

Tuesday March 14th, 2017

We have the recorder concert at 2:10 this afternoon, in the lunchroom.

Please remember that today is an opportunity to vote. That is a special privilege that not everybody in the world has.

We had several new students on Monday. A big help was from four awesome U of I students giving service during their Spring Break. There were additional college students at RS and CR. They are all providing service this week in Twin Falls. I took them all out to dinner Monday night, and they were very appreciative of the opportunity to serve this week. It was an eye opening day at all school levels, especially for those who haven't been in an elementary school for several years. Very few are education majors. The students that were at our school were in awe of your patience, being so welcoming, exposing them to common core standards with a positive experience, the technology that students get to use, and more. Here is more information about the great work they are doing this week:

Alternative Service Break

A great thought for the day:

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