Meetings/Reminders for the week:
January 29th, 2018- Monday- Leadership assembly 8:05 in the gym
January 29th, 2018- Monday- Eval team
January 30th, 2018- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting/MTSS
January 30th, 2018- Tuesday- Principal's lunch with January student leaders
February 1st, 2018- Thursday- 4th grade hygiene presentation- 2:00 pm
February 2nd, 2018- Friday- Friday fun- clothing from your favorite sports team
February 2nd, 2018- Friday- School store leaders selling slime packets for .50 cents each
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Blair- Habit 4: Think win win
next week: Enders- Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood
The pictures from this last week include leadership, kindness, learning English, STEM, art, and other learning activities. Ms. Blair's classroom visited with a classroom from Louisiana through Empatico as students practiced global learning skills, and we had the spelling bee.
The English classes for adults started this last week, and there has been an impressive turn out. A big thank you to Jenny for applying for the grant, and for the teachers giving of their time to teach. We see our students struggling at times to learn, read, and write English. Imagine as an adult in a brand new country. My grandparents took English classes at the high school my brother later attended, so I have a soft spot for immigrants. Leaders learning:
Pictures This Week
This month's Principal magazine had several articles that related well to our school, like inclusion and the arts. While written for principals, we all have an opportunity to advocate and be involved. Here are a few:
Afterschool learning
Restorative Practices and Behavior
Social-Emotional Skills and Student Success
Preschool is More than Fun and Games
Engineering in the Classroom
On another note. What would we do without every person, every colleague, at our school. Everybody fits, everybody has a place, and everybody is an important piece of the puzzle:
Your Nine Secret Favorite Coworkers
Thought to start us off for the week:
Desmond Tutu
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