Meetings/Reminders for the week:
April 16th, 2018- Monday- Eval Team
April 16th, 2018- Monday- Kindergarten registration starts
April 17th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
April 17th, 2018- Tuesday- All 3rd and 4th ELA ISAT- 8:15 am
April 18th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff lighthouse/building leadership team- 3:10 pm in rm #10
April 19th, 2018- Thursday- All 3rd and 4th ELA ISAT- 8:15 am
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Thomason- Habit 6: Synergize
next week: Pauley- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
It's going to be a busy, but really important week. We have both Kindergarten registration and ISAT testing for third and fourth grade students. Feel free to answer the phone if you are by the office.
Please remember that Mrs. Sorensen is starting mindfulness on Monday. It will be before school at 7:45 am. This is open to both staff and students. This is the resource:
I love this article. Every person, regardless of position, needs a mentor. I so appreciate our capacity builder, who might be finishing her last year with us. Ack! If you don't have that one person that you can go to to laugh, to cry, or even to just vent- find that person. Every person regardless of position:
Every Teacher Needs A Mentor
This is an interesting article. While we don't test for dyslexia, there are ideas listed that might be helpful for students who are struggling with reading skills:
Accommodating Students
I love this article and it fits very well with our school goals. College, growth mindset, grit, and beating all the odds stacked in front of you. We get to start with little students, 3-5 years old. Just imagine if all you hear is that you are going to college:
Creating College Going Culture
This is a great check in post about restorative practices and morning meeting:
Building Community With Restorative Circles
For the pictures this week, so many smiling happy students. We have two young men that love wearing ties to school. Speaking of going on, we have pictures from the field trip to Canyon Ridge High School. Students loved the bus just as much as the Synergy show. Kindergarten students had their fifth grade buddies, and it was an awesome field trip.
We also have service leaders beautifying the front area of the school, and we have pictures from our Breakfast with Books family event. We also have eggs. You know it is Spring at Harrison when the eggs and incubators are involved.
We also had two awesome students in second grade lead a school tour for two of our school board members. They shared their leadership notebooks as well:
Pictures This Week
Thought for today:
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