Duties for the week:
AM Bus: Sharp
PM Bus: Schroeder
Staff Room: Sorensen
Meetings/Reminders for the week:
February 6th-10th, 2017- Monday-Friday- School Counselor Week
February 6th-7th, 2017- Monday-Tuesday: Refugee Conference in Boise
February 6th, 2017- Monday- Eval Team
February 6th, 2017- Monday- We Are Monsters Spring Musical play practice starts after school
February 7th-8th, 2017- Tuesday-Wednesday: Leader in Me Symposium in Las Vegas
February 7th, 2017- Tuesday- Tie Tuesday
February 7th, 2017- Tuesday- 1st Grade Art lunch in library
February 8th, 2017- Wednesday- Staff Meeting
February 9th, 2017- Thursday- 2nd Grade Wax Museum Practice in gym, 10:15-11:00
February 9th, 2017- Thursday- Leadership Day, 1:00-3:00
Habit of the week/Classroom leading morning announcements:
Sharp- Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
The first part of the week will have several guest teachers. Please help them feel welcomed.
Thank you to all the staff members that have spent time assisting students with their parts and task assignments for Leadership Day. The mentoring from staff, and the real life skill practice, are great opportunities for students.
The staff meeting this week will have Ms. Shea sharing what she learned from a recent Autism training.
The pictures this last week are great examples of leadership. We had students completing leadership roles, putting first things first with tutoring, cooking, preschool students singing, career exploration, our January family of the month, and more:
Pictures This Week
Here is the weekly post to share with families:
Weekly Schedule and Notes for Families
This thought is a great reminder that students need to be taught behavior expectations, and receive interventions, just like with ELA and Math. Just like reading growth can be at a slower pace, so can behavior improvements. Social and emotional learning is just as important as content areas, and patience is important:
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