Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Enders
PM Bus: Anderson
Staff Room: Rice
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
March 27th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
March 28th, 2017- Tuesday- Intervention Meeting
March 28th, 2017- Tuesday- Choir singing at care centers- Afternoon
March 29th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
March 30th, 2017- Thursday- Staff Lighthouse/Building Leadership Team: 3:25 in room 16
March 31st, 2017- Friday- Principal's lunch with March student leaders
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Pauley- Habit 6: Synergize
The staff meeting this week will be led by those that attended the Refugee Conference in Boise. They will be sharing what stood out to them.
It was a short week, so just a few pictures from this past week. The pictures are great examples of opportunities that our students receive at Harrison:
Pictures This Week
Every classroom has students who struggle with managing emotions. Every student, and every adult, has moments that could benefit from a kind person. Everybody needs somebody that is a positive support for them. This article reminds about being creative when situations arise, instead of traditional discipline, and often it starts with having a positive rapport with students:
A Toolkit for Students in Crisis
This article is a great reminder of the importance for STEM. The careers for our students in twenty years may not be known, but all students will need STEM skills regardless of the job. All students need to have critical thinking skills, the ability to problem solve, the ability to add creativity and design to any presentation, speaking skills, and more. This article also mentions the importance of exposing girls to STEM, but think of exposing all students. This could be any students under represented, like students with disabilities, second language learners, or even living in poverty. The article talks about high school students, which happens to be the high school I attended, but STEM exposure really starts with elementary students like our kids:
STEM and Blended Learning
Our school wide goal, WIG, is increasing reading with students. Reading is a lifelong skill. These two articles may focus on boys and girls, but look deeper. We need to find that which gets the attention of students, thinking differently, the hook, to get students interested in reading. This isn't just traditional books, but any type of text. This could be online like with blogs or online books, could be cookbooks or graphic novels, or even magazines:
Books N Bros Reading Club
Nerdy Girls Book Club
This image reminds of three important parts to include with a positive school culture and climate, which includes places like classrooms, hallways, the lunchroom, and the playground:
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