
October 17th, 2019- Box Tops due
October 18th, 2019- End of the first quarter and no school for all students
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Wilkins- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
Next week: Himmelberger- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs
The staff meeting this week starts with the nurse. We then will have the counselor discussing mandatory reporting, the alleged abused form, toxic thoughts, self care, and compassion fatigue. Staff meetings are always open to all staff members. This one will be a great resource for everybody.
This week is mental health awareness. This article is a great resource for staff. While we do struggle with getting guest teachers, definitely this past week, you absolutely should use your personal days. They are yours to use. It's a team effort covering the playground, classrooms, the preschool, lunchroom, hallways, office, and checking in with students. That's what I love about our school and staff. No worries. Use your personal days:
I tell kids all the time that being at the office does not necessarily mean you are in trouble. We just might need a chat, a consultation, a tune up with a time out. This article confirms, being at the office with the Principal might actually be a good thing. The rule breakers:
Childhood Traits that Impact Future Success
We can all think of people we may not have liked working with. We don't have to invite people over to our house for dinner, but we do have to be kind to people. This is a great article that has tips for us as grown adults, as well as wording for how we address working with others to our kids. What a great opportunity that our kids have, as they get to learn how to communicate and work with diverse people. That's the real world. We all need to play nice together in the sandbox:
The Importance of Getting Along With Others
The pictures this week are great examples of our end goals at Harrison. We don't have a lot of money. We don't have a large fundraising base. However- we get to show and provide examples for our kids of the important things that are free.
There are pictures of awesome STEAM learning lessons that involve just everyday items. Science is everywhere. Learning is everywhere. There are also pictures from second grade as they practiced measurement skills.
There is a a great picture of a young lady spreading kindness, as she is a friend to two young men in her class. We also have a great picture of students cheering each other as they celebrate eating lunch in the classroom due to great behaviors.
We have a new pet in kindergarten from a grant.
We also have a great picture from our morning walk and talk. Students love starting the day on a positive note. Smiling and giving a few minutes of your time to listen to another person is free and usually very much appreciated:
Pictures This Week
We have so much to be grateful for. Gratitude can change your entire day. Thought for today:
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