

Tuesday May 1st, 2018

We have fifth grade taking their ELA ISAT test this morning. Thank you for helping to keep that hallway quiet.

Thank you for patience with the office while the secretary is out this week.

This is a great thought for today:


Monday April 30th, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 30th, 2018- Monday- Eval Team

   April 30th, 2018- Monday- Leadership Assembly- 8:05 in gym

   May 1st, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   May 1st, 2018- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday

   May 1st, 2018- Tuesday- All 5th ELA ISAT- 8:15 am

   May 2nd, 2018- Wednesday- School Store
       AM recess: Pauley AM, Enders, and Lancaster
       PM recess: Pauley PM and Parker

   May 3rd, 2018- Thursday- 4th grade Boise field trip

   May 3rd, 2018- Thursday- All 5th ELA ISAT- 8:15 am

   May 4th, 2018- Friday- School Store
       AM recess: Sharp and Kelly
       PM recess: Jolovich, Thomason, and Alexander

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Straubhaar- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

next week: Moore- Habit 1: Be proactive

This article is excellent. It discusses ideas for inclusive and welcoming classrooms. Whatever your position, we all get the opportunity to ensure that every student feels welcomed and included at our school:

The Work of Welcoming

That article above mentions morning morning and this article. While an older article, it still is very much relevant today and it matches what we see in classrooms everyday with morning morning and quality circles:

The Power of Morning Meeting

Every classroom has students who wiggle and struggle with focusing. Even we, as grown adults, can struggle at times. This is a great resource with ideas:

Setting Students with ADHD up for Success

The pictures this week are great examples of learning outside the four traditional walls. Learning is everywhere. On the floor with chromebooks and friends, on the lunchroom floor creating inventions during the after school program, and even outside with STEAM lessons. We also recognized our April leaders of the month:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today:


Friday April 27th, 2018

If you have a few minutes I highly recommend taking a walk outside first grade classrooms. Kindergarten students wrote letters to their future first grade teachers, and their writing skills are impressive. They share what they are excited about and looking forward to in first grade, what they are scared of, their favorite things, and other items they decided to include in their letters. It's a nice gallery walk.

We will be having our April leadership assembly Monday morning.

Have a great weekend:


Thursday April 26th, 2018

We have Math ISAT testing for third and fourth grade this morning, and this is their final day. Students have been great persevering through each test. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet.

The Robotics Expo is tonight from 5:30-8:00.

Thought for today:


Wednesday April 25th, 2018

Please help remind students about the robotics expo on Thursday. Even if students aren't participating they could still attend and be an audience member. It's always a great event to watch and learn.

We have a staff meeting after school today.

Thought for today:


Tuesday April 24th, 2018

You can feel it in the air. It's testing season. All third and fourth grade students will be completing the Math ISAT test this morning. Thank you for helping to keep those hallways quiet.

We talk about mindset often with our students. This is part of habit one, be proactive. This thought for today is very true. Shift your mindset and your whole day can change:


Monday April 23rd, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 23rd, 2018- Monday- Eval Team

   April 24th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   April 24th, 2018- Tuesday- All 3rd and 4th Math ISAT- 8:15 am

   April 25th, 2018- Wednesday- Secretary's Day

   April 25th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   April 26th, 2018- Thursday- All 3rd and 4th Math ISAT- 8:15 am

   April 26th, 2018- Thursday- Robotics Expo- 5:30-8:00 pm

   April 27th, 2018- Friday- Principal's lunch with April student leaders

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Pauley- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

next week: Straubhaar- Habit 8: Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs

The staff meeting agenda this week is all about sharing, learning, and celebrating. This will also help the building leadership team/staff lighthouse with our June planning day.

Our School Professional Development Plan


1. Bridges Math- successes you have noticed this year with the new curriculum, any tips, and any questions that you have for others to assist with.

2. Wonders ELA- successes you have noticed this year, any tips, any questions that you have for others to assist with.

3. Writing- successes you have noticed this year with Thinking Maps, any tips for integrating writing with other content areas, and any questions that you have for others to assist with.

4. Climate/Culture and Social-Emotional: morning meeting/responsive curriculum, Leader in Me, and restorative practices- successes you have noticed this year, any tips, any questions that you have for others to assist with.

The pictures this week include hands on learning for both Math and ELA, art and leadership with Ms. Shea's class, as well as a picture from the morning mindfulness opportunity that has started. Students leaders love assisting with the art projects and it's a great opportunity for students to find their voice. Feel free to join mindfulness before school starts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:45 am. It's a great way to start the morning off on a positive note:

Pictures This Week

This is a great thought for starting the week, both for students and staff:


Friday April 20th, 2018

The current issue of Educational Leadership is all about writing. This is also one of our school goals this year, to improve writing skills. Here is an infographic from ASCD:

Takeaways- Writing Wisdom

Have a great Friday:


Thursday April 19th, 2018

We have 3rd and 4th grade finishing their ELA ISAT test today. Thank you for helping to keep the hallways quiet.

