Meetings/Reminders for the week:
May 20th, 2019- Monday- Eval team
May 20th, 2019- Monday- Principal lunch with May student leaders
May 20th, 2019- Monday- 5th grade swimming field trip at city pool- PM
May 20th, 2019- Monday- CR graduates visiting- 12 pm
May 21st, 2019- Tuesday- May leadership assembly- 8:05 in gym
May 21st, 2019- Tuesday- 4th quarter sharpen the paw- 8:45 am- 10:30 am
May 21st, 2019- Tuesday- 2nd grade swimming field trip at city pool- PM
May 21st, 2019- Tuesday- 3rd grade Skateland field trip- PM
May 22nd, 2019- Wednesday- Last day of kindergarten and all students attend PM only
May 22nd, 2019- Wednesday- Carnival- 12:45 pm- 2:45 pm
May 23rd, 2019- Thursday- ESL students hosting Italian Soda Bar for staff- all day
May 23rd, 2019- Thursday- Last day of school for 1st-5th and dismissal at 12:45 pm
May 23rd, 2019- Thursday- Staff Lunch/Social hosted by Marc and Nicole- 1:15 pm in lunchroom
May 24th, 2019- Friday- Certified workday AM and staff meeting PM
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Blair- Habit 3: Put first things first
We know that many of our students will be moving over the summer, our fifth grade students will be transitioning to middle school, and our returning students are already discussing how they will miss school over the summer. We always end the year with fun activities for every student. Both staff and students have worked very hard this school year. Thank you for helping to ensure that every student ends the year on a positive note.
Pictures this week include the annual Spring play. A big thank you to the staff that have led that activity and provided a great opportunity for students. Pictures this week also include the annual fifth grade careers on wheels event.
We have pictures from the annual end of the year school picnic. Mrs. Turpin and her two awesome paras planned a fun activity that allowed students to share how they use chop sticks in their home. Students enjoyed eating with chop sticks in a safe and inclusive environment that allowed students to shine as they shared a cultural experience with peers.
We also have great pictures from our new staff room. We remodeled with new furniture and Olive Garden donated a yummy lunch. We have more seating now and I loved seeing staff all squished in together enjoying lunch as they sharpened the saw with their friends:
Pictures This Week
The thought for the day is from Mrs. Dickinson:
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