

Monday September 2nd, 2019

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   September 3rd, 2019- Tuesday- IRI/Istation testing K-3

   September 3rd, 2019- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday- or wear a scarf/bow in the hair

   September 6th, 2019- Friday- New certified staff breakfast check in, room #17 @ 7:30 am

   September 6th, 2019- Friday- Student leaders selling air heads for .50 cents each

   September 6th, 2019- Friday- Friday fun- class colors

Next week:

   September 9th, 2019- Leader in Me training with Coach

   September 11th, 2019- Breakfast with Books and readers of the month

   September 12th, 2019- Literacy Coach

   September 12th, 2019- Student Lighthouse Team applications due

   September 13th, 2019- Data Day- no school for students

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Suto- Habit 3: Put first things first

Next week: Alexander- Habit 3: Put first things first

This is a great article about students in foster care. The ideas mentioned are great for all kids. As we often mention, and the article mentions, it is much more inclusive to use the word 'families' instead of parents due to the wide variety of living situations that our children live in and it better encompasses the multiple people that support a child:

Supporting Students

The pictures from this last week are awesome. We've spent the last few years updating our building, from the playground, to the classrooms with collaborative tables and newer desks, the lunchroom tables, and more. This Spring/Summer we were finally able to update the staff room with new furniture. And now, the innovation lab where students go for their weekly computer class. We have collaborative and flexible tables, new chairs, and even chromebooks. There are pictures of first grade students as they learn how to code.

Then we have the garden. We've had very kind community donations and grants. There are great pictures of kindergarten students learning during their weekly STEAM class.

We received a very kind donation from Goode Motor that will help to create a walking path in our backyard that we have been wanting and dreaming of. There is a picture of the check presentation at our last staff meeting.

Speaking of dreams. We celebrated our Leader in Me Lighthouse status this week and students must have thought their dreams came true. 8 am and candy was flying. You have to blow up the pictures of candy flying. Pictures and reactions are priceless. And the kids were totally fine and calm when they went to class.

Recess fun continues. Baseball and a train across the lawn appear to be the fun choices. The weather has been perfect.

We integrate many extras that we consider essential and just a normal part of our day at Harrison. From the arts, to STEAM, to leadership, soft skills, and more. There are pictures of preschool students with a STEAM lesson that integrates literacy skills.

There are pictures from PE that are awesome. It was a fun lesson to observe. Kids were staying between the two white lines as they worked toward the same end goal of synergy, yet, each group accommodated for individual needs of their peers, all on their own. It was awesome to observe inclusion that was student initiated; which is the heart of everything we do at Harrison. You have to blow those pictures up.

Several of our classrooms have included a mental health check in during the welcome activity or with their morning meeting. There is a picture with an example from fifth grade.

The last pictures are academics, like Thinking Maps and Intervention. Sometimes our kids forget that they are learning. Please share the weekly pictures with students:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today:

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