Next week Harrison will be hosting the annual Robotics Expo on Thursday the 26th, from 5:30-8:00 pm. This is a really fun event. We will still have after school program that day if families ask.

Thought for today:


Wednesday April 18th, 2018

We have a staff lighthouse/building leadership team meeting after school in room #10. As we are finishing the last quarter of school, we are starting to look at next year. Everybody is welcome to attend and share any ideas. The action teams will also be sharing updates.

This is a great post. While we can't always make situations better for our students, particularly situations that are out of our circle of control, we can listen and show compassion. We don't only teach academics. We also teach important life skills:

The Value of Compassion in Teaching

What gets you out of bed in the morning? What do you most look forward to? This is a great thought for today:


Tuesday April 17th, 2018

We kick off ISAT testing for 3rd and 4th today. Please help give lots of positive encouragement if you see students in the morning. Please also help keep those hallways quiet.

We have our annual 21st Century grant board meeting tonight. It starts at 5:30 in the library and everybody is welcome to attend. This is a great way to hear what the grant has accomplished, it's purpose, share ideas, and discuss the summer stem camp.

Thought for today:


Monday April 16th, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 16th, 2018- Monday- Eval Team

   April 16th, 2018- Monday- Kindergarten registration starts

   April 17th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   April 17th, 2018- Tuesday- All 3rd and 4th ELA ISAT- 8:15 am

   April 18th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff lighthouse/building leadership team- 3:10 pm in rm #10

   April 19th, 2018- Thursday- All 3rd and 4th ELA ISAT- 8:15 am

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Thomason- Habit 6: Synergize

next week: Pauley- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

It's going to be a busy, but really important week. We have both Kindergarten registration and ISAT testing for third and fourth grade students. Feel free to answer the phone if you are by the office.

Please remember that Mrs. Sorensen is starting mindfulness on Monday. It will be before school at 7:45 am. This is open to both staff and students. This is the resource:


I love this article. Every person, regardless of position, needs a mentor. I so appreciate our capacity builder, who might be finishing her last year with us. Ack! If you don't have that one person that you can go to to laugh, to cry, or even to just vent- find that person. Every person regardless of position:

Every Teacher Needs A Mentor

This is an interesting article. While we don't test for dyslexia, there are ideas listed that might be helpful for students who are struggling with reading skills:

Accommodating Students

I love this article and it fits very well with our school goals. College, growth mindset, grit, and beating all the odds stacked in front of you. We get to start with little students, 3-5 years old. Just imagine if all you hear is that you are going to college:

Creating College Going Culture

This is a great check in post about restorative practices and morning meeting:

Building Community With Restorative Circles

For the pictures this week, so many smiling happy students. We have two young men that love wearing ties to school. Speaking of going on, we have pictures from the field trip to Canyon Ridge High School. Students loved the bus just as much as the Synergy show. Kindergarten students had their fifth grade buddies, and it was an awesome field trip.

We also have service leaders beautifying the front area of the school, and we have pictures from our Breakfast with Books family event. We also have eggs. You know it is Spring at Harrison when the eggs and incubators are involved.

We also had two awesome students in second grade lead a school tour for two of our school board members. They shared their leadership notebooks as well:

Pictures This Week

Thought for today:


Friday April 13th, 2018

The second day of Synergy shows are today at Canyon Ridge. Students who attended on Thursday were excited to share how much they enjoyed attending. Here is the plan for today:

9:00 (time show starts)- AM Kindergarten and 5th Grade

1:00 (time show starts)- 2nd Grade

Hard to believe, we start Fall Kindergarten registration on Monday. Please help remind families, friends, and neighbors. We will also need lots of patience with the office next week. It is going to be busy. Feel free to stop and welcome families to our school if you have a chance.

Be positive. Thought for today:


Thursday April 12th, 2018

The Synergy shows at Canyon Ridge start today. Here is the plan for today:

9:00 (time show starts)- First Grade

1:00 (time show starts)- Third, Fourth, and PM Kindergarten

Thought for today:

                                                                           image source: Rose Walton


Wednesday April 11th, 2018

Breakfast with Books is this morning. The nice part about having different family activities is that there is something for everybody. This activity is great for those who like something on the way to work, instead of evenings.

We have a staff meeting after school in the library.

This is nice positive story about an inclusion activity with children who are refugees. Different country, same similar situation that our students and staff can relate to. Every human being wants to feel like they belong:

Building A Bridge to a Place of Belonging

Here are thoughts from a sunflower. Thought for today:


Tuesday April 10th, 2018

Please help remind students and families about Breakfast with Books on Wednesday. We will also be recognizing readers of the month.

Fifth grade has their Science ISAT this morning. Please help give them positive encouragement if you see them in the morning. Please also help keep that hallway quiet.

Everybody has something unique about them. Be You. Thought for today:

                                                                  image source: @bethhill2829F


Monday April 9th, 2018

Meetings/Reminders for the week:

   April 9th, 2018- Monday- Eval Team

   April 9th, 2018- Monday- 5th grade puberty talk with nurses- 8:15-9:15 am

   April 9th, 2018- Monday- All school spirit wear orders due to the office

   April 10, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS

   April 10th, 2018- Tuesday- 5th grade Science ISAT test

   April 11th, 2018- Wednesday- Breakfast with Books and Readers of the Month family event

   April 11th, 2018- Wednesday- Staff meeting

   April 12th, 2018- Thursday- Canyon Ridge Synergy show

   April 13th, 2018- Friday- Canyon Ridge Synergy show

Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:

   Alexander- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

next week: Thomason- Habit 6: Synergize

Hard to believe, but we are starting ISAT testing this week with 5th grade Science. Please help keep that hallway quiet on Tuesday morning.

The staff meeting agenda:

* Leadership notebooks- bring 1 or 2 for a gallery walk-
             one that met your vision and one that is still growing
* Leader in Me student activity books- grade levels sharing how they have used them this year
              and any successes
* Teacher Vitae goals from evaluations- Marsha and Terri-
              sharing their successes from morning meeting and cross integration of content
* Carnival check in- MaryAnn
* ISAT check in- Melissa

The Canyon Ridge Synergy Show:

Thursday 9 AM: 1st
Thursday 1 PM: 3rd, 4th, and PM Kinders

Friday 9 AM: 5th and AM Kinders
Friday 1 PM: 2nd

The pictures this week include recorder concert pictures from before we left for Spring break. There are also pictures from our monthly leadership assembly. Phenomena is often heard with the new Science standards, and there are pictures of students learning with that focus during the STEAM lessons.

There is one picture of two young ladies who spent most of their recesses on Friday applying for leadership jobs. Some of our school wide leadership roles ask for older students, but I told them to sell themselves and explain why they should have the jobs. Those two awesome ladies were persistent in filling out their applications all on their own. Very impressive.

There are pictures from the weekly leadership art class in our PRC classroom. You should have seen the awesome young men from fifth grade leading. Again, impressive. They are going to go far.

We have one picture from the new leadership academy that occurs during afternoon recess. It is focused on turning behavior around by integrating Leader in Me with students owning/reflecting on their own choices and behaviors.

The highlight of the week was the girls activity, and there are several great pictures from the event. The food was yummy, hats were beautiful, and the nails took a turn in a different different. The vision was dads/favorite Ned painting the nails of the girls, but several dads were good sports and let the girls paint their nails. It was such a fun family night. The best part of the girl and boy nights is always the picture, the special treasure that we give each family. Here are all the pictures:

Pictures This Week

This is a great list:

10 Steps to Create an Engaging Classroom

Thought for today:


Friday April 6th, 2018

The girls activity Thursday night was so fun. A big thank you to everybody who helped in some way. We had smiling faces, yummy food, fun activities, and lovely painted nails proudly displayed by both the girls and their special guy.

Please help remind students and families that all shirts/sweatshirt spirit wear orders are due Monday.

We have Friday fun and the caramel sucker sale today.

Have a great Friday:


Thursday April 5th, 2018

The big event today is the girls activity. We have had girls asking about their annual event for months. The activities planned are super fun. Let the office know if you need help with any preparation or supplies.

I think we are on the right track. As we often say, we are either crying or laughing at Harrison. We have a fun committee, you can usually recognize who is laughing from the office, and there are new ideas often from kids and staff like the leadership academy. The importance for laughter:

How Laughter Makes You a Better Worker

I love this thought for today:


Wednesday April 4th, 2018

We will be reviewing our school wide Title 1 plan after school today. Everybody is welcome to attend. We will be in room 10. If you are new to our school, this is a great opportunity to see the big picture and the blue print that guides what we do everyday.

Please help remind students and families about the caramel apple sucker sale with school store leaders on Friday, as well as the Friday fun activity about dressing fancy/professional.

This is a nice positive post that reminds about the important work that we do every day, even with the one student that seems the hardest. Every student matters. Every staff member gets to join the journey of assisting students to be their very best. And like the article mentions, just like at our school, we always have room for one more:

An Act of Love and a Lifeline to Our Students

Thought for today:


Tuesday April 3rd, 2018

We have our March leadership assembly this morning.

Please help remind students and families about the girls event Thursday, Fancy Nancy and Your Favorite Ned, from 5:30-6:30.

Thought for today